# To use a translation, set 'lang' in the pisg configuration file, e.g.: # # # # to get a page in Danish. # # Translations in this file with current maintainers: # # (EN) English # (DE) German - Christoph Berg (2005-07-28) # (NO) Norwegian - Andreas Blaafladt # (PT) Portuguese - MrWho # (PT_BR) Portuguese/BR(Brazil) - francisco lopes # (DA) Danish - Morten Brix Pedersen # (FR) French - Molator # (ES) Spanish - Sheuron Azxe # last update: 2005-01-14 by Anonymous # (PL) Polish - Gandalf the Grey # (NL_BE) Flemish - Tiniduske (2004-10-15) # (NL) Dutch - Jeroen van Nimwegen (2005-02-17) # (SE) Swedish - Andreas Henriksson (2005-01-12) # (FI) Finnish - Kirler@paincreators # last update: Mikko Nissinen (2005-07-10) # (SI) Slovenian - Ales Tepina (2005-01-09: bounces) # (HU) Hungarian - Gyuri Horak (2005-01-09: bounces) # (EE) Estonian - Hannes Tarien (2005-09-06) # (IT) Italian - Michele Venturi (2005-04-29) # (CA) Catalan - Nikoru Kimochi (2005-01-09: bounces) # (TR) Turkish - cti- (2005-01-09: bounces) # (RO) Romanian - Parcalabior Vald # (IS) Icelandic - Birkir Hreinsson # (CZ) Czech - Jaroslav Ostadal (2005-01-14: bounces) # last update: Pavel Kouril (2006-04-30) # (SK) Slovak - Gabriel Svajko # (RU) Russian - Anton Tretiakov # (GR) Greek - Konstantinos Tzanidis (2005-07-22) # (HE) Hebrew - Shimi # (BG) Bulgarian - Dimitar (2005-01-24) # last update: elseif (2005-02-19) # (YU) Serbian - Garp # (SQ) Albanian - h3li0s # # A list of charsets is at http://www.w3.org/International/O-charset-list.html. ### English mostop1 = "[:nick] donated [:ops] ops in the channel..." mostop2 = "[:nick] was also very polite: [:ops] ops from [:him:her:]." mostop3 = "Strange, no op was given on [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] is the channel sheriff with [:deops] deops." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deoped [:deops] users." mostdeop3 = "Wow, no op was taken on [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] donated [:voices] voices in the channel..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] was also very polite: [:voices] voices from [:him:her:]." mostvoice3 = "Strange, no voices were given on [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] likes taking voice from people, [:devoices] devoices." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] was close to the same, devoiced [:devoices] users." mostdevoice3 = "No voices were taken on [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] donated [:halfops] halfops in the channel..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] was also very polite: [:halfops] halfops from [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Strange, no halfop was given on [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] is the channel sheriff with [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfoped [:dehalfops] users." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, no halfop was taken on [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] always lets us know what [:he:she:]'s doing: [:actions] actions!" action2 = "Also, [:nick] tells us what's up with [:actions] actions." action3 = "No actions in [:channel]!" actiontext = "For example, like this:
     [:line]" question1 = "Is [:nick] stupid or just asking too many questions? [:per]% lines contained a question!" question2 = "[:nick] didn't know that much either. [:per]% of [:his:her:] lines were questions." question3 = "Nobody asked questions here; just geniuses in this channel?" shout1 = "The loudest one was [:nick], who yelled [:per]% of the time!" shout2 = "Another old yeller was [:nick], who shouted [:per]% of the time!" shout3 = "Nobody shouted at all, wow." allcaps1 = "It seems that [:nick]'s shift-key is hanging: [:per]% of the time [:he:she:] wrote UPPERCASE." allcaps2 = "[:nick] just forgot to deactivate [:his:her:] Caps-Lock. [:He:She:] wrote UPPERCASE [:per]% of the time." allcaps3 = "Everybody had their shift-key under control. :)" allcapstext = "For example, like this:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] is a very aggressive person. [:He:She:] attacked others [:attacks] times." violent2 = "[:nick] can't control [:his:her:] aggressions, either. [:He:She:] picked on others [:attacks] times." violent3 = "Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly." violenttext = "For example, like this:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Poor [:nick], nobody likes [:him:her:]. [:He:She:] was attacked [:attacks] times." attacked2 = "[:nick] seems to be unliked too. [:He:She:] got beaten [:attacks] times." attackedtext = "For example, like this:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] wasn't very popular, getting kicked [:kicks] times!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] seemed to be hated too: [:kicks] kicks were received." kicktext = "For example, like this:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] couldn't decide whether to stay or go. [:joins] joins during this reporting period!" kick1 = "[:nick] is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of [:kicked] people!" kick2 = "[:oldnick]'s faithful follower, [:nick], kicked about [:kicked] people." kick3 = "Nice opers here, no one got kicked!" words1 = "[:nick] spoke a total of [:words] words!" words2 = "[:oldnick]'s faithful follower, [:nick], didn't speak so much: [:words] words." words3 = "Nobody said anything... What a strange channel..." mono1 = "[:nick] talks to [:him:her:]self a lot. [:He:She:] wrote over 5 lines in a row [:monos] times!" mono2 = "Another lonely one was [:nick], who managed to hit [:monos] times." wpl1 = "[:nick] wrote an average of [:wpl] words per line." wpl2 = "Channel average was [:avg] words per line." long1 = "[:nick] wrote the longest lines, averaging [:letters] letters per line." long2 = "[:channel] average was [:avg] letters per line." short1 = "[:nick] wrote the shortest lines, averaging [:letters] characters per line." short2 = "[:nick] was tight-lipped, too, averaging [:letters] characters." foul1 = "[:nick] has quite a potty mouth. [:per]% words were foul language." foul2 = "[:nick] also makes sailors blush, [:per]% of the time." foul3 = "Nobody is foul-mouthed in [:channel]! Get out much?" foultext = "For example, like this:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] brings happiness to the world. [:per]% lines contained smiling faces. :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] isn't a sad person either, smiling [:per]% of the time." smiles3 = "Nobody smiles in [:channel]! Cheer up guys and girls." sad1 = "[:nick] seems to be sad at the moment: [:per]% lines contained sad faces. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] is also a sad person, crying [:per]% of the time." sad3 = "Nobody is sad in [:channel]! What a happy channel. :-)" month = "January February March April May June July August September October November December" day = "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Big numbers" othernumtopic = "Other interesting numbers" latesttopic = "Latest Topics" activetimestopic = "Most active times" activenickstopic = "Most active nicks" activenickbyhourtopic = "Most active nicks by hours" mostwordstopic = "Most used words" referencetopic = "Most referenced nicks" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" urlstopic = "Most referenced URLs" chartstopic = "[:channel] Music Charts" notopic = "A topic was never set on this channel." mostnickstopic = "Users with most nicknames" bylinetopic = "[:date] at [:time] by [:nick]" dailyactivitytopic = "Daily activity (last [:n] days)" activegenderstopic = "Most active gender" ## Other text totallines = "Total number of lines: [:lines]." totalnicks = "By the way, there were [:totalnicks] other nicks." totaltopic = "The topic was set [:total] times." nick = "Nick" names = "Names Used" url = "URL" numberlines = "Number of lines" randquote = "Random quote" userpic = "Userpic" nottop = "These didn't make it to the top:" word = "Word" numberuses = "Number of Uses" show_words = "Number of Words" show_time = "When?" show_wpl = "Words per line" show_cpl = "Chars per line" show_lastseen = "Last seen" lastused = "Last Used by" smiley = "Smiley" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Good karma by" badkarma = "Bad karma by" lastseen1 = "yesterday" lastseen2 = "[:days] days ago" today = "today" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] stats by [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistics generated on " pagetitle3 = "During this [:days]-day reporting period, a total of [:nicks] different nicks were represented on [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats generated by [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg by [:author_url] and others" stats_gen_in = "Stats generated in [:time]" hours = "hours" minutes = "minutes" seconds = "seconds" and = "and" names1 = "names" names2 = "name" gender = "Gender" gender_f = "Female" gender_m = "Male" gender_b = "Bot" song = "Song" numberplayed = "How Often Played" playedby = "Last Played by" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Go to the pisg homepage" authorhomepage = "Go to the authors homepage" newwindow = "Open in new window:" mailto = "Mail to"
### German mostop1 = "[:nick] vergab [:ops] Ops im Channel..." mostop2 = "[:nick] war auch sehr zuvorkommend: [:ops] von [:ihm:ihr:]." mostop3 = "Komisch, kein Op wurde in [:channel] vergeben!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] ist die Channel-Polizei. [:Er:Sie:] hat [:deops] Usern das @ wieder weggenommen..." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] nahm [:deops] Usern das @ wieder weg." mostdeop3 = "Wow, niemand wurde deopped in [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] empfand sehr viele Leute als hilfreich. [:Er:Sie:] hat [:halfops] Usern ein % verpasst..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] verteilte [:halfops] mal Halfop." mosthalfop3 = "Keiner hat in [:channel] bis jetzt ein % bekommen!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] hat am meisten User dehalfopped: genau [:dehalfops] Stueck an der Zahl." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] hat immerhin schon [:dehalfops] Usern das % wieder geklaut." mostdehalfop3 = "Bis jetzt wurde in [:channel] keinem das % weggenommen!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] hat [:voices] Voices im Channel vergeben..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] war auch sehr hflich: [:voices] Voices von [:ihm:ihr:]." mostvoice3 = "Seltsam, bisher wurden keine Voices in [:channel] vergeben!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] ist der Wachtmeister des Channels mit [:devoices] devoices." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] hat [:devoices] Nutzer devoiced." mostdevoice3 = "Wow, keine devoices in [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] hlt uns immer auf dem Laufenden, was [:er:sie:] gerade macht: [:actions] Actions!" action2 = "Auch [:nick] vert uns, was los ist: [:actions] Actions von [:ihm:ihr:]." action3 = "Keine Actions in [:channel]!" actiontext = "Zum Beispiel so:
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] hat wohl in der Schule nicht gut aufgepasst... [:per]% [:seiner:ihrer:] Zeilen enthielten eine Frage!" question2 = "[:nick] weiss wohl auch nicht viel, [:per]% [:seiner:ihrer:] Zeilen waren Fragen." question3 = "Niemand hat hier was gefragt, sollte das etwa ein Channel voller Genies sein? ;)" shout1 = "Am lautesten war [:nick] [:der:die:] [:per]% der Zeit geschrien hat!" shout2 = "Ein anderer Schreihals war [:nick] [:der:die:] [:per]% der Zeit rumgeschrien hat!" shout3 = "Niemand hat ein Ausrufezeichen benutzt, wow... Zurckhaltende User im Channel ;)" allcaps1 = "Anscheinend klemmte die Shift-Taste von [:nick], denn [:per]% der Zeit schrieb [:er:sie:] in GROSSBUCHSTABEN." allcaps2 = "[:nick] hat auch wohl vergessen CAPS-Lock auszuschalten, von [:ihm:ihr:] kamen [:per]% der Zeit GROSSBUCHSTABEN." allcaps3 = "Alle hatten ihre Shift-Taste gut unter kontrolle :)" allcapstext = "Zum Beispiel so:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] ist etwas agressiv. [:Er:Sie:] schlug [:attacks] mal wild um sich herum." violent2 = "Auch [:nick] hat einige Probleme [:seine:ihre:] Agressionen unter Kontrolle zu halten, [:attacks] Schlge von [:ihm:ihr:]." violent3 = "Alle waren friedlich im Channel, niemand hat jemanden geschlagen." violenttext = "Zum Beispiel so:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "[:nick] ist der Sndenbock im Channel, [:er:sie:] wurde [:attacks] mal geschlagen." attacked2 = "[:nick] hat auch [:sein:ihr:] Fett weg bekommen, [:er:sie:] hat [:attacks] mal Schlge bekommen." attackedtext = "Zum Beispiel so:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] war wohl der Channelclown, [:er:sie:] wurde [:kicks] mal gekickt!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] konnte sich scheinbar auch nicht benehmen, [:kicks] kicks fr [:ihn:sie:]." kicktext = "Zum Beispiel so:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] konnte sich nicht entscheiden im Channel zu bleiben oder zu gehen, [:joins] Joins whrend des Statistik-Zeitraums!" kick1 = "Ist [:nick] jetzt einfach nur ein fairer Op oder macht [:ihm:ihr:] das Spass? [:Er:Sie:] kickte [:kicked] User!" kick2 = "[:oldnick]s wrdiger Nachfolger, [:nick], [:er:sie:] kickte [:kicked] User." kick3 = "Nette Opper hier, niemand wurde gekickt!" words1 = "[:nick] war mit [:words] Worten sehr mitteilungsbedrftig!" words2 = "[:oldnick]s wrdiger Nachfolger, [:nick], schaffte es auf immerhin [:words] Worte." words3 = "Niemand hat etwas gesagt? Seltsamer Channel..." mono1 = "[:nick] spricht viel mit sich selbst, [:er:sie:] schrieb ber 5 Zeilen in einer Reihe und das [:monos] mal!" mono2 = "Ein anderes einsames Herz ist [:nick], [:der:die:] [:monos] mal mit sich selbst redete." wpl1 = "[:nick] schrieb im Schnitt [:wpl] Worte pro Zeile..." wpl2 = "Der Channeldurchschnitt lag bei [:avg] Worten/Zeile." long1 = "[:nick] ist die Labertasche im Channel. [:Er:Sie:] schrieb die lngste Zeile mit durchschnittlich [:letters] Buchstaben pro Zeile." long2 = "Channel-Durchschnitt in [:channel] war [:avg] Buchstaben pro Zeile." short1 = "[:nick] ist nicht sehr mitteilungsbedrftig. [:Er:Sie:] schrieb die krzeste Zeile mit durchschnittlich [:letters] Buchstaben pro Zeile." short2 = "[:nick] fasste sich auch sehr kurz, durchschnittlich [:letters] Buchstaben pro Zeile." foul1 = "[:nick] hat in [:seiner:ihrer:] Jugend keine Erziehung genossen, [:per]% von dem was [:er:sie:] sagte waren Schimpfworte!" foul2 = "[:nick] war [:per]% der Zeit unartig (Ob da der Weihnachtsmann noch kommt?)" foul3 = "Alle gut erzogen in [:channel], niemand hat Schimpfworte benutzt!" foultext = "Zum Beispiel so:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] ist ein frhlicher Mensch, [:per]% [:seiner:ihrer:] Zeilen enthielt ein frhliches Smily :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] scheint auch glcklich zu sein. [:Er:Sie:] lchelte [:per]% der Zeit." smiles3 = "Niemand lchelt in [:channel]! Los Leute, legt mal wieder ein Lcheln auf :)" sad1 = "[:nick] scheint im Moment nicht gut drauf zu sein, [:per]% [:seiner:ihrer:] Zeilen enthielten ein trauriges Smily :(" sad2 = "[:nick] ist auch eine traurige Person, die [:per]% der Zeit geweint hat." sad3 = "Niemand ist traurig in [:channel]! Was fr ein frhlicher Channel :)" month = "Januar Februar Mrz April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember" day = "Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Die Zahlen sprechen fr sich :)" othernumtopic = "Andere interessante Zahlen" latesttopic = "Letzte Topics" activetimestopic = "Wann war am meisten los?" activenickstopic = "Wer quatscht am meisten?" activenickbyhourtopic = "Wer war wann am aktivsten?" mostwordstopic = "Am meisten benutzte Wrter" referencetopic = "Begehrte Nicks :)" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" karmatopic = "[:channel]-Karma" urlstopic = "Am meisten benutzte URLs" chartstopic = "Ohrwrmer auf [:channel]" notopic = "In diesem Channel wurde kein Topic gesetzt." bylinetopic = "[:date] um [:time] von [:nick]" dailyactivitytopic = "Tgliche Aktivitt (letzte [:n] Tage)" mostnickstopic = "Chatter mit den meisten Nicks" activegenderstopic = "Aktivste Geschlechter" ## Other text totallines = "Gesamtanzahl der Zeilen: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Ach ja, da waren noch [:totalnicks] andere, die nicht erwhnenswert sind." totaltopic = "Ingesamt wurde das Topic [:total] mal gesetzt." nick = "Nick" names = "Benutzte Namen" url = "URL" numberlines = "Anzahl der Zeilen" randquote = "Zufallsquote" userpic = "Userbild" nottop = "Sie haben es nicht an die Spitze geschafft:" word = "Wort" show_words = "Anzahl der Worte" show_time = "Wann?" show_wpl = "Worte pro Zeile" show_cpl = "Zeichen pro Zeile" numberuses = "Wie oft benutzt" show_lastseen = "Zuletzt gesehen" lastused = "Zuletzt benutzt von" smiley = "Smiley" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Gutes Karma von" badkarma = "Schleches Karma von" lastseen1 = "gestern" lastseen2 = "vor [:days] Tagen" today = "heute" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network]-Stats erstellt von [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistik erstellt am " pagetitle3 = "Whrend des Statistikzeitraums von [:days] Tage(n) wurden [:nicks] verschiedene Nicks in [:channel] gezhlt." stats_gen_by = "Die Statistik wurde mit [:pisg_url] v[:version] erstellt." author = "pisg von [:author_url] und anderen" stats_gen_in = "Die Statistik wurde in [:time] generiert." hours = "Stunden" minutes = "Minuten" seconds = "Sekunden" and = "und" names1 = "Nicks" names2 = "Nick" gender = "Geschlecht" gender_f = "Weiblich" gender_m = "Mnnlich" gender_b = "Bot" song = "Song" numberplayed = "Wie oft gespielt" playedby = "Zuletzt gespielt von" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "pisg-Homepage ffnen" authorhomepage = "Homepage des Autors ffnen" newwindow = "In einem neuen Fenster ffnen:" mailto = "Mail an"
### Danish mostop1 = "[:nick] gav [:ops] op status i kanalen..." mostop2 = "[:nick] var ogs venlig at gi': [:ops] fra sig" mostop3 = "Underligt, ingen har fet op p [:channel] endnu!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] holder orden p [:channel] med [:deops] deops..." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deoppede [:deops] brugere" mostdeop3 = "Hmm, der var ingen som blev deopped p [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] gav [:voices] voice i kanalen..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] var ogs venlig at gi': [:voices] fra sig" mostvoice3 = "Underligt, ingen har fet voice p [:channel] endnu!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] holder orden p [:channel] med [:devoices] -v's" mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] devoicede [:devoices] brugere" mostdevoice3 = "Hmm, der var ingen som blev devoiced p [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] gav [:halfops] halfop status i kanalen..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] var ogs venlig at gi': [:halfops] halfops fra sig" mosthalfop3 = "Underligt, ingen har fet halfop p [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] er kanal sheriffen med [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] fjernede halfop fra [:dehalfops] brugere." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, ingen halfop blev taget fra nogen p [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] bruger /me meget tit, ialt [:actions] gange!" action2 = "[:nick] fortller os ogs hvad [:han:hun:] laver.. [:actions] /me's" action3 = "Ingen /me's i [:channel] !" actiontext = "For eksempel sdan her:
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] m vre rimelig dum eller efterligner bare Sprge-Jrgen... [:per]% af [:hans:hendes:] linjer var sprgsml!" question2 = "[:nick] var heller ingen Einstein, [:per]% af [:hans:hendes:] linjer var ogs sprgsml" question3 = "Ingen sprgsml p denne kanal. De m srme vre kloge!" shout1 = "Den mest larmende var [:nick], som rbte [:per]% af tiden!" shout2 = "En anden skrigehals var [:nick], som rbte [:per]% af tiden!" shout3 = "Der er ingen som rber. Leger de stilleleg?" gotkick1 = "[:nick] er ret upopulr, blev sparket ud [:kicks] gange!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] er heller ikke nogen Elvis, [:kicks] gange fik [:han:hun:] sparket" kicktext = "F.eks. sdan her:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] er lidt forvirret. [:Han:Hun:] har vret inde og ude af kanalen [:joins] gange!" kick1 = "[:nick] er magtsygt eller ved hvordan [:han:hun:] skal kontrollere sine fjender. [:Han:Hun:] har sparket [:kicked] folk ud af kanalen!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] har en efterflger. [:nick] sparkede [:kicked] folk ud af kanalen" kick3 = "Venlige operatrer m man sige. Ingen har fet sparket!" mono1 = "[:nick] snakker meget med sig selv. [:Han:Hun:] har skrevet over 5 linjer p en gang, [:monos] gange!" mono2 = "En anden ensom person var [:nick], som snakkede til sig selv [:monos] gange" wpl1 = "[:nick] skrev i gennemsnit [:wpl] ord pr. linje.." wpl2 = "Kanalens gennemsnit var [:avg] ord pr. linje." long1 = "[:nick] skriver meget lange stninger. Gennemsnittet var [:letters] bogstaver pr. linje..." long2 = "Gennemsnittet p [:channel] er [:avg] bogstaver pr. linje" short1 = "[:nick] skrev de korteste linjer. Gennemsnittet er [:letters] bogstaver pr. linje..." short2 = "[:nick] skriver ogs korte linjer, med et gennesnit p [:letters]" foul1 = "[:nick] er lidt stor i munden, [:per]% af ordene var uhfligt sprog" foul2 = "[:nick] burde ogs vaske munden med sbe med alt det [:han:hun:] fyrer af, [:per]% af tiden" foul3 = "Ingen rapkftede p [:channel]!" foultext = "For eksempel sdan her:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] er altid glad, [:per]% af linjerne havde glade ansigter :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] er heller ikke en trist person, som smilede [:per]% af tiden" smiles3 = "Ingen smiler p [:channel]! Op med humret drenge og piger." sad1 = "[:nick] er meget ked af det for tiden, [:per]% af linjerne havde srgelige ansigter :(" sad2 = "[:nick] er ogs en trist person, som grd [:per]% af tiden" sad3 = "Ingen er kede af det p [:channel]! Sikke en glad kanal :-)" allcaps1 = "Ser ud til at [:nick] har en voldsom trang til at rbe konstant, [:per]% af de gange [:han:hun:] skrev var med stort" allcaps2 = "[:nick] glemte vidst at Caps-Lock var slet til, [:per]% af de gange [:han:hun:]han skrev var med stort" allcaps3 = "Ser ud til at alle har deres shift under kontrol :)" allcapstext = "For eksempel sdan her:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] er en meget aggresiv person, [:han:hun:] delte [:attacks] slaps ud." violent2 = "[:nick] er ude af kontrol. [:Han:Hun:] slog andre folk [:attacks] gang(e)." violent3 = "Alle er glade ... endnu 8)" violenttext = "For eksempel sdan her:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "rgeligt. Ingen kan li' [:nick]. [:Han:Hun:] blev banket [:attacks] gange." attacked2 = "[:nick] er vidst heller ikke for polulr, [:han:hun:] fik tsk [:attacks] gang(e)." attackedtext = "For eksempel sdan her:
     [:line]" words1 = "[:nick] er meget aktiv med [:words] skrevne ord!" words2 = "[:oldnick] blev tt forfulgt af [:nick], med [:words] ord." words3 = "Hmmm ingen har sagt noget endnu... underlig kanal..." month = "Januar Februar Marts April Maj Juni Juli August September Oktober November December" day = "Sndag Mandag Tirsdag Onsdag Torsdag Fredag Lrdag" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Store numre" othernumtopic = "Andre interessante numre" latesttopic = "Sidst nyeste topics" activetimestopic = "Mest aktive tider" activenickstopic = "Mest aktive nicks" activenickbyhourtopic = "Mest aktive nicks i timer" mostwordstopic = "Mest brugte ord" referencetopic = "Mest tiltalte nicks" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" urlstopic = "Mest brugte URLs" notopic = "Et topic blev aldrig sat p denne kanal." mostnickstopic = "Brugere med flest nicks" bylinetopic = "[:date] kl. [:time] af [:nick]" dailyactivitytopic = "Daglig aktivitet (sidste [:n] dage)" activegenderstopic = "Mest aktive kn" smileytopic = "Smiley'er :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Musik hitliste" ## Other text totallines = "Hele antal linjer: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Forresten var der [:totalnicks] andre nicks" totaltopic = "Topic'et blev sat [:total] gange" nick = "Nick" names = "Navne Brugt" url = "URL" numberlines = "Antal linjer" randquote = "Tilfldig stning" userpic = "Brugerbillede" nottop = "Disse nede ikke til tops:" word = "Ord" numberuses = "Antal forbrug" show_words = "Antal af ord" show_time = "Hvornr?" show_wpl = "Ord pr. linje" show_cpl = "Bogstaver pr. linje" show_lastseen = "Sidst set" lastused = "Sidst brugt af" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "God karma af" badkarma = "Drlig karma af" lastseen1 = "i gr" lastseen2 = "[:days] dage siden" today = "I dag" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] statistikker af [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistikker genereret " pagetitle3 = "Igennem denne [:days]-dages periode, har der vret [:nicks] forskellige nicks p [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats genereret af [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg af [:author_url] og andre" stats_gen_in = "Stats genereret p [:time]" hours = "timer" minutes = "minutter" seconds = "sekunder" and = "og" names1 = "nicks" names2 = "nick" gender = "Kn" gender_f = "Hun" gender_m = "Han" gender_b = "Bot" numberplayed = "Hvor ofte spillet" song = "Sang" playedby = "Sidst spillet af" smiley = "Smiley" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "G til pisg hjemmesiden" authorhomepage = "G til forfatterens hjemmeside" newwindow = "ben i nyt vindue:" mailto = "Mail til"
### French mostop1 = "[:nick] a donn [:ops] ops sur le canal..." mostop2 = "[:nick] est aussi trs poli[::e:(e):] : [:ops] ops de sa part." mostop3 = "Etrange, aucun op n'a t donn sur [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] est l[:e:a:e:] sherif du canal avec [:deops] deops..." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] a deop [:deops] utilisateurs." mostdeop3 = "Wow, aucun op n'a t retir sur [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] a donn [:halfops] halfops sur le canal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] est aussi trs poli[::e:(e):] : [:halfops] halfops de sa part." mosthalfop3 = "Etrange, aucun halfop n'a t donn sur [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] est l[:e:a:] sherif du canal avec [:dehalfops] dehalfops..." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] a dehalfop [:dehalfops] utilisateurs." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, aucun halfop n'a t retir sur [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] a donn [:voices] fois le +v sur le canal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] est aussi trs poli[::e:(e):]: [:voices] +v de sa part." mostvoice3 = "C'est curieux, on n'a jamais donn un seul +v sur [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] est l[:e:a:] sherif du canal avec [:devoices] -v." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] a dvoic [:devoices] personnes." mostdevoice3 = "Wow, aucun +v n'a t retir sur [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] aime bien faire savoir ce qu'[:il:elle:] fait, avec [:actions] actions !" action2 = "Egalement [:nick] qui n'est pas en reste avec [:actions] actions !" action3 = "Aucune action sur [:channel] !" actiontext = "Exemple :
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] est soit stupide soit trop curieu[:x:se:x(se):]... [:per]% de ses lignes contiennent une question !" question2 = "[:nick] n'en connait pas davantage, [:per]% de ses lignes taient des questions." question3 = "Personne ne pose de question ici, tous des gnies sur ce channel?" shout1 = "[:Le:La:] plus bruyant[::e:(e):] est [:nick] qui gueule [:per]% du temps !" shout2 = "[:nick] est aussi un[::e:(e):] [:vieux raleur:mgre:] qui braille [:per]% du temps !" shout3 = "Personne ne s'exclame ici, wow." allcaps1 = "Il semblerait que le CAPS-LOCK soit bloqu chez [:nick], qui crit en majuscule [:per]% du temps." allcaps2 = "[:nick] a oubli de dsactiver son CAPS-LOCK, qui crit en majuscule [:per]% du temps." allcaps3 = "Tous les CAPS-LOCK sont sous contrle :)" allcapstext = "Exemple :
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] est une personne agressive, qui a dja slapp [:attacks] fois quelqu'un." violent2 = "[:nick] ne peut controller son agressivit, en slappant [:attacks] fois quelqu'un." violent3 = "Personne ne slappe, tout le monde est sympa." violenttext = "Exemple :
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Pvre [:nick], personne ne l'aime, en tant slapp[::e:(e):] [:attacks] fois." attacked2 = "[:nick] n'as pas l'air apprci[::e:(e):] non plus, qui a dj t slapp[::e:(e):] [:attacks] fois." attackedtext = "Exemple :
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] n'est pas trs populaire, kick[::e:(e):] [:kicks] fois !" gotkick2 = "[:nick] n'a pas d'ami non plus, [:kicks] kicks reus." kicktext = "Exemple :
     [:line]" joins = "Rester ou partir est un choix difficile : [:nick] a fait [:joins] visites durant cette priode !" kick1 = "[:nick] est malade ou alors aime bien jouer, son kick a svi [:kicked] fois !" kick2 = "Un[::e:] disciple de [:oldnick], [:nick] a kick [:kicked] personnes." kick3 = "Les ops sont sympas ici, personne n'a t kick !" words1 = "[:nick] a dit un total de [:words] mots !" words2 = "Et juste derrire [:oldnick], [:nick], avec quand mme : [:words] mots son actif." words3 = "Personne ne dit rien... quel channel trange..." mono1 = "[:nick] se parle tout[::e:(e):] seul[::e:(e):] trs souvent, en crivant plus de 5 lignes d'un coup [:monos] reprises !" mono2 = "Un[::e:(e):] autre incompris[::e:(e):] est [:nick], qui a tent de se prendre la tte [:monos] reprises." wpl1 = "[:nick] crit en moyenne [:wpl] mots par ligne..." wpl2 = "La moyenne du channel est de [:avg] mots par ligne." long1 = "[:nick] a crit des lignes bien longues ! [:letters] lettres par ligne !" long2 = "La moyenne sur [:channel] est de [:avg] lettres par ligne." short1 = "[:nick] a crit les lignes les plus courtes, avec en moyenne [:letters] lettres par ligne..." short2 = "[:nick] n'a pas grand chose dire non plus, en moyenne [:letters]." foul1 = "[:nick] est bien vulgaire, [:per]% de ses mots etaient des gros mots." foul2 = "[:nick] parle aussi comme un charretier, [:per]% du temps." foul3 = "Personne n'est grossier sur [:channel] ! Pendant combien de temps encore ?" foultext = "Exemple :
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] apporte un peu de gaiet dans le monde, [:per]% de ses lignes contiennent un smiley :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] n'est pas triste non plus, qui sourit [:per]% du temps." smiles3 = "Personne ne sourit sur [:channel] ! Allez faites un effort quoi !" sad1 = "[:nick] semble un peu dprim[::e:(e):] en ce moment, [:per]% de ses lignes contiennent un smiley :(" sad2 = "[:nick] est aussi bien triste, en pleurant [:per]% du temps." sad3 = "Personne n'est triste sur [:channel] ! Quel channel merveilleux :-)" month = "Janvier Fvrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Aot Septembre Octobre Novembre Dcembre" day = "Dimanche Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Les gros chiffres" othernumtopic = "D'autres chiffres intressants" latesttopic = "Les derniers topics" activetimestopic = "Les priodes d'intense activit" activenickstopic = "Les nicks les plus actifs" activenickbyhourtopic = "Les nicks les plus actifs par heures" mostwordstopic = "Les mots les plus utiliss" referencetopic = "Les nicks les plus utiliss dans la conversation" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" karmatopic = "Le karma de [:channel]" urlstopic = "Les URLs les plus cites" notopic = "Il n'y a jamais eu de topic sur ce channel" mostnickstopic = "Ceux qui ont le plus de nicks" bylinetopic = "[:date] par [:nick] [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Activit journalire (des [:n] derniers jours)" activegenderstopic = "Le sexe dominant" chartstopic = "[:channel] Hit parade des chansons" ## Other text totallines = "Nombre total de lignes: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Il y a galement eu [:totalnicks] autres nicks sur le channel" totaltopic = "Il y a eu [:total] topics diffrents sur le channel" nick = "Nick" names = "Les diffrents nicks utiliss" url = "URL" numberlines = "Nb de lignes" randquote = "Citation typique" userpic = "Image" nottop = "Ne sont pas dans le classement" word = "Mot" numberuses = "Nb d'occurences" show_words = "Nb de Mots" show_time = "Quand ?" show_wpl = "Mots par ligne" show_cpl = "Lettres par ligne" show_lastseen = "Dernire venue" lastused = "Dernire utilisation par" smiley = "Smiley" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Bon karma par" badkarma = "Mauvais karma par" lastseen1 = "hier" lastseen2 = "avant [:days] jours" today = "Aujourd'hui" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] stats par [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistiques gnres le " pagetitle3 = "Durant cette periode de [:days] jours, [:nicks] nicks diffrents sont apparus sur [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats gnres par [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg de [:author_url] et autres" stats_gen_in = "Stats gnres en [:time]" hours = "heures" minutes = "minutes" seconds = "secondes" and = "et" names1 = "noms" names2 = "nom" gender = "Sexe" gender_f = "Femme" gender_m = "Homme" gender_b = "Bot" numberplayed = "Jou combien de fois" song = "Chanson" playedby = "Joue la dernire fois par" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Aller sur le site de pisg" authorhomepage = "Aller sur le site de l'auteur" newwindow = "Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fentre :" mailto = "Envoyer un mail"
### Spanish mostop1 = "[:nick] ha dado [:ops] ops en el canal..." mostop2 = "[:nick] tambin reparte ensaimadas: [:ops] nada menos." mostop3 = "An no se han repartido arrobas en [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] es el malo del canal, le ha quitado la @ a [:deops] personas." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] le ha quitado la @ a [:deops] personas." mostdeop3 = "Por el momento no se le ha quitado la arroba a nadie en [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] ha dado [:voices] +v en el canal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] tambin reparti [:voices] +v." mostvoice3 = "An no se han concedido +v en [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] disfruta quitndole a la gente su +v, en [:devoices] ocasiones." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] es de la misma calaa, se lo hizo a [:devoices] personas." mostdevoice3 = "Nadie quit +v en [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] ha dado [:halfops] halfops en el canal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] tambin reparti [:halfops] halfops." mosthalfop3 = "Todava no se han repartido halfop en [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] parece el jefe del canal, elimino halfop a [:dehalfops] personas." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] debe ser su fan, tambin lo hizo [:dehalfops] veces." mostdehalfop3 = "Increible, la gente no quita halfop en [:channel]!" question1 = "[:nick] necesitaba ms horas de guardera cuando era pequeo/a, el [:per]% de sus lneas contienen una pregunta!" question2 = "[:nick] tampoco se entera de mucho, el [:per]% de sus lneas son preguntas." question3 = "Nadie hace preguntas aqu, esto parece un canal de genios!" shout1 = "Me parece que [:nick] est algo exaltado/a. Escribe con exclamaciones el [:per]% del tiempo!" shout2 = "A [:nick] tambin le gusta afirmar con rotundidad lo que dice. Escribe con exclamaciones el [:per]% del tiempo!" shout3 = "Nadie ha escrito frases con exclamaciones." allcaps1 = "A [:nick] se le ha atascado el bloqueo de maysculas, el [:per]% del tiempo escribe CON ESTE ESTILO TAN PECULIAR." allcaps2 = "[:nick] debe tener vicio con la tecla shift, el [:per]% del tiempo hace lo mismo." allcaps3 = "Todo el mundo tiene su tecla shift bajo control :)" allcapstext = "Como por ejemplo, esto:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] es el/la ms agresivo/a del canal, ha repartido tortas [:attacks] veces." violent2 = "[:nick] tiene la mano floja. Ha repartido tortas [:attacks] veces." violent3 = "Nadie ha repartido tortas en este canal, todo el mundo parece amigable." violenttext = "Como muestra:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Pobre [:nick], No le gusta a nadie. Ha sido abofeteado/a [:attacks] veces." attacked2 = "[:nick] tiene marcas de dedos en la cara. Ha sido abofeteado/a [:attacks] veces." attackedtext = "Ejemplo:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] ha sido algo capullo/a y por eso lo/la echamos [:kicks] veces!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] tambin nos toca bastante las narices, por eso lo/la echamos [:kicks] veces" joins = "[:nick] no sabe si irse o quedarse, lo/la he visto [:joins] veces entrando en el canal!" kick1 = "[:nick] acta como operador/a con mano dura, ha echado a [:kicked] personas!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] tiene un seguidor acrrimo, [:nick] ha echado a [:kicked] personas." kick3 = "Es maja la gente de aqu, nadie ha sido kickeado!" kicktext = "Aqu est la prueba:
     [:line]" action1 = "[:nick] quiere mantenernos informados de lo que hace en todo momento. Ha escrito [:actions] acciones!" action2 = "Y por supuesto [:nick] tambin nos los ha dicho [:actions] veces." action3 = "No se han mostrado acciones en [:channel]!" actiontext = "Aqu va un ejemplo:
     [:line]" words1 = "[:nick] ha dicho un total de [:words] palabras!" words2 = "El mayor fan de [:oldnick] es [:nick], que ha escrito [:words] palabras." words3 = "Nadie dice nada... que canal ms misterioso..." wpl1 = "[:nick] Ha escrito una media de [:wpl] palabras por lnea..." wpl2 = "La media del canal es de [:avg] palabras por lnea." mono1 = "[:nick] no tiene amigos, ha escrito ms de 5 lneas seguidas en [:monos] ocasiones!" mono2 = "Otra persona solitaria es [:nick], que ha hecho lo mismo [:monos] veces." long1 = "[:nick] escribe las lneas ms largas: [:letters] letras por lnea..." long2 = "La media de [:channel] es de [:avg] letras por lnea." short1 = "[:nick] es la persona ms vaga escribiendo, con una media de [:letters] letras por lnea..." short2 = "[:nick] no se queda atrs, con una media de [:letters] letras." foul1 = "[:nick] necesita que le laven la boca con jabn lagarto, un [:per]% de sus lneas contienen palabrotas y tacos." foul2 = "[:nick] tambin es algo bestia, dice tacos el [:per]% del tiempo." foul3 = "Parece que todo el mundo habla correctamente en [:channel]! Se desahogan fuera?" foultext = "Por ejemplo, como esto:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] parece que se hubiera fumado una compresa usada, el [:per]% de sus lneas contienen caritas sonrientes :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] habr fumado otra cosa, est sonriendo el [:per]% del tiempo." smiles3 = "Nadie ha sonredo en [:channel]! Arriba esos nimos!!" sad1 = "[:nick] parece disgustado, el [:per]% de sus lneas contienen caras tristes :(" sad2 = "[:nick] tambin est triste el [:per]% del tiempo." sad3 = "Nadie est triste en [:channel]! Aqu somos todos felices :)" month = "Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre" day = "Domingo Lunes Martes Mircoles Jueves Viernes Sbado" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Acerca de nuestra gente" othernumtopic = "Otras cosas interesantes" latesttopic = "ltimos Topics" activetimestopic = "Horas ms frecuentadas" activenickstopic = "La gente que ms habla" activenickbyhourtopic = "La gente que ms habla por horas" mostwordstopic = "Las palabras ms utilizadas" referencetopic = "Las personas de las que ms se habla" karmatopic = "Karma de [:channel]" urlstopic = "URLs ms frecuentemente mencionados" notopic = "An no se ha utilizado el topic del canal" bylinetopic = "por [:nick] a las [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Actividad diaria ([:n] ltimos das)"" mostnickstopic = "La gente que ms nicks usa" activegenderstopic = "Sexo ms activo" smileytopic = "Emoticonos :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] xitos musicales" ## Other text totallines = "Nmero total de lneas: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Ha habido otros [:totalnicks] nicks que han pasado por el canal" totaltopic = "Ha habido [:total] cambios de topic" nick = "Nick" names = "Nombres usados" url = "URL" numberlines = "Lneas" randquote = "Frase al azar" userpic = "Avatar" nottop = "Ellos tambin estn, aunque hablan menos:" word = "Palabra" show_wpl = "Palabras por lnea" show_cpl = "letras por lnea" show_lastseen = "Visto por ltima vez" show_time = "Hora" numberuses = "Nmero de usos" show_words = "palabras" lastused = "Usada por ltima vez" lastseen1 = "da atrs" lastseen2 = "das atrs" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Karma positivo por" badkarma = "Karma negativo por" today = "Hoy" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] estadsticas por [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Estadsticas generadas en " pagetitle3 = "Durante los [:days] das de estadsticas, [:nicks] nicks distintos han pasado por [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Estadsticas generadas con [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "creado por [:author_url] y otros" stats_gen_in = "Estadsticas generadas en [:time]" hours = "horas" minutes = "minutos" seconds = "segundos" and = "y" names1 = "nombres" names2 = "nombre" gender = "Sexo" gender_f = "Mujer" gender_m = "Hombre" gender_b = "Bot" smiley = "Emoticono" numberplayed = "Veces escuchada" song = "Cancin" playedby = "Tocada ltima vez por" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Pgina de pisg" authorhomepage = "Pgina de los autores" newwindow = "Abrir en ventana nueva:" mailto = "Enviar a"
### Polish mostop1 = "[:nick] lubi rozdawać opy robiąc to [:ops] razy..." mostop2 = "Kolejnym dobroczyńcą jest [:nick] - zyskuje popularność nadając [:ops] opów." mostop3 = "Dziwne, nikt nie dostał opa na [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] jest kanałowym szeryfem odbierając [:deops] opów..." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] zdeopował[::a:] [:deops] ircowników." mostdeop3 = "Wow, żaden op nie został odebrany na [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] lubi rozdawać voice'y robiąc to [:voices] razy..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] również był[::a:] bardzo uprzejm[:y:a:]: rozdał[::a:] [:voices] voice'ów" mostvoice3 = "Dziwne, nikt nie dostał voice'a na [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] lubi zabierać ludziom voice'y, [:devoices] devoice'ów." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] ma prawie taki sam wynik, zabrał[::a:] voice'y [:devoices] ircownikom." mostdevoice3 = "Żaden voice nie został odebrany na [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] zawsze mówi nam co robi: [:actions] „akcji”!" action2 = "Również [:nick] mówi nam co jest grane. [:actions] „akcji”." action3 = "Nie było żadnych „akcji” na kanale [:channel]!" actiontext = "Na przykład coś takiego:
     [:line]" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] rozdał[::a:] [:halfops] halfopów na kanale..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] również był[::a:] bardzo uprzejm[:y:a:]: rozdał[::a:] [:halfops] halfopów." mosthalfop3 = "Dziwne, nikt nie dostał halfopa na [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] jest kanałowym szeryfem odbierając [:dehalfops] halfopów..." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] zdeopował[::a:] [:dehalfops] ircowników." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, nikt nikomu nie odebrał halfopa na [:channel]!" question1 = "[:nick] jest głupi[::a:] albo zadaje zbyt wiele pytań... [:per]% linii zawierało pytania!" question2 = "[:nick] też nie wie zbyt wiele, [:per]% linii było pytaniami." question3 = "Nikt o nic nie pyta na kanale - czyżby sami geniusze?" shout1 = "Największym kanałowym krzykaczem jest [:nick], wykrzykiwał[::a:] przez [:per]% czasu." shout2 = "Na dalszej pozycji plasuje się [:nick], któr[:y:a:] krzyczał[::a:] przez [:per]% czasu." shout3 = "Wow, nikt nie krzyczał, wszyscy jacyś tacy spokojni..." allcaps1 = "Wydawać by się mogło, że [:nick] ma zaciętego shifta, [:per]% czasu używał[::a:] wielkich liter." allcaps2 = "[:nick] za to zapomniał[::a:] wyłączyć Caps-Locka, [:per]% czasu używał[::a:] wielkich liter." allcaps3 = "Wszyscy posiadają kontrolę nad swoimi shiftami :)" allcapstext = "Na przykład coś takiego:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] jest bardzo agresywną osobą, atakował[::a:] około [:attacks] razy." violent2 = "[:nick] nie potrafi kontrolować swojej agresji. Zaczepiał[::a:] innych około [:attacks] razy." violent3 = "Nikt nikogo nie atakował, wszyscy zachowywali się przyjaźnie." violenttext = "Na przykład coś takiego:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Biedn[:y:a:] [:nick], nikt [:go:jej:] nie lubi. Był[::a:] atakowan[:y:a:] [:attacks] razy." attacked2 = "[:nick] wydaje się też nie być zbyt lubian[:y:a:], zaczepiali [:go:ją:] [:attacks] razy." attackedtext = "Na przykład coś takiego:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] nie załapał[::a:] o co chodziło opom za pierwszym razem i został[::a:] wykopan[:y:a:] [:kicks] razy!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] nie jest tu chyba zbyt lubian[:y:a:] - wylatywał[::a:] [:kicks] razy." kicktext = "Na przykład coś takiego:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] nie [:mógł:mogła:] się zdecydować czy zostać, [:joins] razy wchodził[::a:] na kanał!" kick1 = "[:nick] jest szalony lub stara się być konsekwentny, wykopał[::a:] [:kicked] osob(y)." kick2 = "[:nick], idąc w ślad za [:oldnick], wykopał[::a:] [:kicked] osob(y)." kick3 = "Mamy tutaj miłych operatorów, nikt nie został wykopany!" words1 = "[:nick] powiedział[::a:] łącznie [:words] słów!" words2 = "Próbując[:y:a:] go dogonić [:nick], nie powiedział[::a:] zbyt wiele, tylko [:words] słów." words3 = "Nikt nic nie mówi... co za dziwny kanał!" wpl1 = "[:nick] pisał[::a:] średnio [:wpl] słów na linie." wpl2 = "Średnia kanału to [:avg] słów na linie." mono1 = "[:nick] uwielbia mówić sam[::a:] do siebie albo inni za [:nim:nią:] nie nadążają, pisał[::a:] monologi [:monos] razy!" mono2 = "Kolejnym samotnikiem okazał[::a:] się [:nick], któr[:y:a:] pisał[::a:] bez towarzystwa [:monos] razy" long1 = "[:nick] pisał[::a:] najdłuższe linie o średniej długości [:letters] liter..." long2 = "Średnia dla kanału [:channel] to [:avg] liter w linii." short1 = "[:nick] starał[::a:] się pisać zwieźle, średnio [:letters] liter w linii..." short2 = "[:nick] wybąkiwał[::a:] krótkie wypowiedzi średnio po [:letters] liter." foul1 = "[:nick] ma niewyparzoną gębę, [:per]% linii zawierało bluzgi!" foul2 = "[:nick] klnie jak szewc (albo i gorzej) przez [:per]% czasu." foul3 = "Nikt nie klnie na [:channel]! Sami spokojni ludzie." foultext = "Na przykład coś takiego:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] usmiechał[::a:] się głupawo albo był[::a:] bardzo szczęśliw[:y:a:], bo [:per]% linii zawierało uśmiechnięte miny :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] najwyraźniej miał[::a:] powody do radości śmiejąc się przez [:per]% czasu spędzonego na kanale." smiles3 = "Nikt się nie uśmiechał na [:channel]! Proszę o uśmiech Panie i Panowie." sad1 = "[:nick] wygląda na smutną osobę, [:per]% linii zawierało smutne miny :(" sad2 = "[:nick] nie czuje się najlepiej na kanale smucąc się przez [:per]% czasu." sad3 = "Nikt nie jest smutny na [:channel]! Cóż za szczęśliwy kanał :)" month = "stycznia lutego marca kwietnia maja czerwca lipca sierpnia września października listopada grudnia" day = "niedzielę, poniedziałek, wtorek, środę, czwartek, piątek, sobotę," ## Topics bignumtopic = "Wielkie liczby" othernumtopic = "Inne interesujące liczby" latesttopic = "Ostatnie tematy" activetimestopic = "Najaktywniejsze pory dnia" activenickstopic = "Najaktywniejsze nicki" activenickbyhourtopic = "Najaktywniejsze nicki w przedziałach godzin" mostwordstopic = "Najczęściej używane słowa" referencetopic = "Najczęściej wywoływany nick" urlstopic = "Najczęściej wywoływany URL" notopic = "Żaden temat nie został ustawiony na kanale." mostnickstopic = "Ircownicy z największa ilością nicków" bylinetopic = "ustawiony [:date] przez [:nick] o [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Dzienna aktywność (ostatnie [:n] dni)" activegenderstopic = "Najbardziej aktywna płeć" smileytopic = "Uśmieszki :-)" chartstopic = "Lista przebojów kanału [:channel]" karmatopic = "Karma kanału [:channel]" ## Other text totallines = "Całkowita liczba linii: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Było również [:totalnicks] innych nicków." totaltopic = "Temat był ustawiany [:total] razy." nick = "Nick" names = "Użyte Nicki" url = "URL" numberlines = "Liczba linii" randquote = "Losowy cytat" userpic = "Fotka" nottop = "Oni nie dostali się do czołówki:" word = "Wyraz" numberuses = "Liczba użyć" show_words = "Liczba słów" show_time = "W jakich porach" show_wpl = "Słów na linię" show_cpl = "Znaków na linię" show_lastseen = "Ostatnio widziany" lastused = "Ostatnio używany przez" lastseen1 = "[:days] dzień temu" lastseen2 = "[:days] dni temu" today = "Dzisiaj" pagetitle1 = "Statystyki kanału [:channel] @ [:network] by [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statystyka wygenerowana w " pagetitle3 = "W przedziale [:days] dni łącznie [:nicks] nicków odwiedziło kanał [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Statystyki wygenerowane przez [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg by [:author_url] i inni" stats_gen_in = "Statystyki wygenerowane w [:time]" hours = "godziny" minutes = "minuty" seconds = "sekundy" and = "i" names1 = "nicków" names2 = "nick" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Nie lubią go/jej" goodkarma = "Wdzięczni za coś byli jej/mu" smiley = "Uśmieszek" gender_f = "Kobieta" gender_m = "Mężczyzna" gender = "Płeć" gender_b = "Bot" song = "Utwór" playedby = "Ostatnio słuchany przez" numberplayed = "Ile razy odtwarzany" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Odwiedź stronę domową programu pisg" authorhomepage = "Odwiedź stronę domową autora" newwindow = "Otwórz w nowym oknie:" mailto = "Wyślij maila do:"
### Portuguese mostop1 = "[:nick] deu [:ops] ops no canal..." mostop2 = "[:nick] tambm foi [:simptico:simptica:]: [:ops] ops [:dele:dela:]." mostop3 = "Estranho, nenhum op foi dado no [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] [:o:a:] policia do canal com [:deops] ops retirados." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] retirou o op a [:deops] utilizadores." mostdeop3 = "Ena, ningum tirou ops no [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] doou [:voices] voices no canal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] tambm foi [:simptico:simptica:]: [:voices] voices [:dele:dela:]." mostvoice3 = "Estranho, no foram entregues voices no [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] gosta de tirar voices s pessoas, [:devoices] voices retirados." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] tambm no andou longe, retirou [:devoices] voices." mostdevoice3 = "No houve voices retirados no [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] doou [:halfops] halfops no canal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] was also very polite: [:halfops] halfops from [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Strange, no halfop was given on [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] is the channel sheriff with [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfoped [:dehalfops] users." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, no halfop was taken on [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] gosta de nos manter informados sobre o que est a fazer: [:actions] aces!" action2 = "Tambm [:o:a:] [:nick] nos diz o que anda a tramar com [:actions] aces." action3 = "No houve aces no [:channel]!" actiontext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] muito [:curioso:curiosa:]: [:per]% das suas linhas contm uma pergunta!" question2 = "Tambm [:o:a:] [:nick] no anda longe: [:per]% das suas linhas foram interrogativas." question3 = "Ningum perguntou nada. Ningum quer saber de nada?" shout1 = "[:O:A:] mais estridente foi [:o:a:] [:nick], que gritou [:per]% do tempo!" shout2 = "Outra corneta foi [:o:a:] [:nick], que berrou [:per]% do tempo!" shout3 = "Ningum grita no canal, ena!" allcaps1 = "Parece que a tecla shift [:do:da:] [:nick] est presa: Em [:per]% do tempo escreveu em MAISCULAS!" allcaps2 = "[:nick] esqueceu-se de desligar o caps-lock. [:Ele:Ela:] escreveu em MAISCULAS [:per]% do tempo." allcaps3 = "Toda a gente manteve as suas teclas shift sob controlo. :)" allcapstext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] uma pessoa muito agressiva. [:Ele:Ela:] atacou outros [:attacks] vezes!" violent2 = "[:nick] tambm no controla a sua agresso. [:Ele:Ela:] pegou-se com outra pessoa [:attacks] vezes." violent3 = "Ningum agrediu ningum no canal. Todos so amigos." violenttext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Pobre [:nick], ningum gosta [:dele:dela:]. Foi [:atacado:atacada:] [:attacks] vezes." attacked2 = "[:nick] tambm parece ser [:odiado:odiada:]. Recebeu [:attacks] ataques." attackedtext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] no l muito popular, sendo [:kickado:kickada:] [:kicks] vezes!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] tambm no recebe muita estima: [:kicks] kicks recebidos." kicktext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] no sabe se fica ou se sai. [:joins] joins relatados!" kick1 = "[:nick] ou [:doido:doida:] ou [:um:uma:] excelente op, kickando um total de [:kicked] utilizadores!" kick2 = "[:nick] parece ser aprendiz de [:oldnick], distribuindo [:kicked] kicks." kick3 = "Os ops so simpticos neste canal, ningum foi kickado!" words1 = "[:nick] teclou um total de [:words] palavras!" words2 = "[:nick] no teclou tanto: [:words] palavras." words3 = "Ningum diz nada? Que raio de canal..." mono1 = "[:nick] fala muito [:szinho:szinha:]. Mais de 5 linhas seguidas [:monos] vezes!" mono2 = "[:Outro:Outra:] [:solitrio:solitria:], [:nick], que conseguiu chegar s [:monos] vezes." wpl1 = "[:nick] escreveu uma mdia de [:wpl] palavras por linha." wpl2 = "A mdia do canal de [:avg] palavras por linha." long1 = "[:nick] escreveu as linhas mais compridas, [:letters] letras por linha." long2 = "A mdia do [:channel] de [:avg] letras por linha." short1 = "[:nick] escreveu as linhas mais curtas, com uma mdia de [:letters] letras por linha." short2 = "[:nick] tambm tecla pouco, com uma mdia de [:letters] letras." foul1 = "[:nick] tem uma boca suja. [:per]% das suas palavras eram palavres." foul2 = "[:nick] tambm faz corar um pedreiro, praguejando [:per]% do tempo." foul3 = "Ningum diz asneiras no [:channel]! Incrvel!" foultext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] muito feliz. [:per]% das linhas contm caras sorridentes. :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] tambm no nada triste, sorrindo [:per]% do tempo." smiles3 = "Ningum sorri no [:channel]! Animem-se!" sad1 = "[:nick] parece estar triste: [:per]% contm caras tristes. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] tambm no anda longe, chorando [:per]% do tempo." sad3 = "Ningum chora no [:channel]! Que canal alegre! :)" month = "Janeiro Fevereiro Maro Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro" day = "Domingo Segunda Tera Quarta Quinta Sexta Sabado" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Alguns nmeros" othernumtopic = "Outros nmeros interessantes" latesttopic = "Tpicos recentes" activetimestopic = "Horas mais activas" activenickstopic = "Nicks mais activos" activenickbyhourtopic = "Nicks mais activos por horas" mostwordstopic = "Palavras mais usadas" referencetopic = "Nicks mais refernciados" smileytopic = "Caras :-)" karmatopic = "[:channel] disposio" urlstopic = "URLs mais refernciados" notopic = "Nenhum tpico foi colocado neste canal." mostnickstopic = "Utilizadores com mais nicks" bylinetopic = "[:date] por [:nick] s [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Actividade diria (ltimos [:n] dias)" activegenderstopic = "Sexo mais activo" chartstopic = "[:channel] Exitos musicales" ## Other text totallines = "Nmero total de linhas: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Ainda houve mais [:totalnicks] nicks." totaltopic = "O tpico foi modificado [:total] vezes." nick = "Nick" names = "Nomes usados" url = "URL" numberlines = "Nmero de linhas" randquote = "Citao aleatria" userpic = "Foto do utilizador" nottop = "Estes no chegaram ao topo:" word = "Palavra" numberuses = "Nmero de Utilizaes" show_words = "Nmero de Palavras" show_time = "Quando?" show_wpl = "Palavras por linha" show_cpl = "Letras por linha" show_lastseen = "Visto pela ltima vez" lastused = "Utilizado pela ltima vez por" smiley = "Caras" karma = "Disposio" goodkarma = "Boa disposio por" badkarma = "M disposio por" lastseen1 = "[:days] dia atrs" lastseen2 = "[:days] dias atrs" today = "Hoje" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] estatisticas por [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Estatisticas geradas " pagetitle3 = "Durante este periodo de [:days] dias, um total de [:nicks] nicks diferentes foram vistos no [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Estatsticas geradas pelo [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg por [:author_url] e outros" stats_gen_in = "Estatisticas geradas em [:time]" hours = "horas" minutes = "minutos" seconds = "segundos" and = "e" names1 = "nomes" names2 = "nome" gender = "Sexo" gender_f = "Feminino" gender_m = "Masculino" gender_b = "Bot" song = "Cano" numberplayed = "Tocada quantas vezes" playedby = "Tocada pela ultima vez por" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Ir para a pgina do pisg" authorhomepage = "Ir para a pgina do autor" newwindow = "Abrir uma nova janela:" mailto = "Enviar mail para"
### Flemish mostop1 = "[:nick] gaf [:ops] @'s in deze chatbox..." mostop2 = "[:nick] was ook vriendelijk. [:ops] werden er uitgedeeld door [:hem:haar:]." mostop3 = "Wat raar, geen @'s gegeven op [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] dacht dat [:hij:zij:] het kanaal wel alleen in bedwang kon houden en deopte [:deops] personen..." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deopte [:deops] chatters." mostdeop3 = "Wow, geen ops afgepakt in [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] gaf [:voices] voicekes in het kanaal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] was ook erg beleefd: [:voices] voicekes van [:hem:haar:]." mostvoice3 = "Raar, geen voicekes gegeven op [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] neemt graag voickes af van mensen, [:hij:zij:] devoicede [:devoices] mensen." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] neemt ook graag voickes af, [:hij:zij:] devoicede [:devoices] mensen." mostdevoice3 = "Er waren geen voicekes afgenomen op [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] gaf [:halfops] keer halfop status in het kanaal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] was ook beleefd; [:hij:zij:] gaf [:halfops] keer halfop status." mosthalfop3 = "Raar, er zijn geen halfops gegeven in [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] houde orde met [:dehalfops] keer halfop status af te nemen." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] wou ook de orde behouden en heeft [:dehalfops] keer halfop status afgenomen." mostdehalfop3 = "Amai, er is geen halfop status afgenomen op [:channel]!" question1 = "[:nick] is gewoon stom of verzint de vragen waar je bijstaat... [:per]% bevatte een vraag!" question2 = "[:nick] is bijna net zo stom/blond, [:per]% van [:zijn:haar:] regels eindigde ook met een "?"." question3 = "Niemand vroeg wat hier, ze denken zeker allemaal dat ze slim zijn .... NOT?" action1 = "[:nick] laat ook weten wat [:hij:zij:] doet: met [:actions] actie's!" action2 = "Ook [:nick] vertelt ons wat [:hij:zij:] doet met [:actions] actie's." action3 = "Er was niet zoveel actie in [:channel]!" actiontext = "Bijvoorbeeld zoals dit:
     [:line]" shout1 = "De grootste lawaaimaker was [:nick], [:hij:zij:] schreeuwde [:per]% tijdens [:zijn:haar:] aanwezigheid!" shout2 = "Ook had [:nick] een groot bakkes, [:hij:zij:] schreeuwde [:per]% tijdens [:zijn:haar:] aanwezigheid." shout3 = "Hmm niet veel geschreeuw hier, wat een zelfbeheersing :)." allcaps1 = "Het lijkt dat [:nick]'s [:zijn:haar:] shift-key kapot is, met een CAPS-percentage van [:per]%." allcaps2 = "Ook [:nick] is het niet gelukt om [:zijn:haar:] Caps-Lock onder controle te krijgen, [:per]% CAPS." allcaps3 = "Iedereen had het hoofdletter gebruik onder de knie :)." allcapstext = "Bijvoorbeeld zoals dit:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] is een agressief persoon, die veel in het rond slaat. Deze keer wel [:attacks] keer." violent2 = "[:nick] [:zijn:haar:] pilletjes helpen niet. [:Hij:Zij:] sloeg [:attacks] keer." violent3 = "Geen slaps uitgedeeld hier, wat vriendelijke mense hier. :p" violenttext = "Bijvoorbeeld zoals dit:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Zielige [:nick], niemand mag [:hem:haar:]. [:Hij:Zij:] werd [:attacks] keer aangevallen." attacked2 = "[:nick] is nog zo'n ongewenst zieltje, [:hij:zij:] werd [:attacks] keer gepijnigd." attackedtext = "Bijvoorbeeld zoals dit:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] was gewoon niet populair genoeg, en werd [:kicks] keer gekickt!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] werd ook niet echt gewaardeerd, met [:kicks] kicks." kicktext = "Bijvoorbeeld zoals dit:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] wist niet of [:hij:zij:] nu moest komen of gaan en kwam [:joins] keer binnen in deze periode!" kick1 = "De wrede tiran van het kanaal is [:nick]. [:Hij:Zij:] kickte een totaal van [:kicked] chatters!" kick2 = "[:oldnick]'s wannabe , [:nick], Wou ook cool overkomen en kickte er [:kicked]." kick3 = "Vriendelijke Ops hier, totaal geen kicks!" words1 = "[:nick] sprak [:words] woorden in totaal!" words2 = "[:oldnick]'s wannabe, [:nick], sprak gelukkig iets minder, maar toch nog [:words] woorden." words3 = "Is het niet de bedoeling dat men spreekt in [:channel] of ben ik verkeerd?" mono1 = "[:nick] praat veel in zichzelf. [:Hij:Zij:] schreef meer dan 5 lijnen achter elkaar en deed dit [:monos] keer!" mono2 = "Nog zo'n simpel, eenzaam zieltje was [:nick], die het voor elkaar kreeg om meer dan 5 lijnen achter elkaar te schrijve voor [:monos] keer!" wpl1 = "[:nick] schreef een gemiddelde van [:wpl] woorden per regel..." wpl2 = "[:channel] gemiddelde was [:avg] woorden per regel." long1 = "[:nick] schreef de langste regels, gemiddelde van [:letters] letters per regel..." long2 = "[:channel] gemiddelde was [:avg] letters per regel." short1 = "[:nick] schreef de kortste regels, gemiddelde van maar [:letters] letters per regel..." short2 = "[:nick] had ook niet veel inspiratie, gemiddeld maar [:letters] letters per regel." foul1 = "[:nick] kon het maar niet laten te vloeken, [:per]% van de regels bevatte *exotische termen*." foul2 = "[:nick] kan er ook wat van, en scheld [:per]% van de tijd." foul3 = "Iedereen is vriendelijk in [:channel]! Leven ze zich teveel uit op hun werk ofzow?" foultext = "Een voorbeeld:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] maakt de wereld weer vrolijk , [:per]% van de regels bevatte een smiley :o)" smiles2 = "[:nick] heeft het ook wel naar [:zijn:haar:] zin, en lachte [:per]% van de tijd." smiles3 = "Niemand lachte op [:channel]! Bende citroenen :p." sad1 = "[:nick] is niet echt vrolijk , [:per]% van de regels bevatte een sad face :(" sad2 = "[:nick] is ook al niet te vrolijk met een sad percentage van [:per]%." sad3 = "Niemand is "Bedroefd" op [:channel]! What a happy channel :-)." ## Topics bignumtopic = "Grote Getallen" othernumtopic = "Andere interessante getallen" latesttopic = "Laatste topics" activenickbyhourtopic = "Meest actieve personen per uur" activetimestopic = "Meest actieve tijden" activenickstopic = "Meest actieve nicks" mostwordstopic = "Meest genoemde woorden" referencetopic = "Meest genoemde nicks" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" urlstopic = "Meest genoemde URLs" notopic = "De mensen hier weten nog steeds niet hoe ze +t moeten gebruiken." bylinetopic = "[:date] door [:nick] op [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Dagelijkse activiteit (afgelopen [:n] dagen)" mostnickstopic = "Gebruiker met de meeste nicks" activegenderstopic = "Meest actieve geslacht" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Muziek Hitlijsten" ## Other text totallines = "Totaal aantal regels: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Oja, er waren ook nog [:totalnicks] andere nicks." totaltopic = "De topic is [:total] maal veranderd." nick = "Nick" url = "URL" numberlines = "Aantal regels" randquote = "Willekeurig citaat" userpic = "Foto" nottop = "Deze behoorden gewoon niet tot "The Elite":" word = "Woord" numberuses = "Aantal keren genoemd" lastused = "Laatst genoemd door" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Goed karma door" badkarma = "Slecht karma door" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] statistieken door [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistieken gegenereerd op " pagetitle3 = "Tijdens deze [:days]-daagse periode waren er in totaal [:nicks] verschillende nicks te vinden op [:channel]." show_words = "Aantal woorden" show_time = "Wanneer?" show_wpl = "Woorden per regel" show_cpl = "Karakters per regel" show_lastseen = "Laatst gezien" lastseen1 = "[:days] dag geleden" lastseen2 = "[:days] dagen geleden" today = "Vandaag" month = "Januari Februari Maart April Mei Juni Juli Augustus September Oktober November December" day = "zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag" stats_gen_by = "Stats gegenereerd door [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg wordt gemaakt door [:author_url] en anderen" stats_gen_in = "Stats gegenereerd in [:time]" hours = "uren" minutes = "minuten" seconds = "seconden" and = "en" names = "Gebruikte nicks" names1 = "Nicks" names2 = "Nick" gender = "Geslacht" gender_f = "Vrouwelijk" gender_m = "Mannelijk" gender_b = "Bot" smiley = "Smiley" song = "Nummer" numberplayed = "Hoe Vaak Gedraaid" playedby = "Laatst Gedraaid door" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Ga naar de pisg homepage" authorhomepage = "Ga naar de homepage van de auteur" newwindow = "Open in nieuw scherm:" mailto = "Mail naar"
### Dutch (Nederlands) mostop1 = "[:nick] gaf [:ops] ops in het kanaal..." mostop2 = "[:nick] was ook erg beleefd: [:ops] ops van [:hem:haar:]." mostop3 = "Vreemd, er werd geen op gegeven in [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] is de kanaalagent met [:deops] deops." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deopte [:deops] gebruikers." mostdeop3 = "Wow, er werd geen op afgepakt in [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] gaf [:voices] voices in het kanaal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] was ook erg beleefd: [:voices] voices van [:hem:haar:]." mostvoice3 = "Vreemd, er werden geen voices gegeven in [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] houdt ervan om mensen de voice af te pakken, [:devoices] devoices." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] zat er dicht bij, devoicede [:devoices] gebruikers." mostdevoice3 = "Er werden geen voices afgepakt in [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] gaf [:halfops] halfops in het kanaal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] was ook erg vriendelijk: [:halfops] halfops van [:hem:haar:]." mosthalfop3 = "Vreemd, er werd geen halfop gegeven in [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] is de kanaalagent met [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfopte [:dehalfops] gebruikers." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, er werd geen halfop afgepakt in [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] laat ons altijd weten wat [:hij:zij:] aan het doen is: [:actions] acties!" action2 = "Ook, [:nick] verteld ons wat er aan de hand is met [:actions] acties." action3 = "Geen acties in [:channel]!" actiontext = "Zoals dit bijvoorbeeld:
     [:line]" question1 = "Is [:nick] stom of stelt [:hij:zij:] gewoon te veel vragen? [:per]% regels bevatten een vraag!" question2 = "[:nick] wist ook al niet zoveel. [:per]% van [:zijn:haar:] regels waren vragen." question3 = "Niemand stelde hier vragen; alleen maar genien in dit kanaal?" shout1 = "De luidste was [:nick], die schreeuwde [:per]% van de tijd!" shout2 = "Een andere beruchte schreeuwer was [:nick], die schreeuwde [:per]% van de tijd!" shout3 = "Er schreeuwde helemaal niemand, wow." allcaps1 = "Het schijnt dat [:nick]'s shift-toets blijft hangen: [:per]% van de tijd schreef [:hij:zij:] IN HOOFDLETTERS." allcaps2 = "[:nick] vergat gewoon [:zijn:haar:] Caps-Lock uit te zetten. [:Hij:Zij:] schreef IN HOOFDLETTERS [:per]% van de tijd." allcaps3 = "Iedereen had hun shift-toets onder controle. :)" allcapstext = "Zoals dit bijvoorbeeld:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] is een zeer agressief persoon. [:Hij:Zij:] viel andere [:attacks] keer aan." violent2 = "[:nick] kan ook [:zijn:haar:] agressie niet onder controle houden. [:Hij:Zij:] pestte andere [:attacks] keer." violent3 = "Niemand sloeg iemand in elkaar. Iedereen was vriendelijk." violenttext = "Zoals dit bijvoorbeeld:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Arme [:nick], niemand mag [:hem:haar:]. [:Hij:Zij:] werd [:attacks] keer aangevallen." attacked2 = "[:nick] schijnt ook niet aardig gevonden te worden. [:Hij:Zij:] kreeg [:attacks] keer een pak slaag." attackedtext = "Zoals dit bijvoorbeeld:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] was niet erg populair, werd [:kicks] keer geschopt!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] Schijnt ook gehaat te worden: [:kicks] schoppen ontvangen." kicktext = "Zoals dit bijvoorbeeld:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] kon maar niet beslissen om te blijven of om te gaan. [:joins] entrees tijdens deze rapportageperiode!" kick1 = "[:nick] is of krankzinnig of gewoon een eerlijke op, schopte een totaal van [:kicked] mensen!" kick2 = "[:oldnick]'s trouwe volger, [:nick], schopte ongeveer [:kicked] mensen." kick3 = "Vriendelijke opers hier, niemand werd geschopt!" words1 = "[:nick] sprak in totaal [:words] woorden!" words2 = "[:oldnick]'s trouwe volger, [:nick], sprak niet zo veel: [:words] woorden." words3 = "Niemand zei er wat... Wat een vreemd kanaal..." mono1 = "[:nick] praat veel met [:zich:haar:]zelf. [:Hij:Zij:] schreef meer dan 5 regels achter elkaar en dat [:monos] keer!" mono2 = "Een andere eenzame was [:nick], die er [:monos] keer in slaagde." wpl1 = "[:nick] schreef gemiddeld [:wpl] woorden per regel." wpl2 = "Kanaal gemiddelde was [:avg] woorden per regel." long1 = "[:nick] schreef de langste regels, gemiddeld [:letters] letters per regel." long2 = "[:channel] gemiddelde was [:avg] letters per regel." short1 = "[:nick] schreef de kortste regels, gemiddeld [:letters] karakters per regel." short2 = "[:nick] hield ook de lippen op elkaar, gemiddeld [:letters] karakters." foul1 = "[:nick] heeft een behoorlijke brutale mond. [:per]% van de woorden waren ongepast." foul2 = "[:nick] laat zelfs zeelieden blozen, [:per]% van de tijd." foul3 = "Niemand heeft een grote mond in [:channel]! Komt men wel eens buiten?" foultext = "Zoals dit bijvoorbeeld:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] brengt geluk in de wereld. [:per]% regels bevatte lachende gezichten. :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] is ook geen somber persoon, lachte [:per]% van de tijd." smiles3 = "Niemand lacht in [:channel]! Kop op jongens en meiden." sad1 = "[:nick] schijnt op het ogenblik somber te zijn: [:per]% regels bevatte sombere gezichten. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] is ook een somber persoon, huilde [:per]% van de tijd." sad3 = "Niemand is somber in [:channel]! Wat een gelukkig kanaal. :-)" month = "Januari Februari Maart April Mei Juni Juli Augustus September Oktober November December" day = "Zondag Maandag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrijdag Zaterdag" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Grote getallen" othernumtopic = "Andere interessante getallen" latesttopic = "Laatste onderwerpen" activetimestopic = "Meest actieve tijden" activenickstopic = "Meest actieve nicks" activenickbyhourtopic = "Meest actieve personen per uur" mostwordstopic = "Meest gebruikte woorden" referencetopic = "Meest genoemde nicks" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" urlstopic = "Meest genoemde URLs" notopic = "Er is in dit kanaal nooit een onderwerp vastgesteld." mostnickstopic = "Gebruiker met de meeste nicks" bylinetopic = "[:date] om [:time] door [:nick] " dailyactivitytopic = "Dagelijkse activiteit (afgelopen [:n] dagen)" activegenderstopic = "Meest actieve geslacht" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Muziek Hitlijsten" ## Other text totallines = "Totaal aantal regels: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Trouwens, er waren ook nog [:totalnicks] andere nicks." totaltopic = "Het onderwerp is [:total] keer veranderd." nick = "Nick" names = "Gebruikte namen" url = "URL" numberlines = "Aantal regels" randquote = "Willekeurig citaat" userpic = "Gebruikersfoto" nottop = "Deze haalden de top niet:" word = "Woord" numberuses = "Aantal keren gebruikt" show_words = "Aantal woorden" show_time = "Wanneer?" show_wpl = "Woorden per regel" show_cpl = "Karakters per regel" show_lastseen = "Laatst gezien" lastused = "Laatst gebruikt door" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Goed karma door" badkarma = "Slecht karma door" lastseen1 = "gisteren" lastseen2 = "[:days] dagen geleden" today = "vandaag" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] statistieken door [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistieken gegenereerd op " pagetitle3 = "Tijdens deze [:days]-daagse rapporterings periode waren er in totaal [:nicks] verschillende nicks te vinden op [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats gegenereerd door [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg door [:author_url] en anderen" stats_gen_in = "Stats gegenereerd in [:time]" hours = "uren" minutes = "minuten" seconds = "seconden" and = "en" names1 = "namen" names2 = "naam" gender = "Geslacht" gender_f = "Vrouwelijk" gender_m = "Mannelijk" gender_b = "Bot" smiley = "Smiley" song = "Nummer" numberplayed = "Hoe Vaak Gedraaid" playedby = "Laatst Gedraaid door" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Ga naar de pisg homepage" authorhomepage = "Ga naar de homepage van de auteur" newwindow = "Openen in nieuw scherm:" mailto = "Mail naar"
### Swedish mostop1 = "[:nick] gav [:ops] personer operatrsstatus i kanalen..." mostop2 = "[:nick] var ocks vldigt vnlig: [:ops] frn [:honom:henne:]" mostop3 = "Underligt, inga personer fick operatrsstatus i [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] var kanalens sheriff och tog ifrn [:deops] personer deras operatrsstatus..." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] tog ifrn [:deops] anvndare sin operatrsstatus" mostdeop3 = "Wow, inga personer blev av med sin operatrsstatus i [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] gav [:voices] voicestatus i kanalen..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] var och vldigt snll: [:voices] voicestatus frn [:honom:henne:]" mostvoice3 = "Konstigt, inga voicestatus gavs i [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] gillar att ta voicestatus frn folk, [:devoices] st." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] var inte heller snll, tog bort voicestatus frn [:devoices] anvndare." mostdevoice3 = "Ingen blev av med sin voicestatus i [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] gav [:halfops] halvoperatrsstatus i kanalen..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] var ocks vldigt snll: [:halfops] halvoperatrsstatus frn [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Konstigt, inga halvoperatrer i [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] r kanalens sheriff och tog ifrn [:dehalfops] deras halvoperatrsstatus." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] tog ifrn [:dehalfops] anvndare deras halvoperatrsstatus." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, inga frlorade sin halvoperatrsstatus i [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] berttar alltid fr oss vad [:han:hon:] gr: [:actions] beskrivningar!" action2 = "ven [:nick] berttar vad som hnder med [:actions] beskrivningar." action3 = "Inga beskrivningar i [:channel]!" actiontext = "Till exempel, shr:
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] r antingen dum eller stller bara mnga frgor... [:per]% rader innehll en frga!" question2 = "[:nick] visste inte heller mycket, [:per]% av [:hans:hennes:] rader innehll en frga" question3 = "Ingen frgade ngonting, bara genier i denna kanalen?" shout1 = "Skrikigast var [:nick] som skrek [:per]% av tiden!" shout2 = "En annan skrikhals var [:nick] som skrek [:per]% av tiden!" shout3 = "Ingen anvnde utropstecknet, wow." allcaps1 = "Det verkar som [:nick] har en hngande shift-tangent, [:per]% av tiden skrev [:han:hon:] i VERSALER" allcaps2 = "[:nick] glmde att deaktivera sin CapsLock-tangent, [:per]% av det [:han:hon:] skrev var VERSALER" allcaps3 = "Alla hade sin shift-tangent under kontroll :)" allcapstext = "Till exempel shr:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] r en vldigt aggressiv person och anvnde handflatan [:attacks] gnger." violent2 = "[:nick] kunde inte kontrollera sina aggressioner. [:Han:Hon:] slogs [:attacks] gnger med sin handflata." violent3 = "Ingen slog ngon, alla var vnner." violenttext = "Till exempel shr:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Stackars [:nick], ingen gillade [:honom:henne:]. [:Han:Hon:] blev slagen [:attacks] gnger med handflatan." attacked2 = "[:nick] var inte heller speciellt omtyckt, [:han:hon:] blev slagen [:attacks] gnger." attackedtext = "Till exempel shr:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] var inte speciellt populr och blev utsparkad [:kicks] gnger!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] verkar ocks vara hatad, [:kicks] utsparkningar" kicktext = "Till exempel shr:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] kunde inte bestmma sig fr att stanna eller g och gjorde entr [:joins] gnger under den rapporterade perioden!" kick1 = "[:nick] r galen eller bara en rttvis operatr, sparkade ut totalt [:kicked] personer!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] har en efterfljare: [:nick], som sparkade ut [:kicked] personer" kick3 = "Trevliga operatrer hr, ingen blev utsparkad!" words1 = "[:nick] r mycket aktiv och skrev totalt [:words] ord!" words2 = "Pratkvarnen [:oldnick] blev ttt fljd av [:nick], som inte pratade riktigt lika mycket: [:words] ord." words3 = "Ingen sa ngot... Vilken konstig kanal..." mono1 = "[:nick] pratar mycket med sig sjlv och skrev ver 5 rader i fljd [:monos] gnger!" mono2 = "En annan ensam person var [:nick], som lyckades med [:monos] monologer" wpl1 = "[:nick] skrev ett genomsnitt av [:wpl] ord per rad..." wpl2 = "Kanalens genomsnitt var [:avg] ord per rad." long1 = "[:nick] skrev lngst rader, genomsnittet var [:letters] tecken per rad..." long2 = "Kanalgenomsnittet i [:channel] var [:avg] tecken per rad" short1 = "[:nick] skrev kortast rader, med ett genomsnitt av [:letters] tecken per rad..." short2 = "[:nick] var ocks tystlten, genomsnitt [:letters]" foul1 = "[:nick] borde tvtta munnen, [:per]% av raderna innehll fula ord" foul2 = "[:nick] fr ocks sjmnnen att rodna, [:per]% av tiden svors det" foul3 = "Ingen svor i [:channel]! Ute mycket?" foultext = "Till exempel, shr:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] sknker lycka till vrlden, [:per]% av raderna innehll glada miner :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] r inte heller en ledsen person, log [:per]% av tiden" smiles3 = "Ingen i [:channel] r glad! Upp med humret nu pojkar och flickor." sad1 = "[:nick] verkar vara ledsen fr tillfllet, [:per]% av raderna innehll sura miner :(" sad2 = "[:nick] r ocks en ledsen person, som grt [:per]% av tiden" sad3 = "Ingen i [:channel] r ledsen! Vlkommen till den glada kanalen :-)" month = "Januari Februari Mars April Maj Juni Juli Augusti September Oktober November December" day = "Sndag Mndag Tisdag Onsdag Torsdag Fredag Lrdag" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Stora nummer" othernumtopic = "Andra intressanta nummer" latesttopic = "Senaste rubrikerna" activetimestopic = "Mest aktiva tider" activenickstopic = "Mest aktiva personer" activenickbyhourtopic = "Mest aktiva personer per timme" mostwordstopic = "Mest anvnda ord" karmatopic = "Karma fr [:channel]" referencetopic = "Mest tilltalade personer" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" urlstopic = "Mest refererade URLer" notopic = "Ingen rubrik blev nnsin satt p denna kanal" chartstopic = "Hitlistan i [:channel]" bylinetopic = "[:date] av [:nick] klockan [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Daglig aktivitet (senaste [:n] dagarna)" activegenderstopic = "Mest aktiva kn" ## Other text totallines = "Totalt antal rader: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Och frresten, det var [:totalnicks] andra alias som inte kom med." totaltopic = "Kanalrubriken ndrades [:total] gnger." nick = "Namn/Alias" names1 = "namn" names2 = "namn" names = "Namn anvnda" url = "URL" numberlines = "Antal rader" randquote = "Slumpmssigt citat" userpic = "Anvndarbild" nottop = "Dessa personer kom inte med i toppen:" word = "Ord" numberuses = "Antal gnger" smiley = "Smiley" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Bra karma" badkarma = "Dlig karma" lastused = "Sist anvnt av" lastseen1 = "[:days] dag sen" lastseen2 = "[:days] dagar sen" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] statistik av [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistik genererad " pagetitle3 = "Under denna [:days]-dagars rapporteringsperiod, blev ett totalt antal av [:nicks] olika personer representerade i [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats genererade av [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg skapat av [:author_url] med flera" stats_gen_in = "Statistiken tog [:time] att generera" today = "Idag" show_time = "Nr?" show_words = "Antal ord" show_lastseen = "Sgs senast" show_wpl = "Ord per rad" show_cpl = "Tecken per rad" hours = "timmar" minutes = "minuter" seconds = "sekunder" and = "och" mostnickstopic = "Anvndare med flest namn" gender = "Kn" gender_f = "Kvinna" gender_m = "Man" gender_b = "Bot" numberplayed = "Antal gnger spelad" song = "Lt" playedby = "Senast spelad av" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "pisg's hemsida" authorhomepage = "Till utvecklarens hemsida" newwindow = "ppna i nytt fnster:" mailto = "Email till"
### Finnish (Suomi) mostop1 = "[:nick] jakeli kanavalla oppeja [:ops] kertaa..." mostop2 = "[:nick]kin oli tosi kohtelias: hnelt tippui oppeja [:ops] kertaa!" mostop3 = "Kummaa kyll, ketn ei opattu kanavalla [:channel]? " mostdeop1 = "[:nick] yritti olla pomo [:deops] deopilla..." mostdeop2 = "Sijaispomoksi pyrkii [:nick]: nyryyttnyt muita [:deops] kertaa..." mostdeop3 = "Huh huh! [:channel] ei tll kertaa rankaissut ketn!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] antoi voiceja (+v) [:voices]:lle henkillle" mostvoice2 = "Mys [:nick] voicetti ahkerasti: [:voices] kertaa!" mostvoice3 = "Tll kertaa [:channel]:n voicet on kiven alla..." mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] riisti irkkaajilta voiceja [:devoices]:sti!" mostdevoice2 = "Perss seuraa [:nick]: hn otti [:channel]:lla voiceja pois [:devoices] kertaa..." mostdevoice3 = "[:channel]:n voicetkin pysyivt irkkaajilla :)" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] antoi puolioppeja(+h) [:halfops]:lle henkillle" mosthalfop2 = "Mys [:nick] "puolioppaili" ahkeraan: [:halfops] kertaa!" mosthalfop3 = "Tll kertaa [:channel]:lla ei tippunut puolioppeja kenellekn..." mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] riisti irkkaajilta puolioppeja [:dehalfops]:sti!" mostdehalfop2 = "Perss seuraa [:nick]: hn otti [:channel]:lla puolioppeja pois [:dehalfops] kertaa..." mostdehalfop3 = "Keneltkn ei riistetty puolioppeja [:channel]:lla :)" action1 = "[:nick] halusi kaikkien tietvn mit on tekemss: [:actions] /me:t!" action2 = "Myskin [:nick] osaa olla itserakas: selitteli tekemisin [:actions] kertaa..." action3 = "Ei yhtn toimintaa [:channel]:lla!" actiontext = "Yksi esimerkki:
     [:line]" question1 = "Onko [:nick] vhn tyhm vai muuten kyselee liikaa? [:per]% hnen kirjoittamista riveistn olivat kysymyksi!" question2 = "[:nick] on toinen psil... [:per]% hnen sanomisistaan olivat kysymyksi..." question3 = "Kukaan ei kysellyt mitn! Onko tm kanava tynn neroja?" shout1 = "Eniten meist kirkui [:nick], tarkemmin ottaen [:per]% ajasta!" shout2 = "Toinen temperamenttikko oli [:nick], joka huusi [:per]% ajasta..." shout3 = "[:channel]:n porukka on nssj, kukaan ei huutanut!!!!" allcaps1 = "Nytt silt ett [:nick] pit shift-nppint kokoajan pohjassa: perti [:per]% ajasta hn kirjoitti ISOILLA..." allcaps2 = "Kanavan toinen peelo on [:nick]: Caps Lock unohtunut pohjaan [:per]% ajasta!" allcaps3 = "Kummaa kyll, kukaan ei riehunut capseilla..." allcapstext = "Yksi esimerkki:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] on tosi hykkv persoona! Hn pieksi muita irkkaajia perti [:attacks] kertaa!" violent2 = "[:nick] on mys raivoisa. Hn hakkasi muita [:attacks]:sti..." violent3 = "Kukaan ei tll kertaa hakannut ketn, olemmeko saavuttaneet rauhan?" violenttext = "Yksi esimerkki:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "[:nick] parka, kukaan ei tykk hnest. Hnt lpsittiin perti [:attacks] kertaa..." attacked2 = "[:nick] nytt olevan mys epsuosiossa. Hnt hakattiin toiseksi eniten - [:attacks] kertaa!" attackedtext = "Yksi esimerkki:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] sai monoa enntykselliset [:kicks] kertaa!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] seuraa perss: saanut persiilleen [:kicks]:sti..." kicktext = "Yksi esimerkki:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] voisi ptt lhtek vai jdk. Tarkastellun ajanjakson aikana hn on joininut kanavalle [:joins] kertaa!" kick1 = "[:nick] luulee olevansa joku kingi, hn monotti perti [:kicked] irkkaajaa!" kick2 = "[:nick] on mys melkoinen monottaja kuin [:oldnick]: Antoi tennaria [:kicked]:n peelon persiille..." kick3 = "Kukaan ei lentnyt pihalle, minne ne @:t oikein katsoo?" words1 = "[:nick] naputteli yhteens [:words] sanaa!" words2 = "[:oldnick] onkin vieroitusta vailla, mutta [:nick], ei ole aivan NIIN addikti: [:words] sanaa yhteens." words3 = "Kukaan ei puhunut yhtn mitn, mit v*ttua?!" mono1 = "[:nick] on puhunut paljon itsekseen. Hn on vetnyt 5:n rivin monologeja [:monos] kertaa!" mono2 = "Toinen yksininen sielu on [:nick]. Hn onnistui avautumaan 5:n rivin putkessa [:monos] kertaa..." wpl1 = "[:nick] kirjoitti keskimrin [:wpl]:n sanan lauseita." wpl2 = "Kanavan keskiarvo on [:avg] sanaa lausetta kohti." long1 = "[:nick] naputteli enntyksellisen pitki rivej, keskimrin [:letters] merkki rivill." long2 = "[:channel]:n keskiarvo on alhaisempi: tarkalleen ottaen keskimrin [:avg] merkki rivill." short1 = "[:nick] tykk lyhennell ajatuksiaan kirjoittaen lyhyimpi lauseita: [:letters] merkki rivill." short2 = "[:nick] seuraa hyvn kakkosena: [:letters] merkki rivill." foul1 = "[:nick] on kanavan suurisuu! [:per]% hnen sanoistaan olivat kirosanoja!" foul2 = "[:nick] ei osaa myskn hallitse netiketti: [:per]% ajasta kiroilua..." foul3 = "Hmm, [:channel], tuo siven kielen kehto! Mit v*ttua? :)" foultext = "Yksi esimerkki:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] kirkastaa pivsi: [:per]% hnen lauseistaan sislsivt hymin :)" smiles2 = "Ei tuo [:nick]:kaan turhia surkuttele: hymiit piisaa [:per]% ajasta..." smiles3 = "Tll kanavalla ei hymyile kukaan! Yritetnhn nostaa tasoa!" sad1 = "[:nick] on aina naama nurin: [:per]% hnen lauseistaan sislsivt surullisia kasvoja :(" sad2 = "[:nick] oli mys nss itkien [:per]% ajasta" sad3 = "Kukaan ei surkuttele tll kanavalla! Hyv [:channel]! :-)" month = "tammikuuta helmikuuta maaliskuuta huhtikuuta toukokuuta keskuuta heinkuuta elokuuta syyskuuta lokakuuta marraskuuta joulukuuta" day = "sunnuntaina maanantaina tiistaina keskiviikkona torstaina perjantaina lauantaina" ## Topics (Topikit) bignumtopic = "Suuria lukuja" othernumtopic = "Muuta mielenkiintoista" latesttopic = "Viimeisimmt topikit" activetimestopic = "Vuorokauden aikajakauma" activenickstopic = "Ahkerimmat hpttjt" activenickbyhourtopic = "Ahkerimmat kellonajan mukaan" mostwordstopic = "Kytetyimpi sanoja" referencetopic = "Kaivatuimpia irkkaajia" urlstopic = "Kuumia linkkej" karmatopic = "[:channel]:n karma" notopic = "Kanavalle ei koskaan vaivauduttu laittamaan topikia..." mostnickstopic = "Eniten nikkin vaihtavat irkkaajat" bylinetopic = "[:date] asettanut [:nick] klo [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Pivittinen aktiivisuus (viimeiset [:n] piv)" smileytopic = "Hymit :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel]:n soittolista" activegenderstopic = "Aktiivisuus sukupuolen mukaan" ## Other text (Muuta sl) totallines = "Rivien yhteismr: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Tilastoihin eivt mahtuneet [:totalnicks] muuta irkkaajaa..." totaltopic = "Topikia asetettiin yhteens [:total] kertaa." nick = "Kuka?" names = "Kytetyt nikit" url = "Linkki" numberlines = "Rivien mr" randquote = "Satunnaislausahdus" userpic = "Kuva" nottop = "Seuraavat henkilt eivt olleet niin ahkeria (rivien mr):" word = "Sana" numberuses = "Mainittu (kertaa)" show_words = "Sanojen mr" show_time = "Milloin?" show_wpl = "Sanaa lauseessa" show_cpl = "Merkki lauseessa" show_lastseen = " Nhty viimeksi" lastused = "Viimeksi maininnut" lastseen1 = "Eilen" lastseen2 = "[:days] piv sitten" today = "Tnn" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Hyvn karman toi" badkarma = "Pahan karman toi" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] [:network]:ss, tilastot laatinut: [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Tilastoja pivitetty viimeksi " pagetitle3 = "Tll [:days] pivn ajanjaksolla, kanavalla [:channel] kvi yhteens [:nicks] eri tyyppi." stats_gen_by = "Tilastosivu laadittu [:pisg_url]:in versiota [:version] kytten" author = "Perl IRC Statistics Generator, kehittjin [:author_url] sek muita" stats_gen_in = "Tilastojen laatimiseen kytetty aika: [:time]" hours = "tuntia" minutes = "minuuttia" seconds = "sekuntia" and = "ja" names1 = "nicki" names2 = "nick" smiley = "Hymi" song = "Kappale" numberplayed = "Soitettu (kertaa)" playedby = "Viimeksi soittanut" gender = "Sukupuoli" gender_b = "Botti" gender_m = "Mies" gender_f = "Nainen" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Siirry pisg:in kotisivuille" authorhomepage = "Siirry pisg:in kehittjn kotisivuille" newwindow = "Avaa uuteen ikkunaan:" mailto = "Lhet shkpostia"
### Slovenian mostop1 = "[:nick] je [:podaril:podarila:] [:ops] opov na kanalu..." mostop2 = "[:nick] je [:bil:bila:] tudi zelo [:radodaren:radodarna:]. [:ops] opov od [:njega:nje:]." mostop3 = "Cudno, nikomur ni bil dan op na [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] je [:bil:bila:] serif tega kanala z [:deops] deopi." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] je [:odvzel:odvzela:] op [:deops] uporabnikom kanala." mostdeop3 = "Wooo...nikomu ni bil odvzet op na kanalu [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] podelil [:halfops] halfop-ov na kanalu..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] je bil zelo vljuden: [:halfops] podeljenih halfop-ov." mosthalfop3 = "Zauda, ni halfop-ov na [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] je erif na kanalu z [:dehalfops] odvzetih halfop-ov." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] je odvzel halfop [:dehalfops] uporabnikom." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, nobenih halfop-ov odvzetih na [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] je [:podaril:podarila:] [:voices] voicev na kanalu..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] je [:bil:bila:] tudi zelo [:radodaren:radodarna:]. [:voices] voicev od [:njega:nje:]." mostvoice3 = "Cudno, nikomur ni bil dan voice na [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] [:rad:rada:] jemlje voice ljudem... [:devoices] ljudi je ostalo brez voice-a zaradi [:njega:nje:]." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] tesno sledi... [:Odvzela:Odvzel:] voice [:devoices] ljudem." mostdevoice3 = "Nihce ni nikomur odvzel voice-a na [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] nam je vedno [:povedal:povedala:] kaj pocne: [:actions] dejanj!" action2 = "Tudi [:nick] nam je vedno [:povedal:povedala:] kaj se je dogajalo z [:njim:njo:], [:actions] dejanj." action3 = "Nobenih dejanj na kanalu [:channel]!" actiontext = "Najbolj izstopa primer:
     [:line]" question1 = "Je [:nick] res najbolj [:neumen:neumna:] na tem kanalu ali samo sprasuje veliko vprasanj? [:per]% [:njegovih:njenih:] vrstic so bila vprasanja!" question2 = "[:nick] ni [:imel:imela:] pojma o nicemer. [:per]% [:njegovih:njenih:] vrstic so bila vprasanja." question3 = "Nihce ni nic vprasal na tem kanalu; ocitno so sami geniji na tem kanalu?" shout1 = "Najbolj [:glasen:glasna:] je [:bil:bila:] [:nick], ki se je [:drl:drla:] kar [:per]% svojega govorjenja na kanalu!" shout2 = "Naziv Hripav cucek pa dobi: [:nick], ki je z nami [:delil:delila:] [:per]% svojega lajanja na kanalu!" shout3 = "Nihce ni nikoli krical." allcaps1 = " [:nick] je [:imel:imela:] zataknjeno tipko shift: [:per]% svojega pisanja je [:pisal:pisalaa:] z VELIKIMI CRKAMI!" allcaps2 = "[:nick] je [:pozabil:pozabila:] ponovno pritisniti svojo Caps-Lock tipko. Z VELIKIMI CRKAMI je [:pisal:pisala:] kar [:per]% svojega besedicenja na kanalu." allcaps3 = "Vsi so imeli svojo shift tipko pod kontrolo. :)" allcapstext = "Ce si pogledamo tale primer:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] je zelo [:agresiven:agresivna:]. [:attacks]-krat je [:napadel:napadla:] druge ljudi na kanalu." violent2 = "[:nick] tudi ni [:znal:znala:] kontorlirati svoje jeze. Na druge se je [:spravil:spravila:] [:attacks]-krat!" violent3 = "Nihce ni nikogar napadel. Vsi so bili prijazni." violenttext = "Vzemimo primer:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "[:Bogi:Boga:] [:nick]. Nihce [:ga:je:] ne mara. [:Bil:Bila:] je [:napaden:napadena:] [:attacks]-krat." attacked2 = "Tudi [:nick] ni [:bil:bila:] najbolj [:priljubljen:priljubljena:]. [:attacks]-krat je [:dobil:dobila:] buske!." attackedtext = "Naprimer:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] je [:bil:bila:] ocitno zelo [:morec:moreca:], saj so [:ga:jo:] brcnili iz kanala kar [:kicks]-krat!" gotkick2 = "Tudi [:nick] je [:bil:bila:] na spisku osovrazenih ljudi, [:kicks]-krat je [:dobil:dobila:] brco." kicktext = "Kot naprimer tole:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] se ni [:mogel:morala:] odlociti ali naj ostane na kanalu ali naj gre dol. [:joins]-krat je [:prisel:prisla:] na kanal med tem casom, ko smo belezili statistiko!" kick1 = "[:nick] je [:bil:bila:] [:nor:nora:] [:operater:operaterka:], saj je [:brcnil:brcnila:] iz kanala [:kicked] ljudi!" kick2 = "[:Zvesti:Zvesta:] [:naslednik:naslednica:] na kanalu, [:nick], pa je [:brcnil:brcnila:] [:kicked] ljudi iz kanala." kick3 = "Kaksni dobri operaterji, nikogar niso brcnili iz kanala!" words1 = "[:nick] je [:povedal:povedala:] vsega skupaj [:words] besed!" words2 = "Sledi mu [:nick], ki pa ni kaj dosti manj [:govoril:govorila:]: [:words] besed." words3 = "Nihce ni nic rekel... Kaksen cuden kanal..." mono1 = "[:nick] je veliko [:govoril:govorila:] [:sam:sama:] s sabo. [:Napisal:Napisala:] je 5 vrstic naenkrat, kar [:monos]-krat!" mono2 = "Tudi [:nick] spada med osamljene osebe, saj je [:pisal:pisala:] [:samemu:sami:] sebi kar [:monos] krat." wpl1 = "[:nick] je [:napisal:napisala:] povprecno [:wpl] besed na vrstico." wpl2 = "Povprecje kanala [:channel] je [:avg] besed na vrstico." long1 = "[:nick] je [:pisal:pisala:] najdaljse vrstice, dolge povprecno [:letters] znakov na vrstico." long2 = "Povprecje kanala [:channel] je bilo [:avg] znakov na vrstico." short1 = "[:nick] je [:pisal:pisala:] najkrajse vrstice, ki so vsebovale samo [:letters] znakov na vrsico." short2 = "[:nick] mu je [:sledil:sledila:] z [:letters] znaki na vrstico." foul1 = "[:nick] je [:imel:imela:] umazana usta. [:per]% [:njegovih:njenih:] vrstic je vsebovalo grde besede." foul2 = "[:nick] pa ni [:zaostajal:zaostajala:] dosti, [:per]% [:njegovih:njenih:] besed so bile kletvice." foul3 = "Nihce ni grdo govoril na kanalu [:channel]! A sploh kej ven hod'te?" foultext = "Cisti primer je:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] je [:prinasal:prinasala:] sreco na ta svet. [:per]% [:njegovih:njenih:] vrstic so bili smeskoti. :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] tudi ni zalostna oseba, saj se smeje [:per]% vsega svojega casa." smiles3 = "Nihce se ni smejal na kanalu[:channel]! Razveseliti vas bo treba fantje in punce." sad1 = "[:nick] je verjetno zelo [:zalosten:zalostna:] ta trenuek, ker je: [:per]% vrstic vsebovalo zalostne smeskote. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] je tudi zalostna oseba, saj je [:jokal:jokala:] [:per]% svojega govorjenja." sad3 = "Nihce ni zalosten na kanalu [:channel]! Kaksen vesel kanal. :-)" month = "Januar Februar Marec April Maj Junij Julij Avgust September Oktober November December" day = "Nedelja Ponedeljek Torek Sreda Cetrtek Petek Sobota" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Najvecji rekordi" othernumtopic = "Druge zanimivosti" latesttopic = "Zadnji topici" activetimestopic = "Najbolj aktivni casi" activenickstopic = "Najbolj aktivni nicki" activenickbyhourtopic = "Najbolj aktivni nicki sortirani po casu" mostwordstopic = "Najveckrat izrecene besede" referencetopic = "Najveckrat omenjen nick" urlstopic = "Najveckrat povedan URL naslov" notopic = "Na tem kanalu ni nihce nikoli postavil topica." mostnickstopic = "Uporabniki z najvec nicki" bylinetopic = "[:date] [:Povedal:Povedala:] [:nick] ob [:time]" smileytopic = "Smekoti :-)" dailyactivitytopic = "Dnevna Aktivnost (zadnjih [:n] dni)" activegenderstopic = "Najbolj Aktiven Spol" chartstopic = "[:channel] Glasbene Lestvice" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" ## Other text totallines = "Stevilo vseh vrstic znasa: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Ce koga zanima, je bilo se [:totalnicks] drugih nickov na tem kanalu, ki pa niso dovolj pomembni da bi bili vpisani na tej strani." totaltopic = "Topic je bil postavljen [:total]-krat." nick = "Nick" names = "Imena uporabljena" url = "URL" numberlines = "Stevilo vrstic" randquote = "Nakljucni citat" userpic = "Slika" nottop = "Vsi ti, pa niso prisli med najboljse:" word = "Beseda" numberuses = "Stevilo uporab" show_words = "Stevilo besed" show_time = "Kdaj?" show_wpl = "Stevilo besed na vrstico" show_cpl = "Stevilo znakov na vrstico" show_lastseen = "Zadnjic viden/a" lastused = "Zadnjic uporabljal/a" lastseen1 = "[:days] dan nazaj" lastseen2 = "[:days] dni nazaj" today = "Danes" pagetitle1 = "Statistika kanala [:channel] na [:network]-u, ki jo vodi [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistika generirana na dan: " pagetitle3 = "Med tem [:days]-dnevnim casom, ko je bil kanal logiran, je sestevek nickov, ki so si prisli ogledat kanal [:channel] [:nicks]" stats_gen_by = "Statistika narejena s programom [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg napisal [:author_url] in drugi" stats_gen_in = "Statistika narejena v [:time]" hours = "urah" minutes = "minutah" seconds = "sekundah" and = "in" names1 = "imena" names2 = "ime" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Slaba karma od" goodkarma = "Dobra karma od" smiley = "Smeko" gender = "Spol" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "enski" gender_m = "Moki" numberplayed = "Koliko Pogosto Zaigran" song = "Pesem" playedby = "Zadnje Zaigrana od" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Pojdi na domaco stran programa pisg" authorhomepage = "Pojdi na avtorjevo domaco stran" newwindow = "Odpri v novem oknu:" mailto = "Poslji mail na:"
### Hungarian (Magyar lengvidzsu szovegek) mostop1 = "[:nick] [:ops] opot adott a csatin..." mostop2 = "[:nick] szinten nagylelku: [:ops] opot adomanyozott." mostop3 = "Erdekes, senki nem kapott opot a [:channel] csatin!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] volt a csati rendore, [:deops] alkalommal deopolt." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deopolt [:deops] emberket." mostdeop3 = "Hu, nem vettek el egy opot sem a [:channel]-n!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] [:voices] voice-ot adott a csatin..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] szinten nagylelku: [:voices] voice-ot adomanyozott." mostvoice3 = "Erdekes, senki nem kapott voice-ot a [:channel] csatin!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] szereti elvenni a voice-ot, [:devoices] alkalommal tette ezt." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] hasonloan [:devoices] embertol vette el a voice-ot." mostdevoice3 = "Nem vettek el senkitol voice-ot a [:channel]-n!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] [:halfops] felopot adott a csatin..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] szinten nagylelku: [:halfops] felopot adomanyozott." mosthalfop3 = "Erdekes, senki nem kapott felopot a [:channel] csatin!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] volt a csati rendore, [:deops] alkalommal vett el felopot." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] [:dehalfops]-szor fosztott meg valakit a felopjatol." mostdehalfop3 = "Nem vettek el egy felopot sem a [:channel]-n!" action1 = "[:nick] mindig tudatja velunk mit csinal: [:actions] akciot nyomott!" action2 = "A masodik [:nick], aki [:actions] alkalommal mondta el, mi a helyzet vele." action3 = "Semmi ekson nem volt a [:channel]-n!" actiontext = "Peldaul:
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] kerdez a legtobbet, a sorainak a [:per]%-a tartalmazott kerdest." question2 = "[:nick] se tud sokkal tobbet. O [:per]%-ban tett fel kerdeseket." question3 = "Senki sem kerdezett a csatin - csak zsenik jarnak ide?" shout1 = "A leghangosabb [:nick] volt, [:per]%-ban kiabalt!" shout2 = "A masik nagyhangu [:nick] volt, aki [:per]%-ban volt hangos!" shout3 = "Senki sem kiabalt." allcaps1 = "Ugy tunik [:nick] shift-gombja beragadt: [:per]%-ban NAGY BETUVEL irt." allcaps2 = "[:nick] is elfelejtette neha kikapcsoli a Caps-Lockot. [:per]%-ban NAGYBETUZOTT." allcaps3 = "Mindenki ugyelt a shiftre." allcapstext = "Peldaul:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] meglehetosen agressziv. [:attacks]-szer/szor bantott masokat." violent2 = "[:nick] sem tudott uralkodni magan [:attacks] alkalommal." violent3 = "Senki sem bantott senkit." violenttext = "Peldaul igy:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Szegeny [:nick]-t nem nagyon szeretik. [:attacks] alkalommal bantottak." attacked2 = "[:nick] is sokat bantjak. Ot [:attacks]-szer/szor bantottak." attackedtext = "Peldaul:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] nem volt tul nepszeru, [:kicks]-szer/szor kirugodott!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] Sem nagy koma, o [:kicks] kicket kapott." kicktext = "Peldaul, mint ez:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] jott be a legtobbszor. [:joins] alkalommal a logolas alatt." kick1 = "[:nick] vagy kocsog, vagy jo op, kirugott [:kicked] embert." kick2 = "[:oldnick] lelkes kovetoje, [:nick], szinten kirugott [:kicked] komat." kick3 = "Aranyosak az opok, senkit sem rugtak ki." words1 = "[:nick] [:words] szot mondott!" words2 = "[:oldnick] utan a masodik [:nick] alig [:words] szoval." words3 = "Erdekes hely, senki nem mond semmit..." mono1 = "[:nick] tul sokat beszel magaban. Tobb, mint 5 sort irt le egymas utan [:monos] alkalommal!" mono2 = "A masik magaban beszelo [:nick] volt, aki hasonloan tett [:monos]-szer/szor." wpl1 = "[:nick] atlagosan [:wpl] szot ir soronkent." wpl2 = "A csati atlaga [:avg] szo/sor." long1 = "[:nick] irja a leghosszabb sorokat, atlagosan [:letters] betut soronkent." long2 = "[:channel] atlag: [:avg] betu/sor." short1 = "[:nick] irja a legrovidebb sorokat, atlagosan [:letters] betut soronkent." short2 = "[:nick] szinten szukszaju a(z) [:letters] betu/soros atlagaval." foul1 = "[:nick] csunyan beszel. a sorai [:per]%-a tartalmaz csunya szot." foul2 = "[:nick] szinten nem beszel eleg szepen az esetek [:per]%-aban." foul3 = "Senki nem beszel csunyan a [:channel]-n!" foultext = "Peldaul, mint itt:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] a legvidamabb. A sorai [:per]%-aban mosolyog :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] sem egy szomorkas egyen, az ido [:per]%-aban vigyorog." smiles3 = "Senki sem mosolygott?!" sad1 = "[:nick] szomorunak tunik: a sorai [:per]%-a tartalmaz szomorkodast. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] szinten nem tul vidam, szomoru az esetek [:per]%-aban." sad3 = "Itt senki sem szomoru!:)" month = "Januar Februar Marcius Aprilis Majus Junius Julius Augusztus Szeptember Oktober November December" day = "Vasarnap Hetfo Kedd Szerda Csutortok Pentek Szombat" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Nagy szamok" othernumtopic = "Egyeb erdekes szamok" latesttopic = "Legutobbi topicok" activetimestopic = "Legaktivabb idoszakok" activenickstopic = "Legaktivabb nevek" activenickbyhourtopic = "Legaktivabb nevek - orakra bontva" mostwordstopic = "Legtobbet hasznalt szavak" referencetopic = "Legtobbet emlegetett nevek" urlstopic = "Legtobbet emlitett URL-ek" notopic = "A topic sosem valtozott." mostnickstopic = "Legtobb nicknevet hasznalo csetelok" bylinetopic = "[:date] [:nick] allitotta be [:time]-kor." smileytopic = "Szmjlik" chartstopic = "[:channel] Slagerlista" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" dailyactivitytopic = "Napi aktivits (utols [:n] nap)" activegenderstopic = "Nemek szerinti aktivitas" ## Other text totallines = "Osszes sorok szama: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Mellesleg osszesen [:totalnicks] nick volt a csatin." totaltopic = "A topicot [:total]-szer/szor valtoztattak meg." nick = "Nick" url = "URL" numberlines = "Sorok szama" randquote = "Veletlen sor" userpic = "Kep" nottop = "Nem kerultek be a legjobbak koze:" word = "Szo" numberuses = "Hasznalatok szama" show_words = "Szavak szama" show_time = "Mikor?" show_wpl = "Szo/sor" show_cpl = "Betu/sor" show_lastseen = "Utoljara itt:" lastused = "Utoljara hasznalta:" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] statisztika [:maintainer] segitsegevel" pagetitle2 = "A statisztika: " pagetitle3 = "Ezalatt a [:days] napos idoszak alatt [:nicks] kulonbozo nick-u emberke tevekenykedett a [:channel]-n." today = "Ma" lastseen1 = "[:days] nappal ezelott" lastseen2 = "[:days] nappal ezelott" stats_gen_by = "A statisztikat keszitette: [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg keszitoje: [:author_url] and others" stats_gen_in = "A statisztika keszult: [:time]" hours = "ora" minutes = "perc" seconds = "masodperc" and = "es" names1 = "nevek" names2 = "nev" names = "Hasznlt nevek" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Rossz karma ... miatt/ltal" goodkarma = "J karma ... miatt/ltal" smiley = "Szmjli" gender = "Neme" gender_b = "Robot" gender_f = "N" gender_m = "Frfi" numberplayed = "Milyen gyakran jtszott" song = "Dal" playedby = "Utoljra jtszott" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "A pisg honlapja" authorhomepage = "A keszito honlapja" newwindow = "Uj ablakban nyitas:" mailto = "Level kuldese:"
### Estonian mostop1 = "Kige rohkem operaatori staatust jagas [:nick], [:ops] korda." mostop2 = "[:nick] ei tahtnud sitem olla ja andis [:ops] op-i." mostop3 = "Imelik, aga kanalil [:channel] ei andnud keegi kellelegi op-i!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] mtles, et on kva kutt ja vttis [:deops]-lt kasutajalt op-staatuse ra." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deop-is [:deops] kasutajat." mostdeop3 = "Ohoh, keegi ei vtnud kelleltki op-i ra!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] andis [:voices]-le kasutajale hle." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] oli ka vga lahke ja andis [:voices] hlt." mostvoice3 = "Imelik, kanalis [:channel] ei antud htegi hlt!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick]'le meeldib teistelt hli ra vtta, tegi seda [:devoices] korda." mostdevoice2 = "Samas [:nick] vttis [:devoices]-lt kasutajalt hle ra." mostdevoice3 = "htegi hlt ei vetud ra!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] andis [:halfops] poolikut op-i kanalis..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] andis kah mned poolikud operaatorid ja ta tegi seda [:halfops]-l korral." mosthalfop3 = "Imelik, htegi pool-operaatori staatust ei antud [:channel] kanalis!" mostdehalfop1 = "Kuri [:nick] vttis [:dehalfops] korda teistelt pool-operaatori staatuse." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] vttis [:dehalfops]-lt kasutajalt pooliku op-i." mostdehalfop3 = "Ohoo, htegi pool-operaatori staatust ei vetud [:channel] kanalis!" action1 = "[:nick] tahtis, et kik teaksid, mida ta teeb: kokku [:actions] tegevust!" action2 = "Kusjuures, [:nick] tahtis ka, et kik teaksid tema tegevusest: kokku [:actions] tegevust." action3 = "Mitte htegi tegevuse kirjeldust selle perioodi jooksul!" actiontext = "Nagu niteks:
     [:line]" question1 = "Tundub, et [:nick] on mingi eriti loll tegelane vi esitab ta lihtsalt liiga palju ksimusi? [:per]% ridadest olid ksimused." question2 = "[:nick] ei teadnud ka kuigi palju: [:per]% ridadest olid ksimused." question3 = "Keegi ei esitanud ksimusi, tundub et siin kanalis kivad ainult targad inimesed" shout1 = "Kige suurem kisakri oli [:nick], [:per]% ajast ainult lugas ja nitas hambaid teistele." shout2 = "Teine kvema hlega tp oli [:nick], tema valju hle osakaal oli [:per]%." shout3 = "Lahe! Kik rkisid vaikse hlega." allcaps1 = "Tundub et [:nick] shift'i nupp vajub iseenesest alla: [:per]% ajast kirjutas SUURTE THTEDEGA." allcaps2 = "[:nick] unustas oma Caps-Lock'i peale. [:per]% ajast kirjutas SUURTE THTEDEGA." allcaps3 = "Kik kirjutasid vikeste thtedega. :)" allcapstext = "Nagu niteks:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] on vga agressiivne persoon. Ta peksis teisi [:attacks] kord(a)." violent2 = "[:nick] ei suuda sammuti end vaos hoida ja li teisi [:attacks] kord(a)." violent3 = "[:channel] kanalis kib vga sbralik rahvas, keegi ei lnud teisi" violenttext = "Nagu niteks:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Vaene [:nick], ta ei meeldi vist teistele. Teda rnnati [:attacks] kord(a)." attacked2 = "Samas [:nick] sai [:attacks] kord(a) kolakat." attackedtext = "Nagu niteks:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] ei olnud eriti populaarne, ta sai [:kicks] kord(a) saabast!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] polnud ka eriti popp: talle tehti [:kicks] kord(a) lennukit." kicktext = "Nagu niteks:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] ei suutnud otsustada, kas jda kanalisse vi mitte. Liitus kanaliga [:joins] korda!" kick1 = "[:nick] on mingi pris karm vend vi siis lihtsalt iglane operaator: [:kicked] inimest said kinga!" kick2 = "Noh [:nick] mtles, et nitab ka oma vimu ja andis [:kicked] saabast." kick3 = "Kik kitusid hsti ja keegi ei saanud kick'i!" words1 = "[:nick] kirjutas kokku [:words] sna!" words2 = "[:nick] rkis natuke vhem kui [:oldnick]: [:words] sna." words3 = "Keegi ei elnud mitte kui midagi... Vga imelik kanal..." mono1 = "[:nick] rkis vga palju omaette. Ta kirjutas rohkem kui 5 rida jrjest [:monos]-l korral!" mono2 = "Vga ksikuna tundis ennast [:nick] ja seda [:monos]-l korral." wpl1 = "[:nick] kirjutas keskmiselt [:wpl] sna rea kohta." wpl2 = "Kanali keskmine oli [:avg] sna rea kohta." long1 = "[:nick] kirjutas kige pikemaid ridu, keskmiselt [:letters] thte reas." long2 = "[:channel] keskmine oli [:avg] thte reas." short1 = "[:nick] kirjutas kige lhemaid ridu, keskmiselt [:letters] smbolit reas." short2 = "[:nick] kirjutas natuke pikemaid ridu, keskmiselt [:letters] smbolit reas." foul1 = "[:nick] oli kige ropuma suuga. [:per]% ridadest sisaldasid roppust." foul2 = "Samas [:nick] rkis kah rumalusi, seda siis [:per]% ajast." foul3 = "[:channel] kanalit klastab vga distsiplineeritud rahvas!" foultext = "Nagu niteks:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] on [:channel] kanali kige nnelikum inimene. [:per]% ridadest sisaldasid naerungu. :-)" smiles2 = "[:nick] pole ka just kige kurvem inimene, naeratas [:per]% ajast." smiles3 = "Ehh, [:channel] kanalis kivad mingid imelikud. Mitte keegi ei naeratanud." sad1 = "[:nick] tundub olevat kuidagi kurvas meeleolus: [:per]% ridadest sisaldasid kurba ngu. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] on ka millegiprast pahur, tema mossitas [:per]% ajast." sad3 = "Lahe! Kik [:channel] tegelased on heas tujus :-)" month = "Jaanuaril Veebruaril Mrtsil Aprillil Mail Juunil Juulil Augustil Septembril Oktoobril Novembril Detsembril" day = "Phapeval Esmaspeval Teisipeval Kolmapeval Neljapeval Reedel Laupeval" # Topics bignumtopic = "Suured numbrid" othernumtopic = "Teisi huvitavaid numbreid" latesttopic = "Hiljutised teemad" activetimestopic = "Kige aktiivsem aeg" activenickstopic = "Kige aktiivsemad kasutajad" activenickbyhourtopic = "Aktiivseimad kasutajad tundide jrgi vetuna" mostwordstopic = "Eelistatuimad snad" referencetopic = "Enim mainitud nimed" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" urlstopic = "Kige enam mainitud viited" notopic = "Kanali teemat ei muudetud kordagi." mostnickstopic = "Kasutajad, kes armastavad tihti oma nime muuta" bylinetopic = "[:date] muutis [:nick] kell [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Pevane aktiivsus (viimased [:n] peva)" activegenderstopic = "Kige aktiivsem sugu" smileytopic = "Smailid :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] muusika edetabelid" # Other text totallines = "Ridade arv kokku: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Muideks, kanalit klastas veel [:totalnicks] tegelast." totaltopic = "Teemat muudeti [:total] korda." nick = "Nimi" names = "Erinevad nimed" url = "URL" numberlines = "Ridade arv" randquote = "Suvaline tsitaat" userpic = "Kasutaja pilt" nottop = "Nemad ei kndinud nii krgele:" word = "Sna" numberuses = "Kasutatavus" show_words = "Snade arv" show_time = "Aeg" show_wpl = "Snade arv reas" show_cpl = "Thtede arv reas" show_lastseen = "Viimati ajas juttu" lastused = "Viimati kasutas" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Hea karma pani" badkarma = "Halva karma pani" lastseen1 = "[:days] pev tagasi" lastseen2 = "Eile" today = "Tna" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] statistika koostas [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistika on koostatud" pagetitle3 = "[:days]-pevase perioodi jooksul klastas [:channel] kanalit [:nicks] erinevat tegelast." stats_gen_by = "Statistika genereeris [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg'i autor on [:author_url] ja teised" stats_gen_in = "Statistika koostamine vttis aega [:time]" hours = "tund(i)" minutes = "minut(it)" seconds = "sekund(it)" and = "ja" names1 = "nime" names2 = "nimi" gender = "Sugu" gender_f = "Naine" gender_m = "Mees" gender_b = "Robot" smiley = "Smaili" song = "laul" numberplayed = "kui tihti mngitud" playedby = "viimati mngis" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "pisg kodulehele" authorhomepage = "Autori kodulehele" newwindow = "Ava uues aknas:" mailto = "Postita kiri aadressile"
### Italian mostop1 = "[:nick] ha fatto [:ops] operatori..." mostop2 = "Anche [:nick] stato molto gentile: [:ops] operatori da [:him:her:]." mostop3 = "Strano, nessuno stato reso operatore su [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] lo sceriffo del canale con [:deops] declassamenti." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] ha tolto lo status di operatore a [:deops] utenti." mostdeop3 = "Uau, a nessuno stato tolto lo status di operatore su [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] ha dato voce a [:voices] utenti nel canale..." mostvoice2 = "Anche [:nick] stato molto gentile: voce a [:voices] utenti da [:him:her:]." mostvoice3 = "Strano, a nessuno stato dato voce su [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] ama togliere la voce alle persone, lo ha fatto ben [:devoices] volte." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] lo segue a routa, infatti ha ammutolito [:devoices] utenti." mostdevoice3 = "Uau, nessuno stato zittito su [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] ha fatto [:halfops] mezzoperatori..." mosthalfop2 = "Anche [:nick] stato molto gentile: [:halfops] mezzoperatori da [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Strano, nessuno stato reso mezzoperatore su [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] lo sceriffo del canale con [:dehalfops] declassamenti." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] ha tolto lo status di mezzoperatore a [:dehalfops] utenti." mostdehalfop3 = "Uau, a nessuno stato tolto lo status di mezzoperatore su [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] vuole sempre farci sapere cosa sta facendo: [:actions] azioni!" action2 = "Inoltre, [:nick] ci dice cosa c' con [:actions] azioni." action3 = "Niente azioni in [:channel]!" actiontext = "Ad esempio, cos:
     [:line]" question1 = "Ma [:nick] stupido o solo fa troppe domande?! Ben il [:per]% delle linee contengono una domanda!" question2 = "Anche [:nick] non ne s cos tanto. Il [:per]% delle linee erano domande." question3 = "Nessuno ha fatto domande qui, solo geni in questo canale?" shout1 = "Il pi rumoroso stato [:nick], che ha strillato il [:per]% del tempo!" shout2 = "Un altro vecchio strillone [:nick], che ha urlato per il [:per]% del tempo!" shout3 = "Nessuno ha urlato per nulla, uau." allcaps1 = "Sembra che il tasto shift di [:nick] sia bloccato: per il [:per]% del tempo ha scritto in MAIUSCOLO." allcaps2 = "[:nick] ha dimenticato di spegnere il suo CapsLock. Ha scritto in MAIUSCOLO per il [:per]% del tempo." allcaps3 = "Tutti hanno tenuto sotto controllo il tasto shift. :-)" allcapstext = "Ad esempio, cos:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] una persona molto aggressiva, ha attaccato gli altri [:attacks] volte." violent2 = "Anche [:nick] non riesce a controllare l'aggressivit. Ha assalito gli altri [:attacks] volte." violent3 = "Nessuno picchia nessuno. Sono tutti amichevoli." violenttext = "Ad esempio, cos:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Povero [:nick], non piace a nessuno. stato attaccato [:attacks] volte." attacked2 = "Anche [:nick] sembra che piaccia poco. Le ha prese [:attacks] volte." attackedtext = "Ad esempio, cos:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] non molto popolare, stato cacciato [:kicks] volte!" gotkick2 = "Anche [:nick] sembra sia odiato: ha ricevuto ben [:kicks] calci." kicktext = "Ad esempio, cos:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] non sa se stare o andare. entrato [:joins] volte durante questo periodo in esame!" kick1 = "[:nick] forse folle o solo un operatore corretto, ha cacciato un totale di [:kicked] persone!" kick2 = "Il fedele seguace di [:oldnick], [:nick], ha cacciato circa [:kicked] persone." kick3 = "Sono carini gli operatori qui, nessuno stato cacciato!" words1 = "[:nick] ha detto un totale di [:words] parole!" words2 = "Il fedele seguace di [:oldnick], [:nick], non parla cos tanto: [:words] parole." words3 = "Nessuno ha detto nulla... Che strano canale..." mono1 = "[:nick] parla con s un bel po'. Ha scritto pi di 5 linee di fila [:monos] volte!" mono2 = "Un'altro solitario [:nick], che riuscito a raggiungere le [:monos] volte." wpl1 = "[:nick] ha scritto una media di [:wpl] parole per linea." wpl2 = "La media del canale di [:avg] parole per linea." long1 = "[:nick] ha scritto le linee pi lunghe, in media [:letters] lettere per linea." long2 = "La media di [:channel] e' di [:avg] lettere per linea." short1 = "[:nick] ha scritto le linee pi corte, in media [:letters] lettere per linea." short2 = "Anche [:nick] di poche parole, in media [:letters] lettere per linea." foul1 = "[:nick] piuttosto sboccato. Il [:per]% delle parole erano parolacce." foul2 = "Anche [:nick] farebbe impallidire uno scaricatore di porto, il [:per]% del tempo." foul3 = "Nessuno sboccato in [:channel]! Sorpreso?" foultext = "Ad esempio, cos:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] porta felicit al mondo. Il [:per]% delle linee contengono facce sorridenti. :-)" smiles2 = "Neanche [:nick] e' una persona triste, sorride il [:per]% del tempo." smiles3 = "Nessuno ride qui in [:channel]! State su ragazzi e ragazze." sad1 = "[:nick] sembra essere triste al momento: il [:per]% delle linee contengono facce tristi. :-(" sad2 = "Anche [:nick] una persona triste, piange il [:per]% del tempo." sad3 = "Nessuno e' triste in [:channel]! Che canale felice. :-)" month = "Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre" day = "Domenica Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Grandi cifre" othernumtopic = "Altri numeri interessanti" latesttopic = "Ultimi temi" activetimestopic = "Periodi pi attivi" activenickstopic = "Persone pi attive" activenickbyhourtopic = "Pseudonimi pi attivi divisi per ora" mostwordstopic = "Parole pi usate" referencetopic = "Pseudonimi pi nominati" karmatopic = "Il karma di [:channel]" urlstopic = "Indirizzi pi citati" notopic = "Un tema non mai stato impostato in questo canale." mostnickstopic = "Utenti con pi pseudonimi" bylinetopic = "alle [:time] di [:date] da [:nick]" dailyactivitytopic = "Attivita giornaliera (ultimi [:n] giorni)" activegenderstopic = "Genere pi attivo" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Classifica Musicale" ## Other text totallines = "Numero totale di linee: [:lines]." totalnicks = "A proposito, ci sono stati [:totalnicks] altri pseudonimi." totaltopic = "Il tema stato impostato [:total] volte." nick = "Pseudonimo" names = "Nomi Usati" url = "Indirizzo" numberlines = "Numero di linee" randquote = "Citazione casuale" userpic = "Foto dell'utente" nottop = "Questi non ce l'hanno fatta del tutto:" word = "Parola" numberuses = "Numero di utilizzi" show_words = "Numero di parole" show_time = "Quando?" show_wpl = "Parole per linea" show_cpl = "Lettere per linea" show_lastseen = "Ultima Visita" lastused = "Usato per ultimo da" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Buon karma da" badkarma = "Cattivo karma " lastseen1 = "ieri" lastseen2 = "[:days] giorni fa" today = "oggi" pagetitle1 = "Statistiche del canale [:channel] della rete [:network] da [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistiche generate " pagetitle3 = "Durante questi [:days] giorni di analisi, [:nicks] pseudonimi differenti si sono visti su [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Statistiche generate tramite [:pisg_url] [:version]" author = "pisg da [:author_url] e altri :-)" stats_gen_in = "Statistiche generate in [:time]" hours = "ore" minutes = "minuti" seconds = "secondi" and = "e" names1 = "nomi" names2 = "nome" gender = "Genere" gender_f = "Femmina" gender_m = "Maschio" gender_b = "Bot" smiley = "Smiley" numberplayed = "Quante volte stata ascoltata" song = "Canzone" playedby = "Ascoltato l'ultima volta da" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Vai al sito di pisg" authorhomepage = "Vai al sito dell'autore" newwindow = "Apri in un'altra finestra:" mailto = "Scrivi a"
### Catalan mostop1 = "[:nick] ha donat [:ops] ops al canal..." mostop2 = "[:nick] tambe reparteix ensiamades: [:ops] ni ms ni menys" mostop3 = "Encara no s'han repartit les arrobes al canal [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] s el dolent de la pellcula, ha tret l'@ a [:deops] persones" mostdeop2 = "[:nick] li ha tret l'@ a [:deops] persones" mostdeop3 = "Per ara no se li ha tret l'arroba a ning a [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] ha donat [:halfops] mig-ops en el canal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] va anar tamb molt corts: %[:halfops] mig-ops des de %[:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Extrany, ning ha donat mig-op en [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] s el sheriff del canal amb [:dehalfops] mig-ops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] ha retirat [:dehalfops] mig-ops als usuaris." mostdehalfop3 = "Uau, ning mig-op va ser pres en [:channel]!" question1 = "[:nick] necessitava ms hores de guarderia quan era petit/a, el [:per]% de les seves linies contenen una pregunta!" question2 = "[:nick] tampoc s'entera gaire el [:per]% de les seves linies sn preguntes" question3 = "Ning fa preguntes aqu, sembla un canal de savis" shout1 = "Em sembla que [:nick] est una mica exaltat/da. Escriu amb exclamacions el [:per]% del temps!" shout2 = "A [:nick] tamb li agrada afirmar amb rotunditat el que diu. Escriu amb exclamacions el [:per]% del temps!" shout3 = "Ning ha escrit frases amb exclamacions." allcaps1 = "A [:nick] se li ha encallat el bloqueig de majscules, el [:per]% del temps escriu D'AQUESTA MANERA TAN PECULIAR" allcaps2 = "[:nick] deu tenir el vici amb la tecla shift, el [:per]% del temps fa el mateix" allcaps3 = "Tothom t la tecla shift sota control :)" allcapstext = "Com per exemple, aix:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] s el ms agressiu del canal, ha repartit hsties [:attacks] vegades." violent2 = "[:nick] t la m fluixa. Ha repartit pinyes [:attacks] vegades." violent3 = "Ning ha repartit pinyus en aquest canal, tothom -sembla- amigable :)." violenttext = "Com s mostra aqui:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Pobre [:nick], A ning li cau b. Li han donat [:attacks] bofetades." attacked2 = "[:nick] t marques de dits a la cara. Ha estat abofetejat [:attacks] vegades." attackedtext = "Exemple:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] ha estat una mica capullo i per aix el vam fer fora [:kicks] vegades!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] tamb ens toca bastant els ous i per aix el vam fotre fora [:kicks] vegades" joins = "[:nick] no sap si marxar o quedar-se, l'he vist [:joins] vegades entrar al canal!" kick1 = "[:nick] actua com un operador amb una m dura, ha fet fora a [:kicked] persones!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] t un seguidor incondicional, [:nick] vols sembla que fa algo hi ha expulsat a [:kicked] persones" kick3 = "s maca la gent d'aqui, ning ha estat kickejat!" kicktext = "Aqu est la prova:
     [:line]" action1 = "[:nick] vol mantenir-nos informats del que fa en tot moment. Ha escrit [:actions] accions!" action2 = "I per suposat [:nick] tamb ens ho ha dit [:actions] cops" action3 = "Eh! s'han mostrat ms accions a [:channel] !" actiontext = "Heus aqu un exemple:
     [:line]" words1 = "[:nick] ha dit un total de [:words] paraules!" words2 = "El fan numero 1 de [:oldnick] s [:nick], que ha escrit [:words] paraules." words3 = "Ning diu res... quin canal ms misteriso..." wpl1 = "[:nick] Ha escrit una mitjana de [:wpl] paraules per linia..." wpl2 = "La mitjana del canal s de [:avg] paraules per linia." mono1 = "La gent passa un mica de [:nick], ha escrit ms de 5 linies seguides en [:monos] ocasions!" mono2 = "Una altra persona solitaria s [:nick], que ha fet el mateix [:monos] vegades" long1 = "[:nick] escriu les linies ms llargues: [:letters] lletres per linia..." long2 = "La mitjana de [:channel] s de [:avg] lletres per linia" short1 = "[:nick] s la persona ms vaga escribint, amb una mitjana de [:letters] lletres per linia..." short2 = "[:nick] no s queda endarrera, amb una mitjana de [:letters]" foul1 = "[:nick] necessita que li rentin la boca amb lleixiu, un [:per]% de les seves linies contenen "paraulotes" i insults" foul2 = "[:nick] tamb s una mica bstia, blasfema el [:per]% del temps" foul3 = "Sembla que tothom parla correctament a [:channel]! S'ho diuen tot a la cara?" smiles1 = "[:nick] sembla que s'hagus fumat un canuto de maria, el [:per]% de les seves linies contenen caretes somrients :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] haur fumat alguna altra cosa, est somrient el [:per]% del temps" smiles3 = "Ning ha somrigut a [:channel]! Anims! I que ruli!!!." sad1 = "[:nick] sembla disgustat, el [:per]% de les seves linies contenen cares tristes :(" sad2 = "[:nick] tamb est trist el [:per]% del temps" sad3 = "Ning est trist a [:channel]! Aqui som tots felios :-)" month = "Gener Febrer Mar Abril Maig Juny Juliol Agost Setembre Octubre Novembre Desembre" day = "Diumenge Dilluns Dimarts Dimecres Dijous Divendres Dissabte" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Qu s'ha de dir de nosaltres...?" othernumtopic = "Coses interessants" latesttopic = "ltims Topics" activetimestopic = "Hores ms freqentades" activenickstopic = "La gent que ms parla" mostwordstopic = "Les paraules ms utilitzades" referencetopic = "Les persones de les que ms es parla" urlstopic = "URLs ms freqentment mencionades" notopic = "Encara no s'ha utilitzat el topic del canal" bylinetopic = "[:date] per [:nick] a les [:time]" mostnickstopic = "Usuaris i nicks usats" dailyactivitytopic = "Activitat diria (ltims [:n] dies)" activegenderstopic = "Gnere ms actiu" smileytopic = "Emoticones :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] xits musicals" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" ## Other text totallines = "Nombre total de linies: [:lines]" totalnicks = "Hi ha hagut altres [:totalnicks] nicks que han passat pel canal" totaltopic = "Hi ha hagut [:total] canvis de topic" nick = "Nick" names = "Noms utilitzats" url = "URL" numberlines = "Linies" randquote = "Frase a l'atzar" show_words = "Nmero de paraules" show_wpl = "Paraules per lnia" show_cpl = "Caracters per lnia" activenickbyhourtopic = "Els nick ms actius per hores" names1 = "Noms" names2 = "Nom" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] va donar [:voices] voices al canal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] va ser molt amable i va donar [:voices] en total." mostvoice3 = "Que estrany, no es va donar cap voice al canal [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "A [:nick] li agrada molt treure voice a la gent, [:devoices] devoices en total." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] tamb s'hi acosta, va treure voice a [:devoices] usuaris." mostdevoice3 = "La gent del [:channel] viu molt feli, no es ve treure cap voice :)" foultext = "Exemple:
     [:line]" userpic = "Foto" nottop = "Ells tamb hi sn, encara que parlin menys:" word = "Paraula" show_time = "Hora" numberuses = "Nombre d'usos" lastused = "Utilitzada per ltima vegada" lastseen1 = "[:days] dia fa" lastseen2 = "[:days] dies fa" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] estadstiques per [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Estadstiques generades el " pagetitle3 = "Durant els [:days] dies d'estadstiques, [:nicks] nicks diferents han passat per [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats generades per [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg per [:author_url] i altres" stats_gen_in = "Stats generats en [:time]" hours = "hores" minutes = "minuts" seconds = "segons" and = "i" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Malament karma per " goodkarma = "Bon kerma per" today = "Avui" show_lastseen = "Darrera visita" smiley = "Emoticona" gender = "Gnere" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "Femen" gender_m = "Mascul" song = "Can" playedby = "ltima vegada reproduda per" numberplayed = "Vegades escoltada" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Anar a la pgina del pisg" authorhomepage = "Anar a la pgina dels autors" newwindow = "Obrir en la finestra:" mailto = "Escriure un email a"
### Norwegian mostop1 = "[:nick] donerte [:ops] ops i kanalen.." mostop2 = "[:nick] var ogs veldig hyggelig: [:ops] ops fra [:ham:henne:]." mostop3 = "Merkelig, ingen op er delt ut p [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] er kanalens sheriff med [:deops] deops." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deopet [:deops] brukere." mostdeop3 = "Wow, ingen er deopet p [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] donerte [:voices] voicer i kanalen.." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] var ogs veldig hyggelig: [:voices] voicer fra [:ham:henne:]." mostvoice3 = "Merkelig, ingen voice er delt ut p [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] er kanalens sheriff med [:devoices] devoices." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] devoiced [:devoices] brukere." mostdevoice3 = "Wow, ingen er devoicet p [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] donerte [:halfops] halfops i denne kanalen..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] var ogs veldig vennlig: [:halfops] halfops fra [:han:henne:]." mosthalfop3 = "Rart, ingen halfop-status ble delt ut p [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] er kanalens sheriff med [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfopet [:dehalfops] brukere." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, ingen mistet halfop-status p [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] passer p fortelle oss hva [:han:hun:] gjr: [:actions] actions!" action2 = "[:nick] forteller oss ogs hva som skjer med [:actions] actions." action3 = "Ingen action p [:channel]!" actiontext = "For eksempel slik:
     [:line]" question1 = "Er [:nick] dum, eller stiller [:han:hun:] bare mange sprsml? [:per]% linjer med sprsml!" question2 = "[:nick] spr ogs mye. [:per]% av [:hans:hennes:] linjer er sprsml!" question3 = "Ingen p denne kanalen stillte sprsml. Jss." shout1 = "Den mest brkete er [:nick], som brkte [:per]% av tiden!" shout2 = "En annen brkmaker er [:nick], som skrek [:per]% av tiden!" shout3 = "Ingen brker p denne kanalen." allcaps1 = "Det ser ut som [:nick]s shift-tast henger: [:per]% av tiden skrev [:han:hun:] STORE BOKSTAVER." allcaps2 = "[:nick] glemte nok skru av Caps-Lock. [:Han:Hun:] skrev STORE BOKSTAVER [:per]% av tiden." allcaps3 = "Alle hadde caps lock under kontroll. Kjekt. :)" allcapstext = "For eksempel slik:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] er en aggressiv person. [:Han:Hun:] angrep andre [:attacks] ganger." violent2 = "[:nick] kan heller ikke kontrollere sin aggresjon. [:Han:Hun:] plaget andre [:attacks] ganger." violent3 = "Ingen slr hverandre. Alle er vennlige." violenttext = "For eksempel slik:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Stakkars [:nick], ingen liker [:ham:henne:]. [:Han:Hun:] ble angrepet [:attacks] ganger." attacked2 = "[:nick] er heller ikke likt. [:Han:Hun:] ble banket [:attacks] ganger." attackedtext = "For eksempel slik:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] er ikke veldig populr og ble kastet ut [:kicks] ganger!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] er heller ikke populr: [:kicks] kicks er notert." kicktext = "For eksempel slik:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] klarte ikke bestemme seg helt - [:joins] joins i denne perioden!" kick1 = "[:nick] er enten kjip eller en real op med totalt [:kicked] kicks p samvittigheten!" kick2 = "[:oldnick]s trofaste disippel, [:nick], kicket omtrent [:kicked] personer." kick3 = "Her er det bare snille ops. Ingen er kicket!" words1 = "[:nick] ytret totalt [:words] ord!" words2 = "[:oldnick] ble tett etterfulgt av [:nick] som ytret [:words] ord." words3 = "Ingen har sagt noe som helst!" mono1 = "[:nick] snakker mye med seg selv. [:Han:Hun:] skrev over 5 linjer p rad [:monos] ganger!" mono2 = "En annen ensom sjel var [:nick], som skrev over 5 linjer p rad [:monos] ganger." wpl1 = "[:nick] skrev gjennomsnittlig [:wpl] ord pr. linje." wpl2 = "Kanalgjennomsnittet er [:avg] ord pr. linje." long1 = "[:nick] skrev de lengste linjene, gjennomsnittlig [:letters] bokstaver pr. linje." long2 = "[:channel]s gjennomsnitt er [:avg] bokstaver pr linje." short1 = "[:nick] skrev de korteste linjene, gjennomsnittlig [:letters] bokstaver pr. linje." short2 = "[:nick] er ogs en person av f ord - [:letters] bokstaver pr. linje i gjennomsnitt." foul1 = "[:nick] m snart vaske munnen sin. [:per]% av linjene inneholdt stygt sprk." foul2 = "[:nick] er heller ikke svigermors drm, [:per]% av tiden." foul3 = "Ingen prater stygt p [:channel]!?!" foultext = "For eksempel slik:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] bringer lykke til verden. [:per]% av [:hans:hennes:] linjer inneholdt smileansikt. :-)" smiles2 = "[:nick] er heller ikke srlig sur. [:per]% av [:hans:hennes:] linjer inneholdt et smil." smiles3 = "Ingen smiler p [:channel]! :-(" sad1 = "[:nick] er trist for yeblikket: [:per]% linjer inneholdt :(!" sad2 = "[:nick] er heller ikke srlig blid. [:per]% av tiden." sad3 = "Ingen er triste p [:channel]! For en koselig kanal. :-)" month = "januar februar mars april may juni juli august september oktober november desember" day = "sndag mandag tirsdag onsdag torsdag fredag lrdag" names1 = "nicks" names2 = "nick" gender = "kjnn" gender_f = "hun" gender_m = "han" gender_b = "bot" ## Topics smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" chartstopic = "Musikk Liste" mostnickstopic = "Brukere med flest nicks" bignumtopic = "Store tall" othernumtopic = "Andre interessante tall" latesttopic = "Siste topics" activetimestopic = "Mest aktive tider" activenickstopic = "Mest aktive nicks" activenickbyhourtopic = "Mest aktive nicks i tidsperioder" mostwordstopic = "Mest brukte ord" referencetopic = "Mest refererte nick" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" urlstopic = "Mest refererte URLer" notopic = "Det har ikke vrt satt noen topic p denne kanalen." bylinetopic = "[:date] av [:nick] klokken [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Daglig aktivitet (siste [:n] dager)" activegenderstopic = "Mest aktive kjnn" ## Other text totallines = "Totalt antall linjer: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Dessuten var det [:totalnicks] andre nicks." totaltopic = "Topicen er satt [:total] ganger." nick = "Nick" names = "Navn Brukt" url = "URL" numberlines = "Antall linjer" randquote = "Tilfeldig sitat" userpic = "Bilde" nottop = "Disse ndde ikke toppen:" word = "Ord" numberuses = "Antall ganger brukt" show_words = "Antall ord" show_time = "Nr?" show_wpl = "Ord pr. linje" show_cpl = "Tegn pr. linje" show_lastseen = "Sist sett" lastused = "Sist brukt av" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "God karma av" badkarma = "Drlig karma av" lastseen1 = "[:days] dag siden" lastseen2 = "[:days] dager siden" today = "I dag" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] stats av [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistikk generert" pagetitle3 = "I lpet av denne [:days]-dagers perioden var totalt [:nicks] forskjellige nick representert p [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats generert av [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg er skrevet av [:author_url] og andre" stats_gen_in = "Statistikken ble generert p [:time]" hours = "timer" minutes = "minutter" seconds = "sekunder" and = "og" numberplayed = "Hvor ofte spilt" song = "Sang" playedby = "Sist spilt av" smiley = "Smiley" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "G til pisgs hjemmeside" authorhomepage = "G til utviklerens hjemmeside" newwindow = "pne i et nytt vindu:" mailto = "Mail til"
### Portuguese/Brazil action1 = "[:nick] sempre nos deixou por dentro do que [:ele:ela:] estava fazendo: [:actions] actions!" action2 = "[:nick] tambm nos contou sobre o que se passava com [:actions] actions." action3 = "No houve actions no [:channel]!" actiontext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" activenickstopic = "Pessoas que mais falam" activenickbyhourtopic = "Pessoal que mais falam por hora" activetimestopic = "Horas mais frequentadas" allcaps1 = "Aparentemente a tecla shift do [:nick] est presa: [:per]% do tempo [:ele:ela:] escreveu com CAPS." allcaps2 = "[:nick] se esqueceu de desativar seu Caps-Lock. [:Ele:Ela:] escreveu com CAPS [:per]% do tempo." allcaps3 = "Todo mundo manteve sua tecla shift sobre controle :)" allcapstext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" and = "e" attacked1 = "Pobre [:nick], ningum gosta [:dele:dela:]. [:Ele:Ela:] foi [:atacado:atacada:] [:attacks] vezes." attacked2 = "[:nick] parece no ser [:amado:amada:] tambm. [:Ele:Ela:] foi [:agredido:agredida:] [:attacks] vezes." attackedtext = "Por exemplo::
     [:line]" author = "pisg por [:author_url] e outros." authorhomepage = "Ir para o site do autor" bignumtopic = "Sobre nossos usurios" bylinetopic = "[:date] por [:nick] s [:time]" day = "Domingo Segunda-feira Tera-feira Quarta-feira Quinta-feira Sexta-feira Sbado" foul1 = "[:nick] necessita que lavem a sua boca com sabo, [:per]% de sua linhas contm um palavro." foul2 = "[:nick] tambm um boca-suja, fala palavres em [:per]% do tempo." foul3 = "Parece que ningum fala palavres no [:channel]! So todos santos e/ou de famlia?" gotkick1 = "[:nick] no tem sido muito popular, levou chute [:kicks] vezes!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] tambm tem sido odiado, foi chutado [:kicks] vezes." hours = "horas" joins = "[:nick] no sabe se fica ou se vai, entrou [:joins] vezes no canal!" kick1 = "[:nick] insano ou apenas linha dura, chutou [:kicked] pessoas!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] tem um seguidor barra-pesada, [:nick] chutou [:kicked] pessoas." kick3 = "Bons ops aqui, ningum foi chutado." kicktext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" lastseen1 = "[:days] dia atrs" lastseen2 = "[:days] dias atrs" lastused = "ltimo uso por" latesttopic = "ltimos topics" long1 = "[:nick] escreve linhas grandes, em mdia [:letters] letras por linha..." long2 = "A mdia do [:channel] de [:avg] letras por linha." mailto = "Email para" minutes = "minutos" mono1 = "[:nick] no tem amigos, escreveu mais de 5 linhas seguidas em [:monos] ocasies!" mono2 = "Outra pessoa solitria [:nick], que fez o mesmo em [:monos] vezes." month = "Janeiro Fevereiro Maro Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] o malvado do canal, tirou op de [:deops] pessoas." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] tirou o op de [:deops] pessoas." mostdeop3 = "Incrvel, nenhum op foi tirado no [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] gosta de retirar o voice das pessoas, com [:devoices] devoices." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] ficou perto do mesmo, retirando o voice de [:devoices] usurios." mostdevoice3 = "Nenhum voice foi retirado do [:channel]!" mostnickstopic = "Usurios com mais nicks" mostop1 = "[:nick] deu [:ops] ops no canal..." mostop2 = "[:nick] tambm no fica atrs: [:ops] ops foram dados por [:ele:ela:]." mostop3 = " raro, porm nenhm op foi dado no [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] doou [:voices] voices no canal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] tambm foi muito educado: [:voices] voices foram dados por [:ele:ela:]." mostvoice3 = "Estranho, nenhum voice foi dado no [:channel]!" mostwordstopic = "Palavras mais utilizadas" names = "Nicks utilizados" names1 = "nicks" names2 = "nick" newwindow = "Abrir em uma nova janela:" nick = "Nick" notopic = "Nunca foi usado um topic neste canal." nottop = "Falta pouco para chegarem ao topo:" numberlines = "Nmero de linhas" numberuses = "Nmero de usos" othernumtopic = "Outras coisas interessantes" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] - Estatsticas por [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Estatsticas geradas " pagetitle3 = "Durante os [:days] dias de estatsticas, [:nicks] nicks distintos passaram pelo [:channel]." pisghomepage = "Ir para o site do pisg" question1 = "[:nick] precisava de mais horas de estudo quando criana, [:per]% de suas linhas contm uma pergunta!" question2 = "[:nick] no muito inteligente, [:per]% de suas linhas so perguntas." question3 = "Ningum fez perguntas aqui, so todos gnios neste canal?" randquote = "Frases randmicas" referencetopic = "Pessoas de quem mais se fala" sad1 = "[:nick] parece estar triste no momento, [:per]% linhas contm carinhas tristes :(" sad2 = "[:nick] tambm est triste por [:per]% do tempo." sad3 = "Ningum est triste no [:channel]! Aqui somos todos felizes :-)" seconds = "segundos" short1 = "[:nick] a pessoa que escreve as menores linhas, com uma mdia de [:letters] letras por linha..." short2 = "[:nick] no fica atrs, com uma mdia de [:letters] letras por linha." shout1 = "A pessoa que mais gritou foi [:nick], que escreveu com exclamaes em [:per]% do tempo!" shout2 = "Quem no fica atrs [:nick], que gritou [:per]% do tempo!" shout3 = "Ningum escreveu frases exclamativas." show_cpl = "Caracteres por linha" show_lastseen = "Visto h" show_time = "Quando?" show_words = "Nmero de palavras" show_wpl = "Palavras por linha" smiles1 = "[:nick] parece ser a pessoa mais feliz do mundo, [:per]% linhas contm carinhas sorridentes :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] no uma pessoa triste, j que sorriu [:per]% do tempo." smiles3 = "Ningum sorriu no [:channel]! Vamos animar!!!" stats_gen_by = "Estatsticas geradas por [:pisg_url] v[:version]." stats_gen_in = "Estatsticas geradas em [:time]." today = "Hoje" totallines = "Nmero total de linhas: [:lines]." totalnicks = "S para constar, houve outros [:totalnicks] nicks." totaltopic = "O tpico foi setado [:total] vezes." url = "URL" urlstopic = "URLs mais mencionadas" userpic = "Foto" violent1 = "[:nick] uma pessoa muito agressiva. [:Ele:Ela:] atacou outras pessoas [:attacks] vezes." violent2 = "[:nick] tambm no consegue controlar suas agresses. [:Ele:Ela:] descontou em outras pessoas [:attacks] vezes." violent3 = "Ningum se estranhou com ningum. Todo mundo foi amigvel." violenttext = "Por exemplo:
     [:line]" word = "Palavra" words1 = "[:nick] falou um total de [:words] palavras!" words2 = "[:oldnick] tem um seguidor fiel, [:nick], que no falou tanto: [:words] palavras." words3 = "Ningum disse nada... Que canal estranho..." wpl1 = "[:nick] escreveu uma mdia de [:wpl] palavras por linha." wpl2 = "A mdia do canal foi de [:avg] palavras por linha." karma = "Carma" badkarma = "Mau carma por" goodkarma = "Bom carma por" smiley = "Smiley" gender = "Sexo" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "Feminino" gender_m = "Masculino" numberplayed = "Tocado" song = "Msica" playedby = "Tocado pela ltima vez por" foultext = "Por exemplo, assim:
     [:line]" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Msicais" dailyactivitytopic = "Atividade diria (ltimos [:n] dias)" activegenderstopic = "Por sexo" karmatopic = "[:channel] carma" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] concedeu [:halfops] halfops no canal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] tambm foi muito educado(a): [:halfops] halfops [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Estranho, no foi concedido nenhum halfop em [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] o xerife do canal com [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] retirou halfops de [:dehalfops] usurios." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, nenhum halfop foi pego em [:channel]!"
### Turkish mostop1 = "[:nick] kanalda [:ops] defa op verdi..." mostop2 = "[:nick] TAM [:ops] defa baskasina op verdi ." mostop3 = "Ilginc... [:channel] kanalinda hic op verilmemis!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] [:deops] deop ile kanal serifi olmaya hak kazandi." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] TAM [:deops] kullaniciyi deop etmis." mostdeop3 = "Hey, [:channel] kanalinda hic deop olayi olmamis!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] bagislandi [:halfops] kanaldaki halfoplar..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] da cok nazik idi: [:halfops] den halfop [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Tuhaf,hi halfop verilmedi [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] kanal serifi [:dehalfops] dehalfops ile." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfoplandi [:dehalfops] users." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, kimsenin halfopu alnmad [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] TAM [:voices] kere kanalda + verdi..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] cok iyi bir operator. [:voices] defa + verdi... " mostvoice3 = "Ilginc... [:channel] kanalinda hic + verilmiyor!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] kullanicilardan voice almayi seviyor... [:devoices] devoice." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] tam [:devoices] kisiyi devoice etti.." mostdevoice3 = "[:channel] kanalinda devoice olayi olmadi!" action1 = "[:nick] her zaman bize ne yaptigini sylyor: [:actions] aksiyon!" action2 = "Ayni zamanda, [:nick] [:actions] aksiyonla herseyini paylasanlardan." action3 = " [:channel] kanalinda aksiyon olmuyor!" actiontext = "Mesela:
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] aptal mi yoksa cok mu soru soruyor? Yazdiklarinin [:per]% gibi bir blmnde soru soruyor." question2 = "[:nick] fazla bir sey bilmiyor. Yazdiklarinin [:per]%'si soru iceriyor." question3 = "Bu kanalda kimse birsey sormuyor. Btn zekiler burada sanirim?" shout1 = "En cok bagiran[:nick], Yazdiklarinin [:per]% gibi bir kisminda bagiriyor!" shout2 = "Bagirmada eski rekortmen [:nick], [:per]% gibi bir kisimda bagiriyor!" shout3 = "Kanalda kimse bagirmiyor...Sper!" allcaps1 = "Sanirim [:nick]'in SHIFT tusu basili kalmis: yazdiklarinin [:per]% gibi bir kismi BUYUK HARF." allcaps2 = "[:nick] Caps-Lock tusunu kapamayi unutmus. [:per]% ortalama ile BUYUK HARF yaziyor." allcaps3 = "Herkes SHIFT tusunu kontrol altinda tutuyor... :)" allcapstext = "Mesela:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] tam bir manyak. Digerlerine tam [:attacks] defa saldirdi." violent2 = "[:nick] cok agresif... Digerlerine [:attacks]defa saldirdi." violent3 = "Herkes birbirini cok seviyor. " violenttext = "Mesela:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Zavalli [:nick], kimse onu sevmiyor. Ona toplam [:attacks] defa saldirdilar." attacked2 = "[:nick] de cok sevilmiyor. Tam [:attacks] defa tokatlandi." attackedtext = "Mesela:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] pek sevilmiyor. [:kicks] kere kanaldan atildi!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] de sevilenlerden degil: [:kicks] defa kanaldan atildi." kicktext = "Mesela:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] kalmak ya da gitmek arasinda tercih yapamadi. [:joins] kere giris/cikis yapti!" kick1 = "[:nick] ya deli ya da adil bir op, [:kicked] kisiyi kanaldan atmis.!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] [:nick] tarafindan takip ediliyor, o da [:kicked] kisiyi kanaldan atmis." kick3 = "Buradaki oplar kimseyi atmiyor..." words1 = "[:nick] toplam [:words] kelime konusmus!" words2 = "[:oldnick]'in sadik takipcisi, [:nick], fazla konusmayanlardan: [:words] kelime." words3 = "Kimse konusmuyor... Ne kadar ilginc bir kanal..." mono1 = "[:nick] kendi kendine cok konusuyor. Arka arkaya [:monos] kere 5 satir yazdi!" mono2 = "[:nick] rekoru zorluyor, [:monos] kere." wpl1 = "[:nick] satir basina ortalama [:wpl] kelime yaziyor ." wpl2 = "Kanal ortalamasi satir basina [:avg] kelime." long1 = "[:nick] en uzun cmleleri kuruyor, satir basina ortalama [:letters] karakter." long2 = "[:channel] ortalamasi satir basina [:avg] karakter ." short1 = "[:nick] en kisa satirlari yaziyor, her satirda ortalama [:letters] karakter." short2 = "[:nick] konusmayanlardan, sadece [:letters] karakter." foul1 = "[:nick] biraz kfrbaz bir yapiya sahip.Yazdiklarinin [:per]% gibi bir kisminda yasak kelime var." foul2 = "[:nick] da yasak kelime kullaniyor. Onun yzdesi ise: [:per]%" foul3 = "[:channel] kanalinda kimse kfr etmiyor!" smiles1 = "[:nick] mutluluk saciyor. Yazdiklarinin [:per]%'sinde :) var." smiles2 = "[:nick] de mutlu bir kisilik, zamaninin [:per]% gibi bir blmnde glyor." smiles3 = "[:channel] kanalinda kimse glmyor! Canlanin millet biraz haydi hop!" sad1 = "[:nick] zgn grnyor... Yazdiklarinin [:per]%'sinde :( var." sad2 = "Ayni zamanda [:nick] zgn olabilir, zamaninin [:per]%'sini aglamakla geciriyor ." sad3 = "[:channel] kanalinda uzgun kimse yok! Ne kadar mutlu bir kanal :-)" month = "Ocak Subat Mart Nisan Mayis Haziran Temmuz Agustos Eylul Ekim Kasim Aralik" day = "Pazar Pazartesi Sali Carsamba Persembe Cuma Cumartesi" names1 = "isimler" names2 = "isim" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Rekorlar" othernumtopic = "Diger ilginc sayilar" latesttopic = "En son kanal basligi" activetimestopic = "En aktif zaman araligi " activenickstopic = "En aktif rumuzlar" mostwordstopic = "En ok soylenen kelime" referencetopic = "En ok soylenen rumuz" urlstopic = "En ok ugranan Internet Adresleri" notopic = "Bu kanala hic baslik konmadi." mostnickstopic = "En ok rumuz degistiren kullanicilar" bylinetopic = "[:date] degistiren [:nick] zaman [:time]" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" smileytopic = "Smileyler :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Mzik haritalar" activenickbyhourtopic = "En aktif nickler" dailyactivitytopic = "Gnlk faaliyet (last [:n] days)" activegenderstopic = "En aktif cinsiyet" ## Other text totallines = "Toplam satirlarin sayisi: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Bu arada, [:totalnicks] adet baska rumuz vardi." totaltopic = "Kanal basligi [:total] defa degistirildi." nick = "Rumuz" names = "Kullanilan isimler" url = "URL" numberlines = "Toplam satir" randquote = "Rastgele kelime" userpic = "Resim" nottop = "Listeye giremeyenler:" word = "Kelime" numberuses = "Toplam kullanim" show_words = "Toplam kelime" show_time = "Ne zaman?" show_wpl = "Her satirdaki kelime" show_cpl = "Her satirdaki karakter" show_lastseen = "En son grldg zaman" lastused = "En son kullanan" lastseen1 = "[:days] gn nce" lastseen2 = "[:days] gn nce" today = "Bugun" pagetitle1 = "[:network]'te [:channel] istatistikleri. Yonetici: [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "istatistikler asagidaki zaman dilimini kapsar " pagetitle3 = "[:days] gunluk periyotta, toplam [:nicks] farkli rumuz [:channel] kanalinda bulundu." stats_gen_by = "Istatistikler [:pisg_url] v[:version] tarafindan yaratilmistir." author = "pisg'i yazan: [:author_url] ve digerleri" stats_gen_in = "Istatistikler [:time] icinde yaratildi" hours = "saat" minutes = "dakika" seconds = "saniye" and = "ve" karma = "Karma" goodkarma = "Tarafndan iyi karma" badkarma = "Tarafndan kt karma" smiley = "Smiley" foultext = "rnegin, bunun gibi:
     [:line]" gender = "cinsiyet" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "Bayan" gender_m = "Bay" playedby = "Tarafindan en son calindi" numberplayed = "Hangi sklkta cald" song = "arki" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "pisg web sayfasina git" authorhomepage = "Gelistiricilerin web sayfasina git" newwindow = "Yeni pencerede ac:" mailto = "E-posta"
### Romanian mostop1 = "[:nick] a dat op de [:ops] ori..." mostop2 = "[:nick] a fost deasemenea politicos: [:ops] ops de la el." mostop3 = "Bizar, nu s-a dat nici un op pe [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] e sheriff-ul canalului cu [:deops] deop-uri." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] a deop-at [:deops] useri." mostdeop3 = "Wow, nici un deop nu s-a dat pe [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] este sheriff-ul canalului cu [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfoped [:dehalfops] utilizatori." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, nici un halfop nu a fost luat in [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] a donat [:halfops] halfops in canal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] de asemenea au fost foarte politicosi: [:halfops] halfops de la [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Ciudat, nu s-a acordat nici un halfop in [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] a dat [:voices] voices pe canal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] a fost politicos, de asemenea: [:voices] voices de la el/ea." mostvoice3 = "Bizar, nu s-a dat nici un voice pe [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "Lui [:nick] ii place sa de-voice lumea: [:devoices] devoices." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] a fost pe aproape: a dat devoice la [:devoices] useri." mostdevoice3 = "Nu s-a dat devoice pe [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] intotdeauna ne zice ce face: [:actions] actiuni!" action2 = "De asemenea, si [:nick] foloseste mult '/me': [:actions] actiuni." action3 = "No actions in [:channel]!" actiontext = "De exemplu:
     [:line]" question1 = "E [:nick] nestiutor, sau pune prea multe intrebari? [:per]% din liniile sale contin o intrebare!" question2 = "Nici [:nick] nu stie prea multe. [:per]% din liniile sale au fost intrebari." question3 = "Nimeni nu a intrebat nimic pe canal." shout1 = "Recordul la exclamatii e detinut de [:nick]: [:per]% !" shout2 = "Alt excitat a fost [:nick], care a strigat doar [:per]% din timp!" shout3 = "Nimeni nu a strigat, wow." allcaps1 = "Se pare ca tasta SHIFT a lui [:nick] e blocata: [:per]% din linii le-a scris cu LITERE MARI!" allcaps2 = "[:nick] a uitat sa-si dezactiveze Caps-Lockul. A scris doar [:per]% din linii cu CAPS." allcaps3 = "Nimeni n-a scris cu litere mari." allcapstext = "De exemplu:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] e o persoana foarte agresiva. I-a atacat pe altii de [:attacks] ori." violent2 = "Nici [:nick] nu se poate controla. [:attacks] atacuri." violent3 = "Nimeni n-a batut pe nimeni. Toata lumea a fost pasnica!" violenttext = "De exemplu:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "[:nick] a fost tinta a [:attacks] atacuri." attacked2 = "[:nick] a fost batut doar de [:attacks] ori." attackedtext = "De exemplu:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] n-a fost foarte cuminte si a fost dat afara de [:kicks] ori!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] a primit doar [:kicks] kick-uri." kicktext = "De exemplu:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] nu a hotarat daca sta sau pleaca. A intrat pe canal de [:joins] ori!" kick1 = "[:nick] este sau nebun, sau doar un OP bun: a dat afara [:kicked] persoane!" kick2 = "Complicele lui [:oldnick], [:nick], a dat kick la doar [:kicked] persoane." kick3 = "Operatorii au fost simpatici, nici un kick pe canal!" words1 = "[:nick] a scris un total de [:words] cuvinte!" words2 = "[:nick] incearca sa-l ajunga din urma pe [:oldnick], cu doar [:words] cuvinte." words3 = "Nimeni n-a zis nimic.. bizar canal..." mono1 = "Lui [:nick] i place sa vorbeasca singur. A scris mai mult de 5 linii in sir de [:monos] ori!" mono2 = "Alt(a) singuratic(a) a fost [:nick], de doar [:monos] ori." wpl1 = "[:nick] a scris o medie de [:wpl] cuvinte pe linie." wpl2 = "Media canalului a fost de [:avg] cuvinte pe linie." long1 = "[:nick] a scris cele mai lungi linii, cu o medie de [:letters] litere pe linie." long2 = "Media canalului [:channel] a fost de [:avg] litere pe linie." short1 = "[:nick] a scris cele mai scurte linii: [:letters] litere pe linie." short2 = "[:nick] scrie la fel de putin, co u medie de [:letters] caractere." foul1 = "[:nick] are o gura cam spurcata. [:per]% din liniile sale contin obscenitati." foul2 = "[:nick] vorbeste ca birjarii doar [:per]% din timp." foul3 = "Nimeni nu vorbeste urat pe canal! Sunteti sanatosi?!" smiles1 = "[:nick] aduce fericire in lume. Zambeste in [:per]% din linii :)" smiles2 = "Nici [:nick] nu e o persoana trista, zambind [:per]% din timp." smiles3 = "Nimeni n-a zambit." sad1 = "[:nick] pare sa fie trist(a): [:per]% din linii contin ':('" sad2 = "[:nick] e la fel de trist(a) [:per]% din timp." sad3 = "Nimeni nu e trist pe [:channel]! Ce canal fericit. :-)" month = "Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Noiembrie Decembrie" day = "Duminica Luni Marti Miercuri Joi Vineri Sambata" names1 = "nume" names2 = "nume" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Recorduri" othernumtopic = "Alte cifre interesante" latesttopic = "Ultimele topic-uri" activetimestopic = "Perioadele cele mai active" activenickstopic = "Persoanele cele mai active" mostwordstopic = "Cuvintele cele mai des folosite" referencetopic = "Nick-ul chemat cel mai des" urlstopic = "Adresele cele mai frecvente" notopic = "Nu are topic." mostnickstopic = "Utilizatori cu cele mai multe nick-uri" bylinetopic = "[:date] de [:nick] la [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Activitate zilnica (ultimele [:n] zile)" activegenderstopic = "Cel mai activ sex" activenickbyhourtopic = "Cele mai active nick-uri pe ore" smileytopic = "Zambareti :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Topuri Muzicale" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" ## Other text totallines = "Numarul total de linii: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Au mai fost inca [:totalnicks] alte nick-uri." totaltopic = "Topicul a fost pus de [:total] ori." nick = "Nick" names = "Nume folosite" url = "URL" numberlines = "Numarul de linii" randquote = "Citat personal" userpic = "Userpic" nottop = "Acestia n-au intrat in top:" word = "Cuvant" numberuses = "Numarul de folosiri" show_words = "Numarul de cuvinte" show_time = "Cand?" show_wpl = "Cuvinte pe linie" show_cpl = "Caractere pe linie" show_lastseen = "Ultima vizita" lastused = "Ultima folosire de catre" lastseen1 = "[:days] zi in urma" lastseen2 = "[:days] zile in urma" today = "Azi" pagetitle1 = "Statisticile canalului [:channel] de [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Pagina generata pe data de " pagetitle3 = "In timpul acestei perioade de [:days] zile, un total de [:nicks] nick-uri diferite au fost pe [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Statistici generate de [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg de [:author_url] si altii" stats_gen_in = "Statistici generate in [:time]" hours = "ore" minutes = "minute" seconds = "secunde" and = "si" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Karma negativa de" goodkarma = "Karma pozitiva de" smiley = "Zambaret" gender = "Sexul" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "Feminin" gender_m = "Masculin" foultext = "De exemplu, ca aceasta:
     [:line]" numberplayed = "Frecventa ascultarii" song = "Melodie" playedby = "Ultima data ascultata de" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Mergeti la pagina oficiala pisg" authorhomepage = "Mergeti la pagina autorului" newwindow = "Deschide in fereastra noua:" mailto = "Email catre"
### Icelandic mostop1 = "[:nick] gaf [:ops] op rsinni..." mostop2 = "[:nick] var lka mjg kurteis: [:ops] op fr [:honum:henni:]." mostop3 = "Skrti, engin op voru gefin [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] er varstjri rsarinnar me [:deops] deop." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deopai [:deops] manns." mostdeop3 = "V, enginn var deopaur [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] gaf [:voices] voice rsinni..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] var lka mjg kurteis: [:voices] voice fr [:honum:henni:]." mostvoice3 = "Skrti, engin voice voru gefin [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] hefur gaman af a devoicea, [:devoices] devoice." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] hafi lka gaman af v, devoiceai [:devoices] manns." mostdevoice3 = "Engin voice voru tekin [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] ltur okkur alltaf vita hva [:hann:hn:] er a gera: [:actions] lsingar!" action2 = "[:nick] hefur lka mjg gaman af v, [:actions] lsingar." action3 = "Engar lsingar [:channel]!" actiontext = "Til dmis svona:
     [:line]" question1 = "Er [:nick] heimskur ea bara a spyrja of miki? [:per]% lna innihldu spurningu!" question2 = "[:nick] vissi ekki miki heldur. [:per]% af [:hans:hennar:] lnum voru spurningar." question3 = "Engin spuri spurninga hr, bara snillingar essari rs?" shout1 = "S hvaasamasti var [:nick], sem skrai [:per]% af tmanum!" shout2 = "Annar skrari var [:nick], sem skrai [:per]% af tmanum!" shout3 = "Enginn skrai rsinni" allcaps1 = "a ltur t fyrir a shift-takkinn hj [:nick] s fastur: [:per]% af tmanum skrifai [:hann:hn:] me HSTFUM." allcaps2 = "[:nick] gleymdi a taka Caps-Lock af hj sr. [:Hann:Hn:] skrifai me HSTFUM [:per]% af tmanum." allcaps3 = "Allir hfu stjrn shift takkanum snum." allcapstext = "Til dmis svona:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] er mjg rsargjarn. [:Hann:Hn:] rst ara [:attacks] sinnum." violent2 = "[:nick] getur ekki stjrna rsargirni sinni heldur. [:Hann:Hn:] rst ara [:attacks] sinnum." violent3 = "Enginn rst neinn, allir voru vinir." violenttext = "Til dmis svona:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Aumingja [:nick], engum lkar vi [:hann:hana:]. Rist var [:Hann:Hana:] [:attacks] sinnum." attacked2 = "[:nick] ltur t fyrir a vera [:vinsll:vinsl:] lka. [:Hann:Hana:] var rist [:attacks] sinnum." attackedtext = "Til dmis svona:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] var ekki mjg [:vinsll:vinsl:], [:honum:henni:] var sparka [:kicks] sinnum af rsinni!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] ltur t fyrir a vera hataur lka: [:Hann:Hn:] fkk [:kicks] sprk." kicktext = "Til dmis svona:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] Gat ekki kvei hvort [:hann:hn:] tti a koma ea fara. [:joins] innkomur tmabilinu!" kick1 = "[:nick] er anna hvort [:geveikur:geveik:] ea sanngjarn op, sparkai [:kicked] manns!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] sr haran fylgismann. [:nick] sparkar ekki jafn mrgum en sparkai [:kicked] manns." kick3 = "Gir opar hrna, engum var sparka!" words1 = "[:nick] sagi heildina [:words] or!" words2 = "[:nick] reyndi miki a tala jafn miki og [:oldnick] en sagi einungis [:words] or." words3 = "Enginn sagi neitt, skrtin rs" mono1 = "[:nick] talar miki vi [:sjlfan:sjlfa:] sig. [:Hann:Hn:] skrifai meira en 5 lnur r [:monos] sinnum!" mono2 = "Annar einmanna var [:nick], sem talai vi [:sjlfan:sjlfa:] sig [:monos] sinnum." wpl1 = "[:nick] skrifai a mealtali [:wpl] or hverri lnu." wpl2 = "Mealtali rsarinnar var [:avg] or hverri lnu." long1 = "[:nick] skrifai lengstu lnurnar, a mealtali [:letters] stafi hverri lnu." long2 = "[:channel] mealtali var [:avg] stafir hverri lnu." short1 = "[:nick] skrifai stystu lnurnar, a mealtali [:letters] stafi hverri lnu." short2 = "[:nick] var lka stuttorur, a mealtali [:letters] stafir hverri lnu." foul1 = "[:nick] kunni ll dnalegu orin. [:per]% af lnum [:hans:hennar:] innihldu dnaleg or ." foul2 = "[:nick] kann lka fkyrin, [:per]% af lnum [:hans:hennar:] innhldu fkyri." foul3 = "Enginn hefur sagt eitthva slmt [:channel]!" smiles1 = "[:nick] frir heiminum hamingju. [:per]% af lnum [:hans:hennar:] innihldu broskalla. :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] er heldur ekki fll, brosandi [:per]% af tmanum." smiles3 = "Enginn brosir [:channel]! Svona n allir a fara a brosa." sad1 = "[:nick] virist jst af unglyndi: [:per]% af lnum [:hans:hennar:] innihldu flukarla. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] er lka mjg leiur, fll [:per]% af tmanum." sad3 = "Enginn er fldur [:channel]! En hva etta er glaleg rs. :-)" month = "Janar Febrar Mars Aprl Ma Jn Jl gst September Oktber Nvember Desember" +day = "sunnudaginn mnudaginn rijudaginn mivikudaginn fimmtudaginn fstudaginn laugardaginn" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Strar tlur" othernumtopic = "Arar hugaverar tlur" latesttopic = "Undanfarin umruefni" activetimestopic = "Virkasti tmi slarhringsins" activenickstopic = "essir tala mest" mostwordstopic = "Mest notuu orin" referencetopic = "Mest umtluu glunfnin" urlstopic = "Mest umrddu tenglarnir" notopic = "Umruefni hefur aldrei veri sett rsinni" mostnickstopic = "eir me flestu glunfnin" bylinetopic = "[:date] eftir [:nick] klukkan [:time]" ## Other text totallines = "Fjldi lna: [:lines]." totalnicks = "a voru einnig [:totalnicks] arir sem sust." totaltopic = "Umruefni var sett [:total] sinnum." nick = "Glunafn" names = "Nfn notu" url = "URL" numberlines = "Fjldi lna" randquote = "Tilvitnun af handahfi" userpic = "Mynd" nottop = "essir komust ekki toppinn:" word = "Or" numberuses = "Fjldi notkuna" show_words = "Fjldi ora" show_time = "Hvenr?" show_wpl = "Or hverri lnu" show_cpl = "Stafir hverri lnu" show_lastseen = "Sast sur" lastused = "Sast nota af" lastseen1 = "[:days] degi san" lastseen2 = "[:days] dgum san" today = " dag" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] tlfri fr [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Tlfri bin til" pagetitle3 = " essu [:days] daga tmabili, sust [:nicks] mismunandi glunfn [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Tlfri bin til af [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg er skrifa af [:author_url] og rum" stats_gen_in = "Tlfri bin til [:time]" hours = "klukkustundum" minutes = "mntum" seconds = "sekndum" and = "og" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Fara heimasu pisg" authorhomepage = "Fara heimasu hfundar" newwindow = "Opna njan glugga:" mailto = "Senda tlvupst til"
### Czech mostop1 = "[:nick] dal [:ops] op na kanle..." mostop2 = "[:nick] byl tak velice pozorn. Rozdal [:ops]x op." mostop3 = "Divn, nikdo nebyl opnut na [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] brnil kanl [:deops] deopnutmi." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deopnul [:deops] uivatel." mostdeop3 = "Wow, nikomu nebyl na [:channel] odebran op!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] daroval [:halfops] halfop na kanle" mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] byl tak velmi slun: [:halfops] halfop od [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Zvltn, dn halfopov nebyly dni na kanlu [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] je kanlov erif s [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] odejmul halfopa [:dehalfops] uivatelm." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, dn halfop nebyl odejmut na [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] dal [:voices]x voice na kanale..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] byl tak docela pozorn. Udlil [:voices]x voice." mostvoice3 = "Hmm divn, dn voice nebyl na [:channel] udlen!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] rd bere lidem voice, [:devoices]x devoice." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] je starej despota, sebral voice [:devoices]ti uivatelm." mostdevoice3 = "dn voice nebyl odebrn na kanale [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] na sebe vdy prskne co dl. [:actions] akc!" action2 = "Tak, [:nick] dv na jevo svou innost [:actions] akcema." action3 = "dn akce na [:channel]!" actiontext = "Jako tohle: [:line]" question1 = "Je [:nick] hloup(), nebo m jen tolik dotaz? [:per]% lajn obsahuje otzku!" question2 = "[:nick] na tom je podobn, moc toho nev. [:per]% z nakecanho obsahuje otzku." question3 = "Nikdo se tu na nic nept; sam geniov ?" shout1 = "Nejhlasitejsi byl [:nick], kterej tady zdrazoval [:per]% svho casu!" shout2 = "Jin star mluvka byl [:nick], kterej tu zdrazoval [:per]% sv konverzace!" shout3 = "Nikdo tu na ! ani nehl, wow." allcaps1 = "Vypad to, e [:nick] drel svuj SHIFT [:per]% celeho asu co psal(a)." allcaps2 = "[:nick] prav zapomel vypnout svj Caps-Lock. [:Napsal:a:] VELKM [:per]% of the time." allcaps3 = "Kadej ml svj shift-key pod kontrolou. :)" allcapstext = "Napriklad: [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] je velmi agresivni osoba. Napadl(a) [:attacks]x ostatn." violent2 = "[:nick] neovld svou agresi. Napadl(a) ostatn [:attacks]x ." violent3 = "Tady se teda maj radi, po nikom se tu nevoz :)." violenttext = "Jako tohle: [:line]" attacked1 = "Chudek [:nick], nikdo ho nem rd. Byl(a) napaden(a) [:attacks]x ." attacked2 = "[:nick] vypad, e tak nen moc oblben(a). Napadli [:ji:ho:] [:attacks]x ." attackedtext = "Jako tohle: [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] nen moc populrn, Kopli jste ho [:kicks]x !" gotkick2 = "[:nick] vypad jako by jste ho taky nemli rdi. Dostal [:kicks]x ." kicktext = "Jako tohle: [:line]" joins = "[:nick] ukazoval jak mu to pad (abika). Joinul se [:joins]x !" kick1 = "[:nick] je asi pomatenej, nebo je jen spravedlivej op. Vyhodil celkem [:kicked] lid!" kick2 = "[:oldnick] m zdatnho nsledovnika, a je to [:nick], kterej vykopl [:kicked] lidi." kick3 = "Jsou tady njak mcc opi, nikoho nekopli!" words1 = "[:nick] promluvil(a) celkem [:words] slov!" words2 = "[:oldnick] m zdatnho nsledovnika, a je to [:nick], promluvil jen: [:words] slov." words3 = "Nikdo tady nemluvi ... Njakej divnej kanl..." mono1 = "[:nick] mluvil pro sebe vc ne je zdrvo. Hodil(a) sem po sob 5 lajn a to [:monos]x po sob !" mono2 = "Dal osamlec je [:nick], kterej to zvdl jen [:monos]x." wpl1 = "[:nick] napsal prmrn [:wpl] slov na lajnu." wpl2 = "Kanlov prmr je [:avg] slov na lajnu." long1 = "[:nick] napsal nejdel lajnu, prmrn [:letters] znak." long2 = "[:channel] prmr byl [:avg] znak na lajnu." short1 = "[:nick] napsal nejkratsi lajnu, prmrn [:letters] psmen." short2 = "[:nick] taky asto makal "enter", prmrn napsal [:letters] znak." foul1 = "[:nick] byl(a) celkem neslun(). [:per]% toho co zplodil(a) obsahuje nadvky." foul2 = "[:nick] by se ml stydt za [:per]% ze zaznamenanho cyklu." foul3 = "Nikdo si neoteviral usta na [:channel]! Nen to moc?" smiles1 = "[:nick] je astnej jako blecha. [:per]% z toho co napsal obsahuje smv. :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] neme bt smutn osoba, smje se [:per]% zaznamenanho cyklu." smiles3 = "Nikdo se na [:channel] nesmje! Chtlo by to tu troku rozjet." sad1 = "[:nick] nevypad zrovna astn. [:per]% z toho co napsal(a) obsahuje smutn obliej. :(" sad2 = "[:nick] je taky neastn osoba, ple [:per]% zaznamenanho cyklu." sad3 = "Veci jsou na [:channel] vysmat! Usmj se taky. :-)" month = "Ledena nora Bezna Dubna Kvtena ervna ervence Srpna Z jna Listopadu Prosince" day = "Pondel Uter Stedu tvrtek Ptek Sobotu Nedli" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Velk sla" othernumtopic = "Dal zajmav sla" latesttopic = "Poslen Topic" activetimestopic = "Zaten kanlu" activenickstopic = "Nejvc uvann" mostwordstopic = "Nejpouvanj slova" referencetopic = "Nejpouvanj Nicky" urlstopic = "Nejpouvanj odkazy" notopic = "Topic na tomto kanle nebyl jet zadn." mostnickstopic = "Uivatel s vce nicky" bylinetopic = "[:date] podle [:nick] na [:time]" chartstopic = "[:channel] Hudebn hitparda" smileytopic = "Smajlci :-) " dailyactivitytopic = "Denn aktivita (poslednch [:n] dn" activegenderstopic = "Nejvce aktivn pohlav" activenickbyhourtopic = "Nejvce aktivn nicky podle hodin" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" ## Other text totallines = "Konen poet stav. [:lines] lajn." totalnicks = "By the way, bylo zde [:totalnicks] jinch nicku." totaltopic = "Topic zmnili celkem [:total]x." nick = "Nick" names = "Jmno" url = "Odkaz" numberlines = "poet lajn" randquote = "Nhodn vta" userpic = "Obrzek" nottop = "Tihle nebyli dost ukecan:" word = "Slovo" numberuses = "Poet pouit" show_words = "Poet slov" show_time = "Kdy?" show_wpl = "Slovo na Lajnu" show_cpl = "Znaku na Lajnu" show_lastseen = "Naposledy vien" lastused = "Naposledy pouil" lastseen1 = "[:days] vera" lastseen2 = "[:days] days ago" today = "dnes" pagetitle1 = "Mal statistika z [:channel] @ [:network] od [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistiky vygenerovny v " pagetitle3 = "Bhem tohoto [:days]-dennho zaznamenanho cyklu, zde([:channel]) bylo celkem [:nicks] rznch lid." stats_gen_by = "Stats generated by [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg by [:author_url] and translate by James ()" stats_gen_in = "Stats generated in [:time]" hours = "hodiny" minutes = "minuty" seconds = "sekundy" and = "a" names1 = "Jmna" names2 = "Jmno" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Zl karma od" goodkarma = "Dobr karma od" smiley = "Smajlci" foultext = "Napklad, jako toto: [:line]" gender = "Pohlav" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "ena" gender_m = "Mu" song = "Psen" playedby = "Naposledny hrl" numberplayed = "Jak asto pehrvno" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Go to the pisg homepage" authorhomepage = "Go to the authors homepage" newwindow = "Open in new window:" mailto = "Mail to" ### Slovak mostop1 = "[:nick] @[:ol:la:] [:ops]x ." mostop2 = "[:nick] bol[::a:] tie vemi zdvoril[:::]. Rozdal[::a:] @ [:ops]x ." mostop3 = "Zaujmav, nikto nebol opnut na [:channel] :)" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] brnil[::a:] kanl [:deops] deopmi." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] deop[:ol:la:] [:deops] uvateov." mostdeop3 = "Wow, nikmu nebol odobran op na [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] daroval [:halfops] halfop-ov na kanali..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] bol tie vemi slun: [:halfops] halfop-y od [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = "Divn, iadny halfop nebol dan na [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] je kanlov erif s [:dehalfops] dehalfop-mi." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfop-nutch [:dehalfops] pouvateov." mostdehalfop3 = "Wau, iadny halfop nebol zobran na [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] dal[::a:] [:voices] hlas(ov) na kanale..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] bol[::a:] tie vemi zdvoril[:::]. Rozdal[::a:] [:voices] hlas(ov)." mostvoice3 = " Zaujmav, hlas nebol dany nikomu na [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] [:rd:rada:] berie uom hlas, celkom: [:devoices]x." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] sa k tomu priblil[::a:]. Odobral[::a:] hlas [:devoices] uvateom." mostdevoice3 = "iadny hlas nebol odobran na kanle [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] nm [:rd:rada:] hovor o rob: [:actions] akci!" action2 = "[:nick] tie asto hovor o rob, so svojimi [:actions] akciami." action3 = "iadne akcie na kanle [:channel]!" actiontext = "Naprklad:     [:line]" question1 = "Je [:nick] hlup[:k:ka:], alebo sa len privea pta? [:per]% riadkov obsahuje otzku!" question2 = "[:nick] je na tom podobne, vea toho nevie. [:per]% z [:jeho:jej:] viet obsahuje otzku." question3 = "Nikdo se tu na ni nepta, sam gniovia ?" shout1 = "Najhlunej[::ia:] bol[::a:] [:nick], ktor[:::] tu vrieskal[::a:] [:per]% asu!" shout2 = "Druh[:::] najstar[::ia:] krik[::ka:] bol[::a:] [:nick] s [:per]%!" shout3 = "Nikdo tu nekrial, wow :)." allcaps1 = "Vyzer, e [:nick] mal[::a:] stlaen CAPS LOCK [:per]% asu." allcaps2 = "[:nick] tie zabud[:ol:la:] vypn svoj Caps-Lock. Psal[::a:] VELKM [:per]% asu." allcaps3 = "Vetci mali svoj shift pod kontrolou. :)" allcapstext = "Naprklad:     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] je vemi agresvna osoba. Zatoil[::a:] [:attacks]x na ostatnch." violent2 = "[:nick] tie neovlda svoju agresiu. Napad[:ol:la:] ostatnch [:attacks]x ." violent3 = "Tu sa teda maj radi :)." violenttext = "Naprklad, ako toto:     [:line]" attacked1 = "Chudinka [:nick], nikdo [:ho:ju:] nem rd. Bol[::a:] napadnut[:::] [:attacks]x ." attacked2 = "[:nick] vyzer, e tie nie je vemi obben[:::]. Napadli [:ho:ju:] [:attacks]x ." attackedtext = "Naprklad, takto:     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] nie je vemi populrn[:y:a:]. Bol[::a:] vykopnut[:::] [:kicks]x !" gotkick2 = "[:nick] vyzer ako by [:ho:ju:] tie nemali radi. Dostal kick [:kicks]x ." kicktext = "Naprklad takto:     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] je dos nerozhodn[:::]. Priiel[::a:] na kanl [:joins]x !" kick1 = "[:nick] je troku vystresovan[:::], alebo len vemi spravodliv[:::] op. Vyhodil[::a:] celkom [:kicked] ud!" kick2 = "[:nick] je vern[:::] nsledovn[:k:ka:]. Vykop[:ol:la:] [:kicked] ud." kick3 = "S tu sam lemry, nikoho nekopli !" words1 = "[:nick] napsal[::a:] celkom [:words] slov!" words2 = "[:nick] sa to sna dohna s [:words] slovami." words3 = "Nikto tu ni nepe ... divn kanl..." mono1 = "[:nick] sa asto rozprva [:sm:sama:] so sebou. Napsal[::a:] 5+ riadkov po sebe [:monos]x!" mono2 = "aia osamel dua je [:nick], ktorm[:u:ej:] sa to stalo [:monos]x." wpl1 = "[:nick] napsal[::a:] priemerne [:wpl] slov na riadok." wpl2 = "Priemer kanla je [:avg] slov na riadok." long1 = "[:nick] pe najdlhie riadky. Priemerne [:letters] znakov na riadok." long2 = "priemer [:channel] je [:avg] znakov na riadok." short1 = "[:nick] pe najkratie riadky. Priemerne [:letters] znakov na riadok." short2 = "[:nick] je tie skp[:y:a:] na slovo. Priemerne napsal[::a:] [:letters] znakov na riadok." foul1 = "tatistiku nevymchanch hb vedie [:nick]. [:per]% nadvok na riadok." foul2 = "[:nick] ma tie celkom drsn slovnk. [:per]% zo zaznamenanho cyklu." foul3 = "Nikdo si neotvral sta na [:channel]? Neprehajte to!" smiles1 = "[:nick] prina rados do ivota. [:per]% riadkov obsahuje smajlk :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] tie neme by smutn[:::]. Usmieva sa v [:per]% riadkov." smiles3 = "Nikto se na [:channel] nesmeje! Sr! :)" sad1 = "[:nick] vyzer neastne: [:per]% riadkov obsahuje smutn xixtiq :(" sad2 = "[:nick] je tie neastn osoba, preplae [:per]% asu." sad3 = "Nikto nieje neastn na [:channel]! Hmm... " month = "janura februra marca aprla mja jna jla augusta septembra oktbra novembra decembra" day = "Nedeu Pondelok Utorok Stredu tvrtok Piatok Sobotu" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Vek sla" othernumtopic = "Dalie zaujmav sla" latesttopic = "Poslen Topic" activetimestopic = "Zaaenie kanla" activenickstopic = "Nejukecanej" mostwordstopic = "Najpouvanejie slov" referencetopic = "Najpouvanejie prezvky" urlstopic = "Najpouvanejie odkazy" notopic = "Topic na tomto kanle ete nebol nastaven." mostnickstopic = "Uvatelia s viacermi prezvkami" bylinetopic = "[:date] nastavil [:nick] [:time]" smileytopic = "Smajlci :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Hudobn rebrky" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" activenickbyhourtopic = "Najaktvnejie prezvky poda hodn" dailyactivitytopic = "Denn aktivita (last [:n] dn)" activegenderstopic = "Najaktvnejie pohlavie" ## Other text totallines = "Celkov poet riadkov: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Ale bolo tu aj [:totalnicks] inch prezvok." totaltopic = "Topic sa menil celkom [:total]x." nick = "Prezvka" names = "Meno" url = "Odkaz" numberlines = "Poet riadkov" randquote = "Nhodn veta" userpic = "Obrzok" nottop = "Tto neboli dos ukecan:" word = "Slovo" numberuses = "Poet pouit" show_words = "Poet slov" show_time = "Kedy" show_wpl = "Slov na riadok" show_cpl = "Znakov na riadok" show_lastseen = "Naposledy viden" lastused = "Naposledy pouil(a)" lastseen1 = "[:days] de dozadu" lastseen2 = "[:days] dni dozadu" today = "dnes" pagetitle1 = "Mal tatistika z [:channel] @ [:network] od bota [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "tatistika vygenerovan v " pagetitle3 = "Poas tchto [:days] dn, bolo na [:channel] celkom [:nicks] rozdielnych prezvok." stats_gen_by = "tatistiky generovan programom [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "Pisg napsal [:author_url], preloil Snowman a gramatyku opravovala janula :)" stats_gen_in = "tatistiky sa generovali [:time]" hours = "hod." minutes = "min." seconds = "sek." and = "a" names1 = "Men" names2 = "Meno" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Zl karma od" goodkarma = "Dobr karma od" smiley = "Smajlk" foultext = "Naprklad, ako toto:
     [:line]" gender = "Pohlavie" gender_f = "ena" gender_m = "Mu" gender_b = "Bot" song = "Piese" numberplayed = "Ako asto hran" playedby = "Naposledy hran od" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Cho na domcu strnku programu pisg" authorhomepage = "Cho na autorovu domcu strnku" newwindow = "Otvor v novom okne:" mailto = "Poli mail pre"
### Russian mostop1 = "[:nick] [:ops] ..." mostop2 = "[:nick] : [:ops] ." mostop3 = ", [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] - [:deops] ." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] [:deops] ." mostdeop3 = ", [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] [:halfops] -..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] was also very polite: [:halfops] halfops from [:him:her:]." mosthalfop3 = ", - [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] [:dehalfops] -." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] - [:dehalfops] ." mostdehalfop3 = ", - [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] [:voices] ..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] : [:voices] ." mostvoice3 = ", [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] - [:devoices] ." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] , [:devoices] ." mostdevoice3 = " [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] , : [:actions]!" action2 = ", [:nick] , - [:actions]." action3 = " [:channel]!" actiontext = ", :
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] ? [:per]% () !" question2 = "[:nick] . [:per]% () ." question3 = " ; , ?" shout1 = " [:nick], () () [:per]% , !" shout2 = " [:nick], - [:per]% !" shout3 = ", ." allcaps1 = ", Shift [:nick]: [:per]% () () ." allcaps2 = "[:nick] () Caps-Lock. () [:per]% ." allcaps3 = " Shift . :)" allcapstext = ", :
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] . () () [:attacks] ." violent2 = "[:nick] . () [:attacks] ." violent3 = " , ." violenttext = ", :
     [:line]" attacked1 = "() [:nick], () . / [:attacks] ." attacked2 = "[:nick] . [:attacks] ." attackedtext = ", :
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] () - [:kicks] !" gotkick2 = "[:nick] : [:kicks] ()." kicktext = ", :
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] () - . [:joins] !" kick1 = "[:nick] , - [:kicked] !" kick2 = " [:oldnick], [:nick], [:kicked] ." kick3 = " - !" words1 = "[:nick] [:words] !" words2 = " [:oldnick], [:nick], : [:words] ." words3 = " ... ..." mono1 = "[:nick] . () 5 [:monos] !" mono2 = " - [:nick], () () [:monos] ." wpl1 = "[:nick] () [:wpl] ." wpl2 = " - [:avg]." long1 = "[:nick] () , [:letters] ." long2 = "[:channel] - [:avg]." short1 = "[:nick] () , [:letters] ." short2 = "[:nick] , [:letters] ." foul1 = "[:nick] . [:per]% ." foul2 = "[:nick] , [:per]% ." foul3 = " [:channel]! !?" smiles1 = "[:nick] . [:per]% . :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] - [:per]% ." smiles3 = " [:channel]! , ." sad1 = "[:nick] , : [:per]% . :(" sad2 = " - [:nick], [:per]% ." sad3 = " [:channel]! . :-)" month = " " day = " " ## Topics bignumtopic = " " othernumtopic = " " latesttopic = " " activetimestopic = " " activenickstopic = " " activenickbyhourtopic = " " mostwordstopic = " " referencetopic = " " urlstopic = " URL" notopic = " ." mostnickstopic = " " bylinetopic = "[:date] - [:nick] [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = " ( [:n] )" smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] " karmatopic = "[:channel] " activegenderstopic = " " ## Other text totallines = " : [:lines]." totalnicks = ", [:totalnicks] ." totaltopic = " [:total] ." nick = "" names = " " url = "URL" numberlines = " " randquote = " " userpic = " " nottop = " :" word = "" numberuses = " " show_words = " " show_time = "?" show_wpl = " " show_cpl = " " show_lastseen = " " lastused = " " lastseen1 = "[:days] " lastseen2 = "[:days] " today = "" pagetitle1 = " [:channel] @ [:network] [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = " " pagetitle3 = " [:days]- , [:nicks] [:channel]." stats_gen_by = " [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg by [:author_url] . HUGO" stats_gen_in = " [:time]" hours = "" minutes = "" seconds = "" and = "" names1 = "" names2 = "" karma = "" badkarma = " " goodkarma = " " smiley = "Smiley" foultext = " :
     [:line]" gender = "" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "" gender_m = "" song = "" playedby = " " numberplayed = " " # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = " pisg" authorhomepage = " " newwindow = " :" mailto = ""
### Greek mostop1 = "/ [:nick] [:ops] ops ..." mostop2 = "/ [:nick] [:ops]." mostop3 = ", op [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "/ [:nick] [:deops] deops." mostdeop2 = " / [:nick] deop [:deops] ." mostdeop3 = ", op [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "/ [:nick] [:voices] voices ..." mostvoice2 = "/ [:nick] [:voices]." mostvoice3 = ", voice [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "/ [:nick] voices . devoice [:devoices] ." mostdevoice2 = "/ [:nick] , devoice [:devoices] ." mostdevoice3 = " devoice [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "/ [:nick] [:halfops] halfops ." mosthalfop2 = "/ [:nick] [:halfops] halfops." mosthalfop3 = ", halfop [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "/ [:nick] [:dehalfops] dehalfops." mostdehalfop2 = "/ [:nick] dehalfop [:dehalfops] ." mostdehalfop3 = ", halfop [:channel]!" action1 = "/ [:nick] : [:actions] actions!" action2 = " / [:nick] [:actions]." action3 = " action [:channel]!" actiontext = " :
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick]: ; [:per]% !" question2 = " / [:nick] [:per]% ." question3 = " . ;" shout1 = "/ [:nick] [:per]%!" shout2 = "/ [:nick] [:per]%." shout3 = " , !" allcaps1 = " / [:nick] Caps Lock: [:per]% ." allcaps2 = " / [:nick] . [:per]% ." allcaps3 = " , !" allcapstext = " :
     [:line]" violent1 = "/ [:nick] . [:attacks] ." violent2 = "/ [:nick] /. [:attacks] ." violent3 = " . ." violenttext = " :
     [:line]" attacked1 = " / [:nick]. [:attacks] ." attacked2 = "/ [:nick] . [:attacks] ." attackedtext = " :
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "/ [:nick] . / kick [:kicks] !" gotkick2 = "/ [:nick] . [:kicks] kicks." kicktext = " :
     [:line]" joins = "/ [:nick] , [:joins] ." kick1 = "[:nick]: ; kick [:kicked] ." kick2 = " , / [:nick] kick [:kicked] ." kick3 = " ! kicks :)" words1 = "/ [:nick] [:words] ." words2 = " / [:oldnick], / [:nick] [:words] ." words3 = " ... ..." mono1 = "/ [:nick] , 5 [:monos] !" mono2 = "A / [:nick] [:monos] ." wpl1 = "/ [:nick] [:wpl] ." wpl2 = " [:avg] ." long1 = "/ [:nick] , [:letters] ." long2 = " [:channel] [:avg] ." short1 = "/ [:nick] , [:letters] ." short2 = "/ [:nick] , [:letters] ." foul1 = "/ [:nick] , [:per]% " foul2 = " / [:nick] [:per]%." foul3 = " [:channel]!" foultext = " :
     [:line]" smiles1 = "/ [:nick] , [:per]% :)" smiles2 = " / [:nick] [:per]%." smiles3 = " [:channel]! ;" sad1 = "/ [:nick] . [:per]% :(" sad2 = "/ [:nick] , [:per]%." sad3 = " [:channel]! :-)" month = " " day = " " ## Topics bignumtopic = " " othernumtopic = "A " latesttopic = " topics" activetimestopic = " " activenickstopic = " " activenickbyhourtopic = " " mostwordstopic = " " referencetopic = " " smileytopic = "Smileys :-)" karmatopic = " [:channel]" urlstopic = " " chartstopic = " [:channel]" notopic = " topic ." mostnickstopic = " " bylinetopic = "[:date] [:nick] [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = " ( [:n] )" activegenderstopic = " " ## Other text totallines = " [:lines]." totalnicks = ", [:totalnicks] ." totaltopic = " topic [:total] ." nick = "" names = " " url = "" numberlines = " " randquote = " " userpic = "" nottop = " :" word = "" numberuses = "" show_words = " " show_time = ";" show_wpl = " " show_cpl = " " show_lastseen = " " lastused = " " smiley = "Smiley" karma = "" goodkarma = " " badkarma = " " lastseen1 = "[:days] " lastseen2 = "[:days] " today = "" pagetitle1 = " [:channel] [:network] [:maintainer]." pagetitle2 = " " pagetitle3 = " [:days] , [:nicks] [:channel]." stats_gen_by = " [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg [:author_url] " stats_gen_in = " [:time]" hours = "" minutes = "" seconds = "" and = "" names1 = "" names2 = "" gender = "" gender_f = "" gender_m = "" gender_b = "Bot" song = "" numberplayed = " " playedby = " " # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = " pisg" authorhomepage = " " newwindow = " :" mailto = " mail "
### Hebrew mostop1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:ops] ..." mostop2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::]: [:ops] [:::]." mostop3 = ", [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] [:::] : [:deops] !" mostdeop2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:deops] ." mostdeop3 = "! [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:voices] ..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::]: [:voices] [:::]." mostvoice3 = ", [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] [:::] ! [:devoices] ." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] [:::] /: [:devoices] ." mostdevoice3 = " [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:halfops] - ..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::]: [:halfops] [:::]." mosthalfop3 = ", - [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] [:::] , [:dehalfops] -" mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:dehalfops] -." mostdehalfop3 = ", - [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::] : [:actions] !" action2 = " , [:nick] [:::] [:actions] ''" action3 = " '' [:channel]!" actiontext = ", :
     [:line]" question1 = " [:nick] [:::] [:::] ? [:per]% !" question2 = " [:nick] [:::] . [:per]% [:::] ." question3 = " ; ?" shout1 = " [:::] [:::] [:nick], [:::] [:per]% !" shout2 = " [:::] [:nick], [:::] [:per]% !" shout3 = " ? !" allcaps1 = " [:nick] : [:per]% [:::] / ." allcaps2 = "[:nick] [:::] CapsLock [:::]. [:::] [:::] [:per]% ." allcaps3 = " :)" allcapstext = ", :
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] [:::] . [:::] [:attacks] ." violent2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::]. [:::] [:::] [:attacks] ." violent3 = " ... !" violenttext = ", :
     [:line]" attacked1 = "[:::] [:nick], [:::]. [:::] [:::] [:attacks] ." attacked2 = "[:nick] [:::]. [:::] [:::] [:attacks] ." attackedtext = ", :
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::], [:::] [:kicks] !" gotkick2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::] : [:::] [:kicks] ." kicktext = ", :
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] [:::] . [:joins] !" kick1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::], [:::], [:::] [:kicked] !" kick2 = " [:oldnick] [:::] [:nick], [:::] [:kicked] ." kick3 = " ( ), !" words1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:words] !" words2 = " [:oldnick], [:::] [:nick], [:::] : [:words] ." words3 = " , ..." mono1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::] [:::] [:::] 5 [:monos] !" mono2 = " [:::] [:::] [:nick], [:::] [:monos] ." wpl1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:wpl] ." wpl2 = " [:avg] ." long1 = "[:nick] [:::] ! [:letters] ." long2 = " [:channel] [:avg] ." short1 = "[:nick] [:::] ! : [:letters] ." short2 = " [:nick] , [:::] [:letters] ." foul1 = " [:nick] . [:per]% [:::] ." foul2 = "[:nick] [:::] , [:per]% ." foul3 = " [:channel] ! ?" foultext = ", :
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] [:::] . [:per]% [:::] :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] , [:per]% ." smiles3 = " [:channel]! ', !" sad1 = "[:nick] [:::] [:::] : [:per]% :(" sad2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:per]% ." sad3 = " [:channel]! ! :-)" month = " " day = " " ## Topics bignumtopic = " " othernumtopic = " " latesttopic = " " activetimestopic = " " activenickstopic = " " activenickbyhourtopic = " " mostwordstopic = " " referencetopic = " " urlstopic = " " notopic = " ." mostnickstopic = " " bylinetopic = "[:date] [:nick] [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "( ([:n] " smileytopic = " :-)" chartstopic = "[:] " karmatopic = " [:channel]" activegenderstopic = " " ## Other text totallines = " : [:lines]." totalnicks = ", [:totalnicks] ." totaltopic = " [:total] ." nick = "" names = " " url = "" numberlines = " " randquote = " " userpic = " " nottop = " :" word = "" numberuses = " " show_words = " " show_time = "?" show_wpl = " " show_cpl = " " show_lastseen = " " lastused = " " lastseen1 = "[:days] " lastseen2 = "[:days] " today = "" pagetitle1 = " [:channel] [:network] [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = " " pagetitle3 = " [:days] , [:nicks] [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Stats generated by [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg by [:author_url] and others" stats_gen_in = " : [:time]" hours = "" minutes = "" seconds = "" and = "" names1 = "" names2 = "" karma = "" badkarma = " " goodkarma = " " gender_m = "" gender = "" gender_b = "" gender_f = "" smiley = "" numberplayed = " " song = "" playedby = " " # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = " pisg" authorhomepage = " " newwindow = " :" mailto = " "
### Bulgarian mostop1 = "[:nick] [:ops] op- ..." mostop2 = "[:nick] [:::]: [:ops] op-." mostop3 = ", op [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] . Deop- [:deops] ." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] [:deops] op-." mostdeop3 = ", op [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] [:voices] voice- ..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] [:::]: [:voices] voice-." mostvoice3 = ", voice- [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] (voice-) : [:devoices] ." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] : [:devoices] devoice-." mostdevoice3 = " voice- [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] [:halfops] halfop- ..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] [:::] [:halfops] halfop-a." mosthalfop3 = ", halfop [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] . [:dehalfops] halfops." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] dehalfop- [:dehalfops] ." mostdehalfop3 = ", halfop [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] : [:actions] !" action2 = " , [:nick] [:actions] ." action3 = " [:channel]!" actiontext = " :
     [:line]" question1 = "[:nick] [:::] ? [:per]% o [:::] !" question2 = "[:nick] [:per]% [:::] ." question3 = " . ;)" shout1 = "- [:nick], [:per]% !" shout2 = " [:nick], [:per]% !" shout3 = " , ." allcaps1 = " shift- [:nick] : [:per]% ." allcaps2 = "[:nick] Caps-Lock- . [:::] [:per]% ." allcaps3 = " shift-a . :)" allcapstext = " :
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] . [:::] [:attacks] ." violent2 = "[:nick] . [:attacks] ." violent3 = " . ." violenttext = " :
     [:line]" attacked1 = " [:nick], [:::] . [:::] [:attacks] ." attacked2 = "[:nick] . [:::] [:attacks] ." attackedtext = " :
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] . [:::] [:kicks] !" gotkick2 = "[:nick] : [:kicks] ." kicktext = ":
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] : [:joins] !" kick1 = "[:nick] (), . [:kicked] !" kick2 = "[:nick] [:::] () [:oldnick], [:kicked] ." kick3 = "O , ." words1 = "[:nick] [:words] !" words2 = " [:oldnick] - [:nick], : [:words] ." words3 = " ... ..." mono1 = "[:nick] . [:::] 5 [:monos] !" mono2 = " [:nick], [:monos] ." wpl1 = "[:nick] [:wpl] ." wpl2 = " [:channel] [:avg] ." long1 = "[:nick] - - [:letters] ." long2 = " [:channel]: [:avg] ." short1 = "[:nick] - - [:letters] ." short2 = "[:nick] - [:letters] ." foul1 = "[:nick] (). [:per]% , , ." foul2 = "[:nick] - [:per]% ." foul3 = " [:channel] ." foultext = " :
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] . [:per]% [:::] :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] [:::], [:per]% ." smiles3 = " [:channel]! !" sad1 = "[:nick] [:::] : [:per]% :(" sad2 = "[:nick] [:::], [:per]% ." sad3 = " [:channel]! ! :)" month = " " day = " " ## Topics - bignumtopic = " " othernumtopic = " " latesttopic = " " activetimestopic = " ?" activenickstopic = "-" activenickbyhourtopic = "- " mostwordstopic = "- " referencetopic = "- " karmatopic = "[:channel] " urlstopic = "- web-" notopic = " " mostnickstopic = " - " bylinetopic = " [:nick] [:date] [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = " ( [:n])" activegenderstopic = "- " acrivegenderstopic = "- " smileytopic = " :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] " ## Other text smiley = "" numberplayed = " " song = "" playedby = " " totallines = " : [:lines]." totalnicks = " , [:totalnicks] ." totaltopic = " [:total] ." nick = "" names = " " url = "URL" numberlines = " " randquote = " " userpic = "" nottop = " -" word = "" numberuses = " " show_words = " " show_time = "?" show_wpl = " " show_cpl = " " show_lastseen = " " karma = "" goodkarma = " " badkarma = " " lastused = " " lastseen1 = "" lastseen2 = "[:days] " today = "" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = " " pagetitle3 = " [:days]- , [:nicks] [:channel]." stats_gen_by = " [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg [:author_url] " stats_gen_in = " [:time]" hours = "" minutes = "" seconds = "" and = "" names1 = "" names2 = "" gender = "" gender_f = "" gender_m = "" gender_b = "" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = " pisg" authorhomepage = " " newwindow = " " mailto = " "
### Serbian (Yugoslavian) mostop1 = "[:nick] je OPovao [:ops] osoba na kanalu..." mostop2 = "[:nick] je takodje bio bas darezljiv i OPovao je [:ops] osoba na kanalu" mostop3 = "Cudno, nije bilo opovanja na kanalu [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] je serif kanala sa [:deops] deopovanja." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] je deopovao [:deops] korisnika." mostdeop3 = "Wow, nije bilo deopovanja na [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] je podelio [:voices] plusica u kanalu..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] je takodje bio veoma darezljiv i podelio je [:voices] plusica." mostvoice3 = "Cudno, nisu deljeni plusici na kanalu [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] voli da skida plusice. Skinuo je [:devoices] plusica." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] je bio blizu sa oduzetih/oduzetim [:devoices] plusica/plusicem." mostdevoice3 = "Nije bilo skidanja plusica na kanalu [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] je podelio [:halfops] statusa pomocnog OP na kanalu..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] je takodje bio veoma darezljiv. Dao je [:halfops] pomocna OPa/pomocnih OPova ." mosthalfop3 = "Cudno, nije bilo pomocnih OPova na kanalu [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] je serif na kanalu. Skinuo je [:dehalfops] polu-OPa/polu-OPova." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] je skinuo [:dehalfops] polu-Opa/polu-Opova." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, nije bilo skidanja pomocnih OPova na kanalu [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] nam uvek stavlja do znanja sta radi. [:actions] akcija!" action2 = "Takodje, i [:nick] nam je saopstavao sta radi sa [:actions] akcija." action3 = "Nije bilo akcija na [:channel]!" actiontext = "Na primer:
     [:line]" question1 = " Da li je [:nick] glup ili previse pita? [:per]% njegovih redova se zavrsava upitnikom!" question2 = "[:nick] takodje mnogo toga nije znao. [:per]% redova sa upitnikom na kraju." question3 = "Niko nista inje pitao. Jesmo li to svi genijalci?" shout1 = "Najglasniji je bio [:nick], koji je vikao [:per]% vremena provedenog na kanalu!" shout2 = "Drugi galamdzija je bio [:nick], koji je vikao [:per]% vremena provedenog na kanalu!" shout3 = "Niko nije vikao." allcaps1 = "Izgleda da se [:nick]-u zaglavio shift: [:per]% vremena je pisao VELIKIM SLOVIMA." allcaps2 = "[:nick] je zaboravio da ugasi [:his:her:] Caps-Lock. Kucao je VELIKIM SLOVIMA [:per]% vremena provedenog na kanalu." allcaps3 = "Svi su imali svoj shift-key pod kontrolom. :)" allcapstext = "Na primer:
     [:line]" violent1 = " [:nick] je beo veoma agresivan.Napadao je druge [:attacks] puta." violent2 = "[:nick] nije mogao da kontrolse [:his:her:] svoj bes. Izabrao je druge [:attacks] da napada za svoje vreme provedeno u kanalu." violent3 = "Niko nije napadao ostale. Svi su bili prijateljski raspolozeni." violenttext = "Kao na ovom primeru:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "Niko nije voleo korisnika [:nick]. Napadnut je [:attacks] puta." attacked2 = "Izgleda da ni korisnika [:nick] nisu voleli. Slapovan je [:attacks] puta." attackedtext = "Kao na primer:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] nije bio bas popularan, kikovan je [:kicks] puta!" gotkick2 = "Mrzili su i korisnika [:nick]. Kikovan je [:kicks] puta." kicktext = "Kao na primer:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] nije mogao da se odluci da li da ostane ili da ide. [:joins] puta je usao na kanal!" kick1 = "[:nick] je ili lud ili samo fer OP. Kikovao je [:kicked] korisnika!" kick2 = "Verni pratilac OPa [:oldnick], [:nick], kikovao je [:kicked] korisnika." kick3 = "Ovde su OPovi fini. Niko nije kikovan!" words1 = "[:nick] je rekao ukupno [:words] reci!" words2 = "U stopu za korisnikom [:oldnick] je [:nick], koji je napisao ukupno [:words] reci." words3 = "Niko nije pricao... Cudan kanal..." mono1 = "[:nick]je pricao sam sa sobom. [:monos] puta je ispisao vise od 5 redova uzastopno!" mono2 = "Takodje usamljen bio je [:nick]. Vodio je monolog [:monos] puta." wpl1 = "[:nick] je pisao prosecno [:wpl] reci po redu." wpl2 = "Prosek na kanalu je bio [:avg] reci po redu." long1 = "[:nick] je pisao je najduze redove sa prosecno [:letters] slova." long2 = "Na [:channel] prosecno je pisano [:avg] slova po redu." short1 = "[:nick] je pisao najkrace redove sa prosecno [:letters] slova." short2 = "[:nick] je takodje drzao usta zatvorena. Prosecno [:letters] ispisanih slova." foul1 = "[:nick] bas voli da psuje. [:per]% onoga sto je napisao su bile psovke!" foul2 = "[:nick] je takodje psovao [:per]% vremena provedenog na kanalu." foul3 = "Niko nije psovao na [:channel]! :-)) Get out much?" foultext = "Kao na primer:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] donosi svetu srecu :). U [:per]% njegovih redova ima smajli :)" smiles2 = "[:nick] takodje nje bio tuzan. Smesio se [:per]% vremena provedenog na kanalu." smiles3 = "Niko se ne smesi na [:channel]! Razvedrite se, momci." sad1 = "Izgleda da je [:nick] trenutno tuzan. [:per]% redova zavrsavao je tuznim licem :(" sad2 = "[:nick] je takodje tuzan. Plakao je [:per]% vremena provedenog na kanalu." sad3 = "Na [:channel] niko nije tuzan! Bas veseo kanal. :-)" month = "Janar Februar Mart April Maj Jun Juli Avgust Septembar Oktobar Novembar Decembar" day = "Nedelja Ponedeljak Utorak Sreda Cetvrtak Petak Subota" ## Topics bignumtopic = "Ostale zanimljive aktivnosti:" othernumtopic = "Ostale zanimljivosti" latesttopic = "Poslednjih nekoliko topic-a" activetimestopic = "Intervali sa najvise aktivnosti" activenickstopic = "Najaktivniji nikovi" activenickbyhourtopic = "Najaktivniji nikovi po satu" mostwordstopic = "Najcesce upotrebljavane reci" referencetopic = "Najcesce pomenut nikk" urlstopic = "Najcesce pomenuta URL adresa" notopic = "Na ovom kanalu niko nije postavio topic" mostnickstopic = "Korisnici sa najvise nikova" bylinetopic = "[:date] od [:nick] u [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Aktivnosti po danu (poslednjih [:n] dana)" smileytopic = "Smajliji :-)" chartstopic = "[:channel] Muzicki Chartovi" karmatopic = "[:channel] karma" activegenderstopic = "Najaktivniji pol" ## Other text totallines = "Ukupan broj redova: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Usput budi receno, bilo je jos [:totalnicks] drugih nikova." totaltopic = "Topic je setovan [:total] puta." nick = "Nik" names = "Pominjana imena" url = "URL" numberlines = "Broj redova" randquote = "Nasumicni citat" userpic = "Slika korisnika" nottop = "Nisu mogli da udju u grupu od 50 najaktivnijih:" word = "Rec" numberuses = "Broj korisnika" show_words = "Broj Reci" show_time = "Kada?" show_wpl = "Reci po redu" show_cpl = "Slova po redu" show_lastseen = "Poslednji put vidjen" lastused = "Zadnji upotrebljen od" lastseen1 = "[:days] dan" lastseen2 = "[:days] dana" today = "Danas" pagetitle1 = "[:channel] @ [:network] stats by [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "Statistika je obnovljena u " pagetitle3 = "Za vreme ovog [:days]-dnevnog perioda, pojavilo se ukupno [:nicks] na [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Statistike generisane od [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg by [:author_url] and others" stats_gen_in = "Statistike izradjene za [:time]" hours = "casova" minutes = "minuta" seconds = "sekundi" and = "i" names1 = "imena" names2 = "ime" karma = "Karma" badkarma = "Losa karma by" goodkarma = "Dobra karma by" smiley = "Smajli" gender = "Pol" gender_b = "Bot" gender_f = "Zensko" gender_m = "Musko" song = "Pesma" numberplayed = "Retko pustano" playedby = "Poslednje pusteno by" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Idi na homepage" authorhomepage = "Poseti autorov web sajt" newwindow = "Otvori u novom prozoru:" mailto = "E-mail"
### Albanian mostop1 = "[:nick] dhuroi [:ops] OP n kanal..." mostop2 = "[:nick] ishte gjithashtu i sjellshm: [:ops] OP nga [:ai:ajo:]." mostop3 = "E uditshme, asnj OP nuk u dha n [:channel]!" mostdeop1 = "[:nick] sht polici i kanalit me [:deops] DEOP-erime." mostdeop2 = "[:nick] DEOP-eroi [:deops] prdorues." mostdeop3 = "Wow, nuk u dha asnj OP n [:channel]!" mostvoice1 = "[:nick] dhuroi [:voices] VOICE n kanal..." mostvoice2 = "[:nick] ishte gjithashtu i sjellshm: [:voices] VOICE nga [:ai:ajo:]." mostvoice3 = "E uditshme, nuk sht dhn asnj VOICE n [:channel]!" mostdevoice1 = "[:nick] i plqen t heqi VOICE t tjerve, [:devoices] DEVOICES." mostdevoice2 = "[:nick] ishte afr t siprprmendurit, i hoqi VOICE [:devoices] prdoruesve." mostdevoice3 = "Nuk ndodhi asnj DEVOICE n [:channel]!" mosthalfop1 = "[:nick] Dhuroi [:halfops] HALFOPS n kanal..." mosthalfop2 = "[:nick] ishte gjithashtu shum i sjellshm: [:halfops] HALFOP nga [:ai:ajo:]." mosthalfop3 = "E uditshme, nuk sht dhn asnj HALFOP n [:channel]!" mostdehalfop1 = "[:nick] sht polici i kanalit me [:dehalfops] DEHALFOP." mostdehalfop2 = "[:nick] i hoqi HALFOP [:dehalfops] prdoruesve." mostdehalfop3 = "Wow, nuk u dha asnj HALFOP n [:channel]!" action1 = "[:nick] na tregon gjithmon far [:ai:ajo:] sht duke br me: [:actions] veprime!" action2 = "Gjithashtu, [:nick] na tregon far bn me [:actions] veprime." action3 = "Asnj veprim n [:channel]!" actiontext = "Prshembull, si ky:
     [:line]" question1 = "A sht [:nick] budalla apo vetm pyet? [:per]% e rreshtave prmbanin nj pyetje!" question2 = "[:nick] nuk dinte kush e di se far as ai. [:per]% e rreshtave t tij/saj ishin pyetje." question3 = "Asnjri nuk bri pyetje ktu; a thua jan t gjith gjeni n kt kanal?" shout1 = "Ai q brtiste m shum ishte [:nick], q ulriti [:per]% t kohs!" shout2 = "Nj tjetrgrthits ishte [:nick], ulriti [:per]% t kohs!" shout3 = "Wow, asnj nuk brtiti." allcaps1 = "M duket se tasti Shift i [:nick] ka ngecur: [:per]% t kohs s [:tij:saj:] shkruajti me GRMA T MDHA." allcaps2 = "[:nick] vetm sa harroi t aktivizoj Caps-Lock e [:tij:saj:]. [:Ai:Ajo:] shkruajti ME T MADHE [:per]% t kohs." allcaps3 = "T gjith e kishin nn kontroll tastin Caps-Lock. :)" allcapstext = "Prshembull, si kjo:
     [:line]" violent1 = "[:nick] sht nj person i dhunshm. [:Ai:Ajo:] sulmoi t tjert [:attacks] her." violent2 = "Sido q t jet, edhe [:nick] nuk i kontrollon dot sulmet e [:tij:saj:]. [:Ai:Ajo:] ngacmoi t tjert [:attacks] her." violent3 = "Asnjri nuk ngacmoi t tjert. dokush qe miqsor." violenttext = "Prshembull, si kjo:
     [:line]" attacked1 = "I gjori [:nick], asnjri nuk e plqen. [:Ai:Ajo:] u sulmua [:attacks] her." attacked2 = "[:nick] ngjan t jet i padshiruar gjithashtu. [:Ai:Ajo:] u ngacmua [:attacks] her." attackedtext = "Prshembull, si kjo:
     [:line]" gotkick1 = "[:nick] nuk qe shum popullor, mori shqelma(kicked) [:kicks] her!" gotkick2 = "[:nick] ngjan t ket qen i urryer gjithashtu: mori [:kicks] dbime." kicktext = "Prshembull, si ky:
     [:line]" joins = "[:nick] nuk dinte 't bnte, t ikte apo t rrinte. [:joins] hyrje t raportuara n kt periudh!" kick1 = "[:nick] sht nj OP i mendur(apo vetm i drejt?), ka przn [:kicked] person/a!" kick2 = "[:nick] e ndjek pas, zboi [:kicked] person/a." kick3 = "Paska operator t mir ktu, asnjri nuk ka marr shqelma!" words1 = "[:nick] shkruajti nj total prej [:words] fjalsh!" words2 = "[:nick] e ndjek pas, nuk foli dhe aq shume: [:words] fjal." words3 = "Asnjeri nuk foli... Kanal i uditshm..." mono1 = "[:nick] flet shum me vetveten. [:Ai:Ajo:] shkruajti mbi 5 her nga nj rresht [:monos] her!" mono2 = "Nj i vetmuar tjetr ishte [:nick], q qlloi t fliste vetm [:monos] her." wpl1 = "[:nick] shkruajti mesatarisht [:wpl] fjal pr rresht." wpl2 = "Mesatarja e kanalit ishte [:avg] fjal pr rresht." long1 = "[:nick] shkruajti rreshtat m t gjat, mesatarisht [:letters] shkronja pr rresht." long2 = "Mesatarja e [:channel] ishte [:avg] grma pr rresht." short1 = "[:nick] shkruajti rreshtat m t shkurtr, mesatarisht [:letters] grma pr rresht." short2 = "Edhe [:nick] ishte prtac, gjithashtu, mesatarisht [:letters] grma." foul1 = "[:nick] ishte llapazan. [:per]% e fjalve ishin t teprta." foul2 = "[:nick] gjithashtu mrzit t tjert, [:per]% t kohs." foul3 = "Asnjri nuk foli keq n [:channel]! Shum prjashtime?" foultext = "Prshembull, si kjo:
     [:line]" smiles1 = "[:nick] lumturon botn. [:per]% e rreshtave prmbante buzqeshje. :)" smiles2 = "As [:nick] nuk sht i mrzitur, duke buzqeshur [:per]% t kohs." smiles3 = "Asnjeri nuk buzqeshi n [:channel]! Gzohuni djem dhe vajza!" sad1 = "[:nick] ngjan i mrzitur pr momentin: [:per]% e rreshtave prmbante mrzitje. :(" sad2 = "Edhe [:nick] sht i mrzitur, duke u qar [:per]% t kohs." sad3 = "Asnjeri nuk sht i mrzitur n [:channel]! Sa kanal i qeshur! :-)" month = "Janar Shkurt Mars Prill Maj Qershor Korrik Gusht Shtator Tetor Nntor Dhjetor" day = "Dieln, Hnn, Martn, Mrkurn, Enjten, Premten, Shtunn," ## Topics bignumtopic = "Shifra t mdha" othernumtopic = "Statistika t tjera" latesttopic = "Tema e fundit" activetimestopic = "Periudhat m aktive" activenickstopic = "Personat m aktiv" activenickbyhourtopic = "M aktivt sipas ors" mostwordstopic = "Fjalt m t prdorshme" referencetopic = "M t prmendurit" urlstopic = "Adresat m t prmendura" notopic = "Ky kanal nuk ka patur asnjher ndonj Tem." mostnickstopic = "Personat me m shum nofka" bylinetopic = "[:date] nga [:nick] n [:time]" dailyactivitytopic = "Veprimtaria ditore ([:n] ditt e fundit)" ## Other text totallines = "Numri i prgjithshm i rreshtave: [:lines]." totalnicks = "Meq ra fjala, pati [:totalnicks] nofka t tjera." totaltopic = "Tema sht vendosur [:total] her." nick = "Nofka" names = "Emrat e Prdorur" url = "URL" numberlines = "Numrat e Rreshtave" randquote = "Citim i rastit" userpic = "Foto" nottop = "Kta nuk arritn t dalin n 'tabel t nderit':" word = "Fjal" numberuses = "Numri i Prdoruesve" show_words = "Numri i Fjalve" show_time = "Kur?" show_wpl = "Fjal pr Rresht" show_cpl = "Grma pr Rresht" show_lastseen = "Par s fundi" lastused = "I prdorur s fundi nga" lastseen1 = "[:days] dit m par" lastseen2 = "[:days] dit m par" today = "Sot" pagetitle1 = "Statistikat e [:channel] @ [:network] [:maintainer]" pagetitle2 = "T dhnat u nxorrn t " pagetitle3 = "Gjat ktyre [:days] ditve raportimi, nj total prej [:nicks] nofkash t ndryshme u prezantuan n [:channel]." stats_gen_by = "Statistikat, nxjerr me [:pisg_url] v[:version]" author = "pisg nga [:author_url] dhe t tjer" stats_gen_in = "Statistikat, nxjerr n [:time]" hours = "or" minutes = "minuta" seconds = "sekonda" and = "dhe" names1 = "emrat" names2 = "emri" # Mouse-over titles pisghomepage = "Vizito faqen e pisg" authorhomepage = "Shko tek faqja e autorit" newwindow = "Hape n dritare t re:" mailto = "Drgoi nj email"